Today was back to the bakery preparing for the market and getting caught up on orders. I have about 450 Glo Bars to make Thursday and Friday…it is going to be tight to say the least. I have a feeling I am going to be up until 3am baking on Friday night to prepare for Saturday’s market!
I realized that today is also our CSA pick-up day…I know I always say this, but I cannot believe how quickly the week goes by. Eric and I have been stuffing our face with veggies around the clock and I still had a bunch of spinach, bok choy, and asparagus to use up today!
I rolled up my sleeves and shoved every piece of spinach I could into the blender…

The result was one of the most intense Green Monsters I have ever had! It was glorious. I sure needed an energy boost after just 4 hours of sleep last night. In the GM was about 4 cups spinach, 1.5 cups hemp milk, 1/2 cup cherries, 1/2 banana, 1 scoop Amazing Grass Chocolate Protein Powder, and ice, ice, baby.

Down the hatch. Instant feel-good endorphins flowing through my veins.
After work, it was time to use up the rest of the GREEN for dinner!
I had two goals in mind when making this dinner: 1) Finish off last week’s CSA, and 2) Make it light enough so we wouldn’t feel weighed down for our planned evening SWIM!
I used Eric’s method and broke the asparagus ends off- it was fun! I threw the baby bok choy and last 3 garlic scapes onto a baking sheet. I drizzled extra virgin olive oil all over it and massaged it into the vegetables. I sprinkled coarse sea salt all over…

I love coarse sea salt…it reminds me of the huge chunks of salt that used to be on the doughy Pretzels I would buy as a teenager (Pretzelmaker, anyone!?!).
and then ground black pepper to finish it off!
Crank it!
I popped it into the oven at 375F for about 25 minutes.

I think this was only my second time having baby bok choy. It was better than I remembered!

I think EVOO + Sea salt and seasonings are key when roasting veggies. I can’t believe I never used to use them! They make such a difference. I sprinkled some slivered almonds and roasted garlic scapes on top.
I served a bunch of these on the side…

To those of you who said these are addicting…you are CORRECT! The box is almost gone! :cwy:

Sooo crunchy and the perfect amount of sea salt!
And of course a huge serving of asparagus!

I think roasted asparagus is one of my favourite things in the world.
This dinner rocked.

I shed a single tear when I realized that was the end of the garlic scapes. I said a little prayer to the CSA Gods that there would be more this week…
Dessert was a Glo Dough! Mmmmmmmmm.

As I mentioned, I was dragging my behind today from the lack of sleep and the miss-my-friend blues. Eric and I were eating dinner and I said I was debating skipping swimming tonight and going Friday night instead. Eric said, ‘Ange, that won’t happen…you have the Farmer’s Market to prepare for Friday night and there is no way you will have time to go swimming when you will be preparing and up late…let’s just do it tonight!’
I almost dropped my fork with delight. Was my very own husband actually motivating me to workout!? Amazing. Reason number 534 why having a workout partner is a good thing! I have never had a workout buddy before and sometimes it is so nice to have that motivation when you need it. I said, ‘You are right…I won’t have time Friday. Let’s just commit to 30 minutes, it will fly by like it always does.’
Before I could think twice I was in my swimsuit and all packed to go!

On the drive to the pool, we talked about what our swimming goals were from now until the next Try-a-tri on July 18th. We both decided that we want to start swimming more without stopping at each end of the pool; something we did during our training for the 1st triathlon.
Tonight, I set a goal of doing 50 metres at a time without stopping (before I was doing 25). I think part of the reason why I freaked out in the first try-a-tri was that there was no place to stop! I need to beat this mental hurdle and pretend that one length of the pool does not mean I have to stop.
The Swim:
100 metre cycles
- 50 metre freestyle
- 50 metre flutter board (recovery #1)
- 30 second rest (recovery #2)
- REPEAT 7 times
I repeated the 100 metre cycles 7 times for a total of 700 metres in around 20 minutes. My total swim time is so much less when I don’t stop as much.
The pool was PACKED and the water was very choppy tonight! Our area is huge for triathlons and everyone was there getting their training in.
Eric and I were quite exhausted at the end of this swim. It is so hard not stopping for a rest at the end of each length. This is just the push we need to take our swimming to the next level. Naturally after the swim we were bottomless pits and had dinner #2 which was a big bowl of Nature’s Path Raisin Bran. Oh and I also had some of Ashley’s nut butter and more TJ’s crackers. :lol:
PS- We also picked up our CSA while in town…

I am OBSESSED my friends, obsessed. These garlic scapes are even more curly and scary looking than last week. Positively evil. Copious amounts of vegan garlic scape pesto will be made this week.

[For some reason I seem to enjoy putting it in front of my face and being creepy…!] Eric goes…’You are such a garlic scape CREEPER!’ haha.
More on the CSA goodies in my next post. This girl is off to bed for hopefully a full night of solid Z’s! Sleep tight.
SO proud of you for making the decision to not stop at each end of the pool! Pretty soon you’ll be doing 200’s all over the place and once the triathlon comes you’ll be ready!
You and the hubby are adorable:)
That is one GREEN monster! Who needs caffeine when you have that to perk you up in the mornings? ;)
I saw garlic scapes the other day & bought them! (It was all because of you lol) Maybe you should be a spokesperson for the garlic scape farmers
I was stupidly excited when I read that you used to stop after every length of the pool too! I’m training for my first triathlon, and I can do the whole swim distance, but not yet consecutively. How far did you swim without stopping before you did the first Try-a-tri? I loved reading your race recap, it was so inspiring! I’m still a little nervous for the swim. my race is in a month. Also, the roasted veggies looked awesome, and now I’m wishing I had some asparagus at home! I just bought a ton of beets at the farmer’s market, and they are wonderful, but there are very few beet recipes I could find online. Basically, beets+goat cheese in a salad, or roasted. I hope you get beets in your CSA and come up with an awesome, creative recipe for them!
Those veggies are so fun! In some ways I love having too many greens in my fridge. It makes me do some crazy things! :)
And I love your swim workout. I’m boring in the pool so I may have to try yours ;)
You are too adorable.
We had garlic scapes in our CSA last year, and I loved them! Also, your green monster is gorgeous & I LOVE asparagus, so this post really got me drooling.
mmmmm that glow dough…yummmmm
Hope you got some sleep, Ange! You’ve got to be a walking zombie by now!
Roasted bok choy, eh? Interesting. I get tons of bok choy in my CSA over the summer (like, with every delivery) and am always looking for new ways to eat it!
Good luck with getting everything done for the weekend and congrats on the swim!
I just got my hands on some garlic scapes and can’t wait to try your pesto!!
Oh my goodness, that Real Salt is amazing! My uncle owns that company, so eating regular iodized salt is treason in my family! But who would want to?