Good morning!
Things are quite busy around here this morning as Eric and I are getting ready for our visitors later this afternoon! I am about to start prepping the food for tonight. I like to get as much done in advance as I can before the guests arrive. That just means I won’t be busy cooking when I should be entertaining! :)

This morning’s Green Monster was awesome!
- 1 1/4 cup Almond Breeze
- 3 organic kale leaves
- 1 T raw almond butter
- 1/2 cup pumpkin (gotta use it up!)
- 1 T flax
- 2 ice cubes
- 5 dandelion sprigs
This GM is around 350 calories and should fuel me for a good part of the morning until my snack.
Week In Review: 2
I got a lot of positive feedback after the last week in review, so I thought I would try to make it fairly consistent on here!
Here are the top posts from last week!
2. My Live Organic Food Bar review
3. Supermarket Sweep at Whole Foods
4. Hot Topic: Women and Appetite
5. Vegan Yum Yum’s Baked mini doughnuts
6. How to Power through Tough Workouts
7. Hot Topic: How to stop comparing ourselves to other women
8. Hot topic: Recap of reader comments
9. Hot topic: Our goals: Eustress and Distress
10. Maple Glazed Pumpkin Spice Glonuts (Angela reveals her recipe)
11. I updated my About page with more detailed info on how this all came about!
Edit: 11:45am: I added this new poll so you can vote!! :)
I’m off to prep, prep, prep!!

looks like a good green monster :)
enjoy a bit of relaxing with your guests!
Sounds very sensible to do the prep early. That way you can kick back and relax later! Great weekly review :)
I really appreciate the re-cap. I’m so busy in the summer that I don’t always have time to read all the posts. If it wasn’t for the re-cap, I would have missed some wonderful posts, especially the one about the reader comments. Can I just tell you, that one gave me chills. I just loved it!
Hey Angela! Love the recap of the week, it really catches me up on all the posts that I may have missed – I enjoy reading every single one of your posts!
I have a question about flaxseeds! Do you use the ground or whole usually? I’ve heard different stories about both – mainly that the ground is better because it’s easier to digest? I bought a bag of flaxseeds (whole) today, and now I’m reading that the nutrients in the groud are easier to absorb. Do you have any input on this? Thanks!
I hope you have a wonderful time this evening!
Enjoy your day with your family!
btw, when you use the protein powder in your smoothie can you taste it?
Have fun in the kitchen this morning. I’m sure it will be worth it when you get to spend all your time with the visiters! Enjoy your day! :D
How was the GM with pumpkin in it? I’ve never thought of that, but I love pumpkin. is it still sweet? Can you taste it?