Good afternoon!
I don’t have too long for this post because I need to get back to scraping wall paper with the boys!
My day has flown by…Eric and I did tons of errands today. We had a huge order to pick up at Home Deport ($170 worth!) because we had to buy 2 cans of primer, drywall compound, scrapers, tape, etc etc!! Doing these renos is going to be a huge expense, but we figure the value that it will increase our house will be tenfold, so it is definitely worth it. I also picked up tons of paint samples.
Here we were the other night looking over all the Benjamin Moore paint chips:

My Mother-in-law is an interior designer so we get all the latest paint samples as well as some fabulous help with design! :)
I picked up a few things from the grocery store: 2 organic kales, bunch of bananas (no ripe 50% off ones this time!), a bag of over ripe kiwi 50% off (that I am going to use in smoothies!), and a bag of Avocados.
Eric and I also saved some money (About $8-10 dollars!), by buying our Valentine’s Day cards at the Dollar Store. It is crazy how much Halmark cards cost. $5-6! We have been buying all of our cards at the Dollar Store for a year or so now and have probably saved hundreds. Just think of how many cards you tyically buy in a year. I don’t know about you, but we buy TONS. Not great for the environment, I agree. but who wants to be the cheapie that doesn’t get a card? Not me! lol.
Confession Time
I debated all day whether I would post about this or not, but I decided that I would to keep in line with the honest and open nature of my writing style.
Many of you know that I got injured while training for my half marathon on January 13th. I don’t go for a bone scan until Feb 26th (!!!), but I likely got a pelvic fracture.
It has now been about a month that I have been off exercise and I am really starting to feel the effects of being off of exercise.
Of course, it was initially very very hard going cold turkey from my exercise as I have been working out about 6-7 days a week for the past few years. It was really hard on me I will admit, but I think I have held my head up high and with all of your support I think I came out much stronger. I know I have.
However, the problem that is sort of catching up with me, is that despite not exercising and burning off extra calories, my mouth still wants a party.
See, the great thing about intense exercise (especially training for a race) is that you can eat and eat and eat and basically not gain any weight. At least that was my experience with running long distances. However, since I have had to stop running and doing any form of exercise for the time being, I have still been eating the same amount of food because it was what I was used to I guess. It is really hard going from having a sky rocket metabolism speed from exercise, and then boom nothing but sitting all day long.
The past week or so I think it has been catching up with me because my clothes are feeling tighter and I just don’t feel myself body-wise when I look in the mirror. I am trying my best to ignore it and to just remind myself that soon this injury time will pass and I will be able to workout again and feel fit, but it has been increasingly harder to do. It is one thing not to be able to workout, but it is another thing when you can’t workout and you feel like you are gaining weight.
I definitely think I have perhaps used this injury time as an excuse to sort of relax, not just with exercise, but with eating too. I have been having an extra snack here and extra nibble at night here, and it has been adding up. Given that I am very sedentary right now, it is no surprise that I feel like I have gained weight.
I was so tempted to weigh myself on my Mother in law’s scale, but I decided not to. I think what I have decided to do is to cut out the night time snacking for now. I always have struggled with night time snacking, especially in the winter time when boredom strikes from being indoors. I think if I cut out a snack at night time, I will probably find that I am back to my old self in no time.
With that being said, if I am truly hungry at night I am going to eat, don’t get me wrong. I am not going to deprive myself by any means. I just know that I have been over indulging too much lately. I think we all know when we are personally going over our caloric limit, right? I can feel it and I know that to continue to live a healthy life I need to bite this in the butt (literally?) and continue on my journey to health.
This isn’t the first time that I have had some set backs or weight gain. I tend to always gain a bit in the winter and then in the spring and summer I lose it easily. I just know that being off exercise I have to put a bit more thought into what I am putting into my mouth.
I mentioned that I have struggled with whether I would talk about this on the blog because I don’t want to send the wrong message to my readers.
I want to be very clear about a few of things:
1) I do not think I am overweight or fat or chubby or anything of the sort.
2) My only intention is to feel comfortable in my clothes again.
3) I do not deprive myself when I am truly hungry. The goal is to snack less at night and to make healthier food choices overall (e.g., maybe have a bowl of fruit instead of 3 cookies).
I hope you understand where I am coming from and you support this phase of my life right now.
I know that many of you have been here before. I received so many supportive comments and emails from readers sharing their story to me about their injury. I have re-read some of the emails when I really am feeling down about it. So thank you for that. I know I wouldn’t have gotten through this as easily as I have had it not been for all of you.
I feel better already being open and honest to you guys. I want Oh She Glows to always be 100% truthful to who I am and how I am feeling.
I promise to never hide this even though it is scary as hell to talk about this and a bit embarassing.
We are all human.
We all go through hard times.
If I can help one of you out there who is having a bad day, a bad week, or a bad month, then this slight anxiety provoking post is all the worth it to me.
Ok I need to get back to work! The boys are doing it all right now! Time to go get some ‘exercise’….unconventional exercise, perhaps, but exercise all the same!
Ciao lovies.
“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”
Let me just say this: All of you are honestly AMAZING…each and every one of you. I can’t believe I was even nervous about speaking out about this!!! The support you have given me is truly inspiring…my whole attitude has done a 180 since I read these comments. I feel positive and ready to get back in the game so to speak. :D
I never said the ‘road to health’ wouldn’t have potholes!!! lol
Thank you for being honest! I was thinking about asking you if you have changed your eating habits, because too many times on my rest days I have told myself that I HAVE to eat less since I am not burning the same calories as I am on other days. Your post helped me realize that no matter if i work out that day or not, I should still fuel my body with the appropriate amount of fuel.
Angela – thanks for being so open and honest with us. I really understand where you are coming from – completely! I went from working out a few days a week to not being able to walk very well for about 6 months now. It can get kind of boring to not be able to “eat and eat and eat” – but you sure do an incredible job of making incredible meals =) I think you’ve got a great plan and I’m so happy to hear from someone that I can relate to =)
Honesty is the only thing that can get us through things like this.
THANK YOU for confessing it! It’s nice to know that you’re not alone when dealing with things like this and all the feelings you have.
You know we’re here for you :)
This part was funny, “The problem that is sort of catching up with me, is that despite not exercising and burning off extra calories, my mouth still wants a party.”
I 100% understand and relate. I’ve had a sprained ankle for 1 week and am so antsy and anxious!
I agree 1000% with everyone..your beauty and honesty literally SHINES in every post..and I, i’m sure with MANY others, look up to you a lot :D Thanks for your positive and healthy outlook. PS: Running joke in my fam- home depot= living hell!! haha they have to twist my arm, or buy me chocolate, to make me go!!
another thanks for being honest, angela! this has made me like your blog even more.
You’ll be back to yourself in no time :) I think the winter blues gets to everyone! I always start feeling fabulous again come spring, nice weather, and long walks in the sunshine! :)
Thanks for sharing! I think these self-evaluations of diet and exercise are necessary from time to time to ensure that you’re body is comfortable at the weight it wants to be and that you’re not overdoing it in either department. I think you’re handling it in the best way possible and I wish you lots of luck :) we appreciate your honesty.
Hi Angela:) I just want to you to know that I LOVE your blog!! You are extreemly motivating and fun to read. I, as well as everyone else here knows how you are feeling right now. It is one of lifes challanges and you will come out on top. “This too shall pass” :)
i don’t know why you should be embarrased about being human! I am going the same thing right now. Except maybe a little worse. But it is always nice to know that I’m not alone, and we’re here for each other. I’m trying to take the right steps… thank you!
Thank you, Angela, for this honest post! I know sometimes I worry about what others will think when I post certain things, but everyone appreciates honesty. :-)
As others have said, I have been there and it WILL get better! I think actually what you’re experiencing is NORMAL. It shows your love for fitness. When I wasn’t able to work out people just kind of huffed about it like, so what? But when it’s a huge part of your life and you’re expected to cut it out, it really is hard.
The good news is that your bone scan is only 2 weeks away, and that should give you some more insight. I know you’ve mentioned maybe doing yoga…what about working with weights? When I’ve been injured that at least helps me to feel stronger and I know it’s safe to do, at least upper body stuff. Just a thought.
Happy Friday! :-)
I have never posted here before but I just wanted to say, as someone who is battling back into marathon training from an injury, try to look at the forced rest as a good thing. Running, especially, is super tough on the body and this time off will allow your muscles to re-group and bones/joints to heal and you will likely come back even stronger.
Love your Blog. I think you’re adorable and you’re going to reach the highest heights in whatever you do. You put such positive vibes out there and I believe they will all come back to you ten fold.
Keep it up! We support you!!