I’ve been suffering from major recipe block. Or is it recipe flop?
Is that even a thing? I guess it is. I didn’t know it was a thing until I started making so many darn recipes. After last week’s so-so recipe creations, I spilled an entire can of coconut milk all over the inside of my fridge on Friday afternoon. Checkmate. That’s when I knew it was time to step away from the kitchen for a bit.
As it turns out, I like to eat a lot so my kitchen boycott didn’t last very long!
Then there is writer’s block. I can totally understand how writers lose their marbles and go completely bonkers. The more you think about writer’s block, the more blocked up you get. The blanker and more annoying the screen gets. And then you just end up writing something random like this post. I’ve also had speaker’s block since 1985. It can be cured with a couple glasses of wine though, so it’s not too serious. You should’ve seen me on Saturday night! I could’ve hosted my own talk show.
Despite feeling a bit apathetic to recipes as of late, food and I are still on very good terms. Shocker, I know! Grudges are not something I’m into. Just because my homemade chocolate recipe didn’t turn out the other day doesn’t mean I don’t happily take handfuls of chocolate chips from the jar when I walk by. I’m a firm believer in second chances. Plus, this recipe from 2009 wasn’t so bad to begin with.
To celebrate my love for food and streak of recipe flops, this is my next installment of Foods I’m Loving Lately. If you are looking for a recipe, there are a few below, including a fun strawberry lemonade that I can’t get enough of lately.
1. Avocados
For some reason I fell off the avocado train for a couple months, but I’m back like I was never gone. Do you ever forget about foods you love? I do it all the time. Then, BAM, one day I spot it in the store and it’s love at first sight all over again. Eat them in a wrap, on toast, in a salad, or in 15 Minute Creamy Avocado Pasta. I’ve also been known to just slice one open and spoon it straight into my mouth.

2. The Ultimate Organic Raw Wrap by Natural Living
When I think of all the wheat or rice based wraps I’ve enjoyed in my life…these flax wraps trump them ALL! They are bursting with good-for-you ingredients like ground flax, veggies, herbs, lemon, and spices. Wait! How can ground flax taste this good? I really don’t get it either. I bought these at Organic Garage in Oakville (in the freezer section)..but promise not to take my stash from me…

Dressed up with avocado, veggies, and hummus…incredibly good and healthy.

I was actually inspired to dig out my dehydrator (which has been collecting dust!) and try to make my own! I’m going to take my first shot at it today…wish me luck. Sour cream and onion kale chips and banana flax wraps are also on the menu. But first, I should wipe the 5 inches of dust off it.

3. Frozen Mixed Greens
Are you stuck in a spinach rut with your Green Monsters? It’s an easy thing to do. Buying frozen mixed greens is an easy way to get a nice variety of nutrients in your smoothies. This blend in particular has a mix of collard, kale, and mustard greens. I’m not usually a fan of collard and mustard greens (ok…never), but I don’t even notice them once blended into a smoothie.

4. Banana Soft Serve
Spring is in full force and so is Banana Soft Serve! I have bags of frozen bananas in my freezer to prove it. One thing is for sure, you never want to be caught with a banana soft serve craving and find yourself without any frozen bananas. It’s soul crushing. If you haven’t tried it yet, now is the time. To make it simply process frozen bananas in your food processor until creamy like ice cream. You can add a splash of almond milk or other mix-ins as desired. I will forever be grateful to Gena for bringing this into my life.

5. President’s Choice Organic Almond Milk
President’s Choice just made me love them a bit more. They just came out with an organic version of their almond milk. This could be all in my head, but I SWEAR it tastes better (I did a side by side taste test). It’s also the same price as the non-organic Almond Breeze in one of the stores I spotted it.

6. Sasha Co. Spelt Bread Crumbs
Like Panko, only whole grain and very flavourful. I love mixing these into stir fry’s to add a little somethin’ somethin’ & crunchy crunch.

7. Oh Mega Carrot Cake Breakfast Cookies
Eric always says that I never make good recipes more than once, so once in a blue moon I prove him wrong. These cookies lasted 2 days.

8. Crofter’s Raspberry Spread
What do you get when you spread Crofter’s raspberry jam, Sunbutter, and a mashed banana onto a piece of toast? Heaven, that’s what.

9. Lemon or lime water
I’ve been trying to get more water into my diet and this is a good start to the day.

10. Asparagus
Ok, I’m finally getting a bit tired of asparagus (I’ve made a couple cookbook recipes you didn’t see!), but prepared this way is just irresistible.

11. Kettle Brand Krinkle Chips
We don’t buy chips very often, but when we do it’s a real treat. I love the short ingredient list of Kettle chips: organic potatoes, safflower/sunflower oil, and sea salt. The jalapeno and salt & vinegar are next on my list.
Might I also add, they are the perfect food to cure a hangover on a Sunday morning!

12. Endurance Crackers
The easiest cracker to whip up and the perfect vehicle for hummus.

13. Medjool Dates

Nature’s candy! I’ve been trying out homemade date syrup too.

14. 60 Second Strawberry Lemonade
Delightful on a hot day. For the recipe, click here.

What foods are you loving lately?
For part 1, see 7 Foods I’m Loving Lately.
Does anyone know where I can get those wraps in the U.S.? They look awesome!
Kale salad, and it turned off cool so been making lots of soups. One of my favorites is Smoky Refried Bean, yummy!
Hi Angela, I recently discovered your blog and you are such and inspiration to me!
Anyway, I am addicted to avocados right now too! I like to eat them in a spinach salad with radishes, carrots, drizzled with olive oil, lime juice, and garlic. It’s surprisingly delicious! The garlic makes it taste like guacamole. I am also in love with larabars! Especially the chocolate brownie and lemon bar flavors.
Hello Angela! Congratulations on your blog! Loving it so far, and looking forward to trying your recipes when I find time :) Thanks a lot for sharing! Hope you don’t mind me telling food lovers about it! :)
Lately, I’ve been trying out different mixes, pulses/legumes + grains. Today for lunch I had pearl barley + yellow split peas in coconut oil and spices. For dinner I’ve been enjoying salads with vegetables + fruit. I absolutely love my porridge oats with cinnamon+ginger+honey in the morning. Must admit I’m a bit obssessed with honey and I use it in everything I cook. Have you ever tried roasting vegetables like butternut squash/ sweet potatoes/ parsnips/ onions with no water or any oils and served them with some honey+cinnamon+ginger on top? Will always be a fav of mine!
You shouldn’t worry about coming up with more new recipes anytime soon! You’ve already accomplished a lot and am sure that the less you worry the more those new recipes will come to you.
Once again, thanks for sharing! xx
Thank you for your lovely comment Lucy! So glad to hear you are enjoying the blog :)
p.s. avocado is one of my favourite and guess what..? it’s good with honey and cinnamon on top after you’ve grilled the avocado! :))) ok, enough of honey now!!! xx
Those wraps are really similar to some from Live that I discovered at a local health food store this week from Live Food Bar. I’m OBSESSED! I was surprised that they’re still moist and pliable. Since cutting back on wheat/gluten, I’ve been looking for a replacement and I’ve had them for lunch all week with hummus and veggies.
I’m totally on the bandwagon with Kettle chips (one of my guilty pleasures) and avocado. Everything is better with avocado!
Do yourself a favor (or non-favor) and try the salt and pepper kettle chips next. I call them “devil chips” because I seriously cannot stop eating them once the bag is open.
I look forward to hearing about your dehydrator experiences. I have been wanting on as I love crunchy veggies and the store bought ones often have canola oil :(. I am torn b/w that and an ice cream maker as the vegan ice cream I have tried to make in our vitamix does not come out all that great…..
i just got back with avocados last week! my friend threw some into our stir fry and i was thinking the cooked avo would not turn out well, but it was the perfect amount of creaminess with the rest of the dish. Sweet potatoes are another one that I constantly forget about. It’s like finding a shirt in your closet you forget you had then, bam! free new shirt!
Beets! Just had a yummy salad – romaine, baby spinach, celery, fennel bulb, topped with roasted beets and walnuts, drizzled with olive oil and apple cider vinegar and a grind of pepper
I’m loving my kale!!! By the way if you choose between lemon and lime water, keep in mind that lemons are richer in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and folate ;)
I tried to google the wraps you featured, but couldn’t find them in a quick search. Do you know if they are sold online? Or do you know if you will attempt to make them on your own and teach us? (hee hee). They look incredible!! I’m staying away from soy, yeast, and gluten, so they are perfect.
I can never truly comprehend the taste of the avocado. Good choice with the lemon water though. Our fridge always has that in stock.
Looking forward to trying the wraps, will head to Organic Garage this week. Brown rice wraps are ok but tend to flake. Also, have been loving hot water with organic lemon slices first thing in the morning. I highly recommend it! Especially since you’re not doing green tea anymore, right?
OUTSTANDING POST! and those wraps look amazing! but I cannot seem to find them anywhere. Any suggestion on where I may be able to find them in Toronto?
Not sure, I would try emailing the company!
Banana soft serve?!?!?! How have I never heard of this life-changing food??
This post made me crave a green smoothie. Yum!!
I definitely need one of those dehydrators!
I’ve only recent happened upon you’re site but it has soon become my new obsession. Thanks for posting such great recipes. I made the rustic pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving with whipped coconut cream and it was a huge hit! I will definately be making recipes from here regularly :) I notice though on a few posts about bought Almond milk. A couple of months ago I discovered how amazingly fresh and simple it is to make your own! I just soak 1 cup almonds overnight, drain, and blend with 3 cups filtered water, press through cheesecloth, and voila! You need to let it set in the fridge and shake it a few times so it doesnt separate, but honestly since discovering this I will never buy the stuff again. And there is the added bonus of almond meal afterwards! Which turns into great Almond Raspberry Thumbprints (yum!). Thanks for all the awesome recipes, tips, etc.- I’m truly inspired!!