Hello there.
We finally picked up a few groceries and what is the first thing I do?
Make homemade hummus!
As you may know, hummus is a food group for me. Other foods are just ways to get more hummus into my belly.

I present to you the Hummus Crackwich.
I felt bad for all those baby chicks I was eating…

Hardy-har-har. Lame joke, I know.

It has been wayyyyy too long since I made hummus. After tasting this, I wanted to kick myself for getting out of the habit.
Sweet + Sour Homemade Hummus
- 1 large can (540 ml/2 cups) organic chickpeas
- Approx 1 tsp Apple Cider vinegar (regular vinegar also works)
- 1-1.5 tsp Mr. Spice Sweet and Sour Sauce (the secret ingredient revealed!)
- 1.5 tsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 garlic clove, minced or chopped fine
- Pinch of sea salt (to taste)
- A bit of water to thin out, if you think it is necessary
Directions: Drain and rinse chickpeas. Add all ingredients into the food processor and process until smooth scraping down the sides of the bowl as necessary. Add a bit of water if you want to thin it out more.

[I spy Eric in the background!]
I love Mr. Spice. The products are salt free, but they taste incredible! I don’t know how he does it. :happy: I think I picked up this bottle in the organic/natural food section in Loblaws.

The hummus was deelish! You could make this recipe without the S+S sauce or perhaps put another kind of sauce into the mix! I was wondering what a BBQ hummus might taste like? Perhaps using roasted chickpeas? Might be worth trying next time…
Did you know there is such a thing as DESSERT hummus!? I must try to make this. What flavour should I attempt? Do you think it would taste good?
New food creations make me all warm inside. :blush:
It never turns out right when I try to make it (something about the texture is always off) but I love other people’s artichoke hummus. I also like garlic hummus.
I think BBQ sauce in hummus would be really good b/c I actually like to combine 1/2 spicy bbq sauce and 1/2 hummus and eat it on wraps (it’s so good with spinach!).
I don’t really like the store bought hummus that much anymore (though my fiance eats a jar a week), but I would like to try the Sabra lemon hummus (sadly, fiance does not share my love for all things lemon so we stick to plain).
haha I totally agree with this! My love affair with hummus goes way back, but it wasn’t until relatively recently that I actually started making my own (and of course once I did, I wondered why I ever spent all that money on store bought!)
And no, I did NOT know there was dessert hummus. I guess I never thought about making it sweet. But pumpkin pie or maple walnut hummus?? That sounds amazing :)
sign me up for some of that dessert hummus! i’ll be blogstalking OSG til you make it :)
oh i just dont know how i feel about dessert hummus! someone (hint hint) needs to make it! ha. sorry i wont be the guinea pig on that one ;)
You’re a genius. I am going to attempt BBQ hummus later today!! I’ll keep you posted ;-)
A friend of mine asked me yesterday what I eat with hummus. He couldn’t think of anything besides pita chips! I told him any kind of veggies, any kind of cracker/bread, or straight off a spoon. :)
I made chocolate hummus a while back and it was amazing. Too amazing. I ate the whole batch in a day and a half!!
Dessert hummus?! Hmm… I think I have a hard time with things that are normally one way being another…like your savory oats! I’m sure they are awesome, though. Dessert hummus…maybe some sort of lemon confection? I’m sure you’ll whip up something stellar!
I actually just made chocolate hummus a couple of days ago. chickpeas, unsweetened chocolate powder, and some kind of sweetener (i used dark brown molasses sugar). i definitely like it better after it’s been chilled in the fridge. kind of reminds me of chocolate cheese cake.
TRY IT! :D it’s now my favourite kind of hummus =p
I love hummus. We used to make homemade hummus all the time when I was growing up. I have not made in years – will have to get back in the habit. mmmm – definately will have to make soon :)
Hummus is DELICIOUS. Not to mention it’s a huge part of the Mediterranean Diet, and May is Mediterranean Month, so what a perfect post!
Ohhhh my. I can have hummus for dessert? You have made my day! I’ve been wanting to try Pioneer Woman’s homemade babaganoush recipe, but…. I love hummus even more. This goes to the top of the “to make” list :-)
I’ve seen apple hummus at Sobeys!! I haven’t bought it yet though because really, I just eat hummus to ingest obscene amounts of garlic. It takes a full day for my breath to get back to normal after ;)
Must keep my eyes peeled for Mr. Spice!
You should really try dried beans! they make such a flavor difference!
Hummus is yummus! I make my own, too. :)
Desert hummus!!!?? I would be very interested in hearing what that tastes like!!
And by “desert” I meant “dessert.” :-)
I am a hummus fiend! I love it, I make my own, but in emergencies will buy it at the market. But, I won’t buy it if it’s got any words in the ingredient list that I can’t pronounce. Regarding dessert hummus, I had never heard of it until two weeks ago. I was shopping for Thanksgiving and came across chocolate hummus! My mind went into spasms! Chocolate and hummus! What!? With bananna it’s mind blowing! I know, that’s a lot of exclamation marks! Right? Now I’m on a quest to create my own chocolate delight! I checked the Oh She Glows site, but haven’t found a recipe. That’s okay I’m adventuresome and am willing to brave the frontier of discovery.