Last night was a productive night. We hung the small collage of pictures, did the garbage, tax return, laundry, and uploaded albums. No time to read though. Hopefully tonight!
Last night Eric told me something that happened to him the other day.
He said, ‘Do you want the good news or the bad news first?’
‘Good, always.’
‘I think I am immune to pop.’
‘That was fast. The bad news?’
‘I drank pop today.’
I laughed.
He swallowed.
‘I was out for lunch and I bought some juice, or what I thought was juice anyways. It was some type of orange drink. I took a sip and discovered it was carbonated POP.’
He swallowed.
‘That’s no big deal, anyone could have made that mistake. Don’t worry about it! The good news?’
‘I took a drink of it and almost spit it out- it tasted so gross to me. I can’t believe I used to drink that stuff.’
He had the guiltiest look on his face I think I have ever seen. I had to smile. I don’t know what he was more horrified of: the fact that he wasn’t expecting to taste pop or the fact that he doesn’t enjoy the taste anymore! Either way, I am a proud wife. It just goes to show you how taste buds can dramatically change after just 4 months.
It also made me think about when I made the transition to a vegan diet. It wasn’t a sudden decision on my part, but one that was done over the course of a year. I slowly began to cut down meat and dairy. I craved cheese, yogurt, and eggs a lot for about 4 months and then the cravings just stopped. I now get cravings for the new foods that I eat, almost as if my body forgets what I used to eat, or better yet, maybe prefers the new diet all together.
Eric finds that he now craves drinks like orange juice and tea when he previously would have craved a pop and he says his cravings for Coke have gone away about 99% in just 4 months. For his Coke story and why he decided to kick the habit, see this post.
I asked him if he would ever drink Coke in moderation again, like at a party or dinner out.
‘I don’t think I could bring myself to drink a can.’

This morning I was a photographer fail and my camera battery died on me. I blame the ridiculously long photoshoot I had with the CSA veggies last night on the deck. The back-up battery was dead too, which I know, completely defeats the purpose of a back-up battery. It’s all good. I will have two batteries in a couple hours so I can snap my little heart out.
In lieu of not having any breakfast pictures, I thought I would show you some of my favourite Vegan Overnight Oats Parfait shots…prepare to drool!

The one on the left is the one Eric made for me on my birthday in May!

Recipes can be found on my recipe page (I update it daily!). Are you a vegan overnight oats or regular overnight oats fan? What is your favourite way to eat it?
I think my favourite way is with peanut butter banana soft serve (1 frozen banana processed with 1 tbsp peanut butter) and Classic vegan overnight oats (1/2 cup oats, 1 cup almond milk, 1-2 tbsp chia seeds, 1/4 scoop Amazing Grass chocolate amazing meal).
My second fabourite way is Cherry Chocolate VOO.
Healthy Living Summit charity raffle begins today until Friday at noon EST!
I am raffling off one HLS ticket for this year’s Healthy Living Summit in Chicago Aug 13-15th! All proceeds will go to the Canadian Cancer Society.
Visit my donation page to make your donation: Click here.
- Donating $10 gets you one raffle ticket
- Donating $20 gets you three raffle tickets
Please provide a valid email and contact name and write ‘HLS’ in the notes. I will be drawing the winner randomly after Friday at noon EST! Please note that I am raffling off only the HLS conference ticket and the winner must pay for all other travel and hotel expenses.
Good luck and thank you to all who enter!!!
Today’s question- Have your taste buds ever changed over time for certain foods?
Funny, because I just posted this the other day about how my tastebuds have completely changed. I used to hate things like mushrooms and beets and olives. Lately, it is all I can do to get enough of these veggies. I love your blog. You are such an inspiration.
Ok, didn’t take me long after I left that comment to make start prepping the overnight oats! I’m so excited because my mother-in-law loaned me her food processor so I can make them with the banana soft serve. I showed my husband your pictures and he literally said, “whoooaa” out loud, and asked what it is. He also pronounced his love for vegan food at Karyn’s on Green the other night and wants me to start cooking tofu. :) I’m not a vegetarian, and he is not, but it is so great when he loves eating healthfully and we keep getting on the same page about food. I have fresh cherries too-so I better get those pitted and in the fridge! I’m going to try and replace the amazing grass with a little cocoa powder. Thanks for all you do to make your blog so fantastic, entertaining, and a great resource!