Rise and glow!
Glad you guys liked the Nut Butter Parsnip Fries! I am already planning on making them soon. I bet they would be wonderful with sweet potatoes or carrots. Yummerz.
Last night was quite fun…

Eric got home 2 hours early which was a wonderful surprise! The weather was beautiful so we decided to unwind and go for a walk.
Our neighbourhood dog always greets us!

We had a nice little jaunt! With our friend. ;) SO CUTE that he follows us on walks.
Eric filled the bird feeder. [Sorry birds we forgot to fill it the past couple months…]

Then we were off to the bike shop! We drooled over some super expensive road bikes with the thinnest tires I have ever seen!
The bike on the right is $1500!
We bought a $4 tube for my tire to replace the one that popped. We were going to leave the bikes for a tune-up, but the wait is currently 10 days so we are just going to use Eric’s brother’s equipment and get him to show us how (FYI Dave!!). ;)
Once home, I got to work on my GF + Raw Glo Bar. I was kind of at my wits end last night to be honest! I did two more trials during the day and both did not come out how I expected them to. Many deep breaths were taken, especially after I had dirtied every dish in the house. I have been working on this bar for months now and have probably tried at least 15 different trials and versions. But I won’t go down without a fight!
I worked on the recipe most of the night (including nutritional calculations). For my Glo Bars, it isn’t just about creating a great tasting bar (although that is obviously important), but it is also about making sure that the nutritional profile is good. I have created so many great tasting bars that got the axe only because the nutritional profile wasn’t good enough. Sometimes it can get frustrating trying to find that perfect fit of all of the dimensions that I have in mind!
Around 10:30pm, I headed back into the kitchen to give it one last shot of the day. I just didn’t want to go to bed with no real progress made. I have a good feeling about this one. The nutritional profile is amazing too. Here’s hoping it is the final version! It will be sent out to taste testers (Eric’s coworkers and local friends) for feedback.
Just as I was about to leave the kitchen, I remembered there was one last thing to make. Luckily Vegan Overnight Oats only take a couple minutes to throw together!

I wanted to add some protein to this batch!

I added 1/2 a scoop = 5 grams of protein.

This powder tastes good. Sweet and chocolaty, but not overly so.

Chocolate Protein Vegan Overnight Oats

- 1/3 cup oats
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1 banana, chopped
- 1/2 scoop Amazing Grass Amazing Meal chocolate powder
- Crunchy peanut butter
- unsweetened coconut

YUM!!! Loved this batch.
All mixed up!
It was delicious!
I had it with my two favourite teas…[PS- I found the website for Four O’Clock teas!]
Today’s question- Are you a coffee person or a tea person? Or both? Are you trying to cutback on anything?
As you may have noticed, I am a huge tea person!
A strange but true tidbit about me- I didn’t have my first drink of tea until I was 18 and I didn’t try coffee until I was 23/24 yrs old!
My parents never drank coffee (only tea), so I never was around it much. When I met Eric his family almost fainted when they heard that I didn’t drink tea…they are Irish and English!!! If you can believe this, Eric grew up drinking cold tea from a bottle. Apparently it is a really common thing in Ireland!
I started to try drinking tea for one reason and one reason only- I wanted to impress Eric’s parents. LOL. :mrgreen: I hated it at first, but over time I started to love it. They still only drink black tea and make fun of me when I whip out my loose leaf Sencha at family get togethers!! ;) I try and tell them how tasty other kinds of tea are, but I am afraid that I will never help them see the other side. ;)
Sometimes I dabble with the idea of trying coffee again because so many people seem to love it, but I’m not sure I want to get hooked. What do you guys think?
I am going to spend a good part of the day working on the website re-design and finishing off (I hope!) the new Glo Bar.
Have a great day everyone! :)
Ha ha that’s so funny about Eric drinking cold tea from a bottle! I’m Irish and though I’ve never seen it I have heard of it happening ;) But it wouldn’t be common these days. But we are practically raised on the stuff for sure – I’ve been drinking tea since I was very young (not out of a bottle though ;) ) – Barry’s Tea. Barry is my last name but sadly we’re not related to the people who own the company, ha! I don’t really drink ‘normal’ tea anymore because of the milk, however. It’s green, white or herbal for me too.
Both!! I tried to avoid coffee for a while(1 yr),but it didn’t make me feel better.I started back and I’m definitely happier.I drink green and herbal teas as well:-)cc
Hi Miss Angela!
Pretty oatmeal bowl : )
To answer your question of the day, I am a tea AND coffee drinker. I’m surprised you didn’t try tea or coffee until so late in your life. I think you should def give java a second chance. You don’t have to do caffeine so you don’t get hooked – that’s my secret : )
I’ve gone 38 years without drinking coffee and for tea I’ve had 2 bottled green teas which weren’t too bad. Think that’s all for the next 38 too :-)
I enjoy both. I usually drink coffee when I need a pick-me-up and tea when I just want something tasty or hot to drink.
Just gave up coffee 2 weeks ago for health reasons, caffeine not so good for me. I now drink japanese bancha organic tea or kukicha which are light and relaxing. I feel soooo much better. I used to drink about 3 cups of coffee in the am. What I love about the tea is I can have it any time of day and not worry about it disrupting my sleep.
Have you checked out Lance Armstrong’s bike? THAT will make you drool. :)
haha yes it is incred!
Defnitely a tea person. In my college days I went through an iced coffee phase and enjoyed the occasional latte but honestly tea treats my body SO much better. It’s wayy less harsh on my sensitive tummy and I just feel better drinking it. Plus, like you said, there are SO many different varieties, one for whatever your need that day.
On another note, I have a question about vegan overnight oats. I have not yet got myself some chia seeds and I’m wondering if you think it will work without them? I have the oats, banana, soy milk and all the yummy toppings for the am. Any thoughts or suggestions?
The chia seeds thicken it up…so Im not sure if it would work. I would use ground flax, but double the amount. :)
It works, I tried!! Just make it with a bit more liquid (let it look a bit “soupy”) than you normally would if not using chia. I love the chia seeds in my oats (regular or overnight!!).
If you use ground flax it also thickens up considerably, the chia is just a tad more. I love it with both!!
Ohh, now I see that you were asking about not using chia, I though you wanted to use it… sorry about the reply, my bad.
I think you should totally give coffee another go!! The only way you’ll get hooked is if you start drinking it every day. A couple almond milk lattes a week won’t hurt ;) I MUCH prefer the flavour of coffee to tea. I lovelovelove coffee, I even drink straight espresso. Tea is do watery for me.
I have the same pretty bowl from Target!!!
I love coffee and tea equally — but some days I prefer one over the other. Usually I prefer which ever one is iced!
Watch out, it’s easy to get lured in by the bike p0rn! I bought a basic bike for my first try-a-tri and before the summer ended I dropped about $1500 on a fancy road bike!! I ADORE it though (http://bit.ly/9bPGT4)and it was totally worth every penny. Now I’m thinking about buying a tri wetsuit instead of just renting them for races. I think races = an excuse for me to shop ;)
I love tea!! I drink 5 cups a day easily. It’s not so much the caffine fix as it is the ritual of making them and having a hot mug in your hands. Love it.
I’m neither. I’m trying to get into tea more, but it’s taking a bit. I only like coffee if it’s loaded with sugar and cream or some dessert like coffee from Starbucks or the like. My parents never drank coffee or tea, so I’m not surprised that I don’t really like either.
Love love love tea. Green teas, black teas, speciality teas, etc. I only have coffee occasionally but sometimes it hurts my stomach.
The only liquid I ever drink anymore (besides water) is my home-brewed kombucha tea, or store-bought kombucha tea, and once in a while herbal tea before bed to warm me up (I think I’m cold-blooded, lol!) I would love to drink green tea, but it always gives me a tummy-ache! Any ideas why? I’m not sure if I’ve ever tried Sencha. How is it different from regular green tea?
Coffee is wonderful IMHO. I like the bitter taste of a good black coffee. I fortunately do not need coffee, if I do not get it for a day or two no ill affects. I suggest you try coffee. Go to a good coffee outlet and try different types. Much like tea, wine, beer etc. there are many flavours so if you do not like one type you will find another that you do like.
As Pope Clement VIII said when it was discussed whether the Church should accept Muslim coffee, “This devil’s drink is so good… we should cheat the devil by baptizing it.”
Where’s Eric form? My Irish hubby is form County Mayo. :)
Yummy….oats…ever top yours with cashew cream?!?!?
Just found you’re blog, it’s really neat!
Definitely a coffee person, friends call it an addiction but a good latte in the morning is the best thing ever. Great thing about it though is that there are so many variations, I don’t know if anyone reading this is from Australia but have you tried Pablo & Rusty’s coffee? Great flavour.
As for tea though, have to say I do like Chai. It’s sort of become the new craze!
I love both. I drink coffee more though! I don’t like black tea either; I prefer fruit teas :)
A few years ago I had to give up caffeine because it hurts my tummy so now I’m a 100 percent tea person and I love tea. I also love that I have one less thing to worry about in the morning because I don’t “need” my coffee or tea :) I think coffee is a taste that grows on you, you have to add a bunch of sugar at first and then slowly back off of it until you like it without.