Good morning!
Well, this morning’s smoothie was truly sinful!
Yesterday, all of you were wondering if I had slipped something into my smoothie. Trust me, I wanted to the way my nerves were on the last day of work! ;) However, I don’t ever drink and drive…not even just a bit.
So this morning, I took the liberty of spicing up my smoothie a bit. What better way than to carry on the celebrations than this:

Is this a party drink or what!?

The loot:
- 1 1/4 cup Original Almond Breeze
- handful organic baby carrots
- 1 Tbsp flax
- Heaping 1/3 cup of frozen strawberries
- 1 ripened medium banana
- 2 huge leaves of kale
- a splash of Coconut Jamaica rum

It gives the term happy hour a whole new meaning!

Although the bar at this hour was very lonely. Sketchie and Eric were still in bed!
I tasted just a hint of coconut flavour, it was perfect. I felt like I was having at party at 8am!
Ever since watching The Office last week, icicles remind me of Dwight. ;)

eek!!! Stand to the side!!!
Tonight we are having friends over for a little impromptu celebration! I’m excited. On the agenda will be some Wii, ping pong, and the hockey game!
I am also getting my hair done (highlights) today at a new salon. Naturally, I am quite nervous going to a new place that I know nothing about! But my old salon is now too far to drive to. I hope this new place is good. It is an Aveda salon (love those!) and I love the products they use and the hair dye is much more gentle and doesn’t break my hair. This is going to wreck the budget this week….agh!!! Highlights are so expensive, especially for my long hair!
Jen was wondering if I ever do my own highlights and the answer to that is not anymore! I tried it once or twice to save money and miserably failed. It looked horrible. I learned my lesson!
Hopefully my hair will turn out nicely today! I will try to post an update pic later on.
Oh She Glows domestics:
- Check out my feature guest post on the wonderful Go Healthy Go Fit website! I am so honoured to be a part of Andrew’s amazing website! Check it out!
- This weekend Andrew from Go Healthy Go Fit will be starting the first of a series of posts on how to create the blog of your dreams. All you have to do is visit his website to see how amazing he has made his. He will give tips on design, layout, making money, etc! This is going to be a really great feature on Oh She Glows.
- Keep those contest entries coming in! Contest closes tomorrow at 8pm EST! Don’t forget to tell me if you are from Canada or US and other countries. I think I have 5 entries now, and I am not even sure if I have ONE Canadian entry yet…so if you submit you may just take it home the awesome food and Oh She Glows Fit Gear!
- Coming up early next week, I will show you an entire day’s worth of eating! See what I eat from the breakfast to bed!
- More FAQ’s!
Happy 1st Birthday to my sweetie pie nephew!!!
There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
~Anais Nin
Hi Sissy…..The boys and I have the stomach flu again! agh……Help! Not a very fun first birthday for Aiden.