Good afternoon beauties!
My day is going very well so far. Happy Friday to everyone!
After dropping off Eric at work today, I headed out to run some errands. V-Day errands if you will. :D Can you believe that Valentine’s Day is tomorrow!? Eek! I haven’t even decided what I am going to bake yet. I better get on that!
Also to my dismay, as I was walking up to the Dollar Store (My new broke down Wal-Mart haha), it occurred to me that I have not been posting all of the Valentine’s Day recipes like I said I would. A quiet panic occurred in my head! Opps. This week has just flown by, especially because we have my Brother in Law Pete staying here the past few days.
So what I am going to do, is create a temporary V-Day page where I will post as many of the recipes as I have time to post. This way you can click on one page and it will all be there. I am going to work on this this afternoon. So check back shortly!
How to Make the Jeans Fit Comfortably Again
Going along with the theme of my weight gain confession, I decided that it would be a great learning experience for everyone to see how I am going to make small cut-backs in my daily eating in order to have my jeans fitting comfortably once again.
So what I am going to do is post what I eat through the run of a day, much like a food blog. Mind you, I won’t be doing this forever- it will just be for a few days so that you are able to see where I have made healthier adjustments.
Many people think to lose weight you need to drastically alter your daily food, but I want to show everyone that it is possible to shed some weight without deprivation and without giving up your favourite foods.
So let’s start with today so far:
My wonderful husband made me this strawberry kiwi smoothie this morning. I drank it practically running out the door! That is the beauty of smoothies, they are great for on the go mornings!

The Contents:
- 2 large organic kale leaves
- 1 small handful frozen strawberries
- 1.25 cup Original Almond Breeze
- 1 Tbsp flax
- 1 ripe kiwi
- 1 medium sized banana
It was delicious! I really liked the strawberry kiwi combo!
Mid morning snack: I missed it this morning because I was driving and out doing V-Day errands! I was starving when I got home at 12:30. I had lunch immediately!
Left over stir-fry(skillet cooked in 1 tsp olive oil + Balsamic Vinaigrette light Kraft dressing)

Open-Faced Tofurkey Sandwich:

- 2 pieces no name whole wheat bread
- 1/2 an avocado, mashed on toast
- few slices of tomato
- 2 slices of Tofurkey
- 1 Tbsp leftover homemade hummus
- fresh ground pepper

Mosaic Chandelier Toffee Tea à la Kath

Organic Gala Apple sprinkled with cinnamon (just in time for V-Day!)

These meals were filling, nutritious, and delicious!!
My game plan:
- Volume eating– you will see me eat more veggies than usual as a modification to my eating. Veggies are low in calories yet high in volume. You can eat a lot and not break the caloric bank!
- Desserts will be fruit instead of cookies or chocolate
- Night time Snack: Will only occur if I am truly hungry. It will be something nutritious and not empty calories like I was eating
- No food 3 hours before bed
The sun is shining, it is mild outside, and I am in a great mood. I just may go for a walk! :D
My injury is feeling so much better lately…I think I could use a short walk around the block and get some natural Vitamin D.
See you later for some amazing healthy Valentine’s Day Recipes!
And what else I ate today!
Instead of ending with a quote today, I thought I would briefly talk about one of the comments that was left in this morning’s post. Someone mentioned that they were thinking negatively about meeting new people tonight, instead of seeing it as a great opportunity and a fun gathering. They said they would be the fattest one there.
This comment really stuck me because I have been there so many times. How many times have we all cancelled plans or avoided meeting new people because we weren’t feeling our best? I know I have, countless times.
I just wanted to throw this out there that someone told me once. I think of this whenever I am feeling like I don’t measure up:
‘You are only the fattest girl in a room if you think you are’
Isn’t this so true?
We all know ‘that girl’ who just oozes confidence and happiness even despite not being a size 4. I know this girl who is curvy, even a tad on the heavy side, yet all the guys just love her. Why? Because she has confidence. She smiles. And she is genuinely happy to be in her skin. She walks with a strut and holds her head up high.
I wish more women could do this. We could all benefit from walking with a slight swagger and holding a gaze and smile with a new acquaintance. Most women will never fully realize their own beauty until they are in their senior years looking back on pictures of when they were younger. They will say….‘if only I knew then what I know now’…
So my advice to everyone on this weekend of LOVE is to give yourself the greatest gift of all, and love yourself first.
“So my advice to everyone on this weekend of LOVE is to give yourself the greatest gift of all, and love yourself first.”
-Wow, Angela, what a great thing to leave us with on this Friday morning, entering Valentines Day! Sometimes we all get too obsessed with the little things in life, and forget to be true and take care of our SELVES! Well put. Take care!
I love that quote, I needed that today :)
Yes, very well-spoken. I must take your lead on the meal tracking!
Looove the smoothie and cinnamon-sprinkled apple!!
Great eats and advice! I got my runner up prize in the mail last night! thank you thank you thank you! i’ll post about it today!
This was a perfect v day kick off post Angela! I too have had a couple of instances over the past couple of weeks where I was meeting someone for the first time and I was definitely heavier and to my mind, not as attractive as they are. I felt very self conscious but tried hard not to let it show, which makes me more self conscious!! Its very hard on a woman especially. My husband is always good at making the point that it doesn’t matter how heavy you think you are, if a woman has confidence. They are transformed. I have to try this :-)
happy v day. Can’t see what you’re doing for Eric!
Great quote! I have that issue too where sometimes I feel too bloated to even go out at night. I really needed that before V-Day! Your lunch looks delicious too!
Glad you’re having a good Friday :) And I totally know what you mean about THAT girl! It’s 95% about what’s inside when it comes to attractiveness! Have fun with your Vday baking~
Love your blog, Angela! Thanks for being open and honest AND confident, and inspiring us to be the same!
An incredibly amazing quote! Thanks for posting this, you let your guard down every day with this blog, and it is inspiring! :)
Love your healthy ways of getting back where you want to be! Hope you guys have a great Valentine’s Day!
I really like your quote today!!! I hope you and your hubby have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
I love that quote, I needed that today :)
Gimme url to downloading XRumer 5 crack!
Thank you…
Very-very much.
I’m so need this program for advertise my online projects!!! This software is the best thing for online promo and mass posting, you know…
And, dont send me XRumer 2.9 and XRumer 3.0 – that versions are too old!
P.S. Google cant help me((((