You know what they say…

The harder a fruit is to open, the better it tastes?
Let’s sure hope so…

Behold, the Red Pummelo fruit.

As part of the Exotic Fruit Experimentation, I knew I had to try out this fruit. The Pummelo is the largest of all citrus fruits.
“There are three varieties of pummelo: white, pink and red. Not surprisingly, the pink and red varieties are sweeter than the white which has a slightly acidic taste.
It has a very thick peel and yellow, pink or red pulp. The pummelo, also known as the shaddock, is often confused with the grapefruit. It is sweeter and much less acidic than regular grapefruit. The pummelo is a big, heavy citrus fruit that contains numerous seeds and is covered with a thick skin. Pummelos can vary from round to pear-shaped with rind texture from smooth to pebbly.”
Not surprisingly, Pummelos are an excellent source of Vitamin C, which makes them great for cold and flu season.
If you want a peeling tutorial see this video:

I discovered that each segment was covered in yet another skin! It was so fun to peel it back.
The taste?
I was surprised, it is actually a delicious fruit! I was expecting it to taste very acidic like a grapefruit, but I was pleased to find that it tasted somewhere in between an orange, ugli fruit, and a grapefruit! Very delicious. :)
If you ever spot a Pummelo you should try it out. They are really fun! I am going to blend the other half in my Green Monster after my workout this morning.
Whittle My Middle 2
Many of you have been asking me about the Boat Pose for Whittle My Middle 2!
You can do the boat pose a couple of ways (if not more):
1) Simply hold the position for as long as you can (shown left)
2) Do reps. This is what I do. I bring my knees into my chest (shown right) and move them back into the original boat pose (shown left) without letting my feet touch the ground. This is one rep. I repeat for about 20 reps. My feet never touch the ground for the entire duration. I find this works the core better than simply holding it because it challenges your body to balance while moving.
I love this workout!
Don’t forget you can see all the exercises on the Abs page as well as follow my workout each day.
Eric is still doing great! Something that I didn’t expect was that doing WMM2 together has actually been a fun bonding experience! Because we are doing it together (and suffering together) we make it more fun. We’re always being goofy and laughing out heads off. This time has been MUCH more fun than last time when I did it alone! I encourage you to find a victim partner too! ;)
Anyone else doing WMM2 with a victim?
CTV Interview
Thank you, Black Eyed Peas! ;) I have been eating this damn soup around the clock this week.
Twenty Ten is off to a great start already…
You can view the interview in HD on the CTV Toronto website today until 6pm EST. My story is the 6th one down called, ‘A Recipe for Online Success’
Or on You Tube below:
So happy! :D
Yes, you heard right, they called me Andrea!!! I’ve been called worse, I guess… ;)
I was thrilled to finally see it air and to be honest I was quite shocked that they aired it given that it was a holiday story. I think my persistence paid off. If there is one thing I have learned in 2009, it is that you don’t get anything unless you ask and sometimes you have to ask many, many times. There is no shame in asking for what you want…if you want something, go out and GET IT! :)
[My apologies for OSG and Glo Bakery going down briefly last night- it was the heavy traffic I assume.]
Off to workout, Whittle My Middle, bake, and then going to visit some family for a very late lunch and to exchange Christmas gifts!
Enjoy your Sunday :)

So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key.
The Eagles
I’ve always wanted to try one of those. Hrmmm.
I love citrus fruit! I used to hate grapefruit for example, but now I love it!
that’s so funny that you were called andrea because when i introduce myself people always end up calling me angela!!! haha. anyways great video nevertheless. that fruit looks cool – i’lldefinitely check it out!
maybe we were switched at birth? hehe
AMAZING interview! You should go out and celebrate again! Also, did they call you Andrea? Anyway, I think I’m going to ask my bf to play victim for the challenge as I have already started dreading it. (I tend to dread hard exercise.) Good news it, I am already sore in the ab region. Again, congrats.
Congrats on your interview being aired!! It looked so good :)
I’ve seen a pummelo fruit a few times…I’ll have pick one up next time I see it!
That fruit looks so much like a grapefruit!
LOVED the interview! You were so great in it!!
Oh my gosh congratulations! You looked and sounded great during your interview! I’m so glad it *finally* aired. :)
What a neat fruit Angela! I’ve never actually seen it before. I’m not a big fan of grapefruit, so I’m glad to hear it tastes a little less acidic. Can’t wait to hear how it tastes in a green smoothie!
Congrats on that interview!!! :)
Congrats Ange!! I had no idea the Glo Bakery was so successful already!!
great interview!!! so glad it FINALLY aired :)
Looked fantastic!! Hopefully this gets you tons more business:)
Fantastic interview Ange! You did terrific and i couldnt even tell you were ever nervous.
I love the video. I’m so happy your bakery is doing so well!!
Yay! Saw the interview!! You looked great… Very professional:-) cc
YAY! you look GREAT in that interview! Congrats on your success!
Congrats! It’s a great story! You were wonderful!
Congratulations on your interview being aired! You look and sound very professional!
This interview looked great. You looked professional, and it was a great boost for your business.
But, I am seriously disappointed in the professionalism of that reporter. As a journalist, getting someone’s name wrong is a cardinal sin. You should either call her or–better yet–her editor. Be very insistent that you want it corrected for the online version. I don’t want to be a party-pooper because, again, you sounded/looked amazing, but she needs to be held accountable for her glaring mistake.
Happy New Year!
I heard that they got my name wrong when it aired in BC…and I asked them to fix it, to which they said they would. But it fell through the cracks. I honestly don’t think that they would ever change it now. I’m just focusing on the positives that came of it and not the error on their part! Its a shame, but not going to make or break my happiness about the interview. :)
That’s good to know! You looked and sounded great. I’m just appalled that they couldn’t be bothered to change it. I’m sure that the Canadian media are feeling the pinch the same way the US media are; too few people are doing too many jobs.
Thanks for the more clear description of boat pose! :)
nice job on the interview….you looked/sounded great!
sounds like things are going well…..if you ever need staff for an alberta office let me know ;)
happy new year