Hello :) I hope you are having a kick-bootay start to your week.
How precious are these ducklings and duck?!
Not sure why, but I had the impulse to Google pictures of ducklings last night. ;) Last year we saw some in our area so I am hoping to see them again this year! So gosh darn cute.
Something else that made me smile was coming down to Vegan Overnight Oats on a Monday morning. I decided to turn the VOO into Banana Soft Serve VOO. Even though I was cold, I was just craving this breakfast again! I bundled up in my robe and dove in…
Banana Soft Serve Vegan Overnight Oats
- 1/3 cup oats
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1 banana, mashed
- 1/2 scoop Amazing Grass Amazing Meal chocolate powder (optional)
Directions: Whisk ingredients together and place in fridge overnight. In the morning, make the Banana Soft Serve and layer in a glass as shown.
Don’t forget the awesome nutritional stats of this breakfast too!
I also made some fresh juice this morning…
4 carrots, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 lime. It was way too tart though! Next time less grapefruit and lime, and more carrots. ;)
- There are more Spring Glo Variety Packs, RUN, Adore, Empower, Chi, Classic, Renew, and Endure Glo Bars added to the store!
- Banana Soft Serve and parsnip fries spotting
- New page alert! Don’t forget to check out my new Quotes and Before + After pages.
- Check out these great kitchen tips and tricks in the comment section. Lots of great ones!
This morning as I was eating my breakfast I started to think about this advertising campaign that I saw earlier this year…
It is an advertisement by the National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC). You can drop your magazines into the slot to support ‘shedding your weight problem’. I originally posted about it here.
I have never seen an ad like this before and I thought it made quite a bold statement.
My question to you today is, how do you feel about women’s magazines? Do you read them? What about women’s health/fitness magazines? Are there any that stand out from the pack?
I personally used to be the magazine QUEEN. I used to buy 1-2 magazines per week! Eric says that I was addicted. I was looking for the cure to my body/weight/hair/skin problems. However, once I entered grad school, I needed to make cut-backs to save money, so magazines were among the first to go. Now I never buy them because I just got out of the habit. Last year my Father in law got me a subscription to Runner’s World, and I actually enjoyed that magazine quite a bit. It stood out from the others.
I am off for a couple business meetings this morning. Lunch may be in or out, depending on how long they go. This afternoon I am doing another huge order for Ambrosia and then also baking up my other orders. Not sure what my workout is going to be. I may have to squeeze it in over lunch or do an evening workout.
Have a great day! See you for 1,000 words this afternoon.
I am a magazine junkie, but more because I love the mind-numbing reading. I don’t read them in search of fitness tips – most are all hypocrital anyway, posting something one month than something different the next.
I’ve always been a HUGE magazine reader, even going back to the days as a seven year old when I’d get sick and ask my grandmother for popsicles and Teen People as a care package. I currently subscribe to four fashion/beauty magazines and while I do see that they contribute to body image issues, I’m able to separate the model from the clothing she wears. I enjoy the magazines as a purely entertainment/fictionalized literature perspective, the same way I would enjoy a crappy “chick novel”.
Love the new blog look! So fresh and modern looking!
I don’t buy women’s magazines. I don’t think they really do much but perpetuate the belief that we are not good enough. I’d much rather read blogs :D
Awww baby ducks! That picture made me squee.
I have a conflicted view of magazines. On one hand, I do think that some are interesting and relevant and they’re a major pillar of global media and reach very widely, so they’re powerful sources of information. But like I feel about *any* source of media, the audience needs to recognize that this is a mass-produced slice of information not aimed at ANY ONE PERSON in specific but rather attempts to be a one-size-fits-all source for their audience. I think people give women’s magazines too much crap for touting weight-loss regimens – I mean, if people didn’t want it, they wouldn’t publish it. I understand, for sure, how triggery these things can be for people recovering from serious body issues, but magazines don’t set out to maliciously trigger, they set out to sell magazines. Basically, I love to read ’em, but I always take ’em with a grain of salt.
I still read magazines sometimes…I try not too, but I guess my insecurities just suck me in. They are definitely addicting!! I have been doing well buying less magazines, but then sometimes I just go to the magazines website!! Uhh, what’s a girl to do! :o
I love your new layout!!!
I really like magazines. I read a ton of them – I need them to stay entertained with my cardio every day! The ones I read: runner’s world, self, fitness, and shape. I think all of them tend to be good for body image, rather than the opposite – especially self!
I used to buy teen magazines when I was younger but that’s about it. Nowadays I just buy magazines when I’m on vacation, to read on the beach or whatever. I don’t really pay much attention to it or make comparisons, it’s just a way to pass the time, honestly. :)
Have a great day Angela!
I love this add. When I was in college, I took a class on eating disorders and how much the media influences them. We each had to do multiple projects that focused on positive aspects of ourselves, more personality traits than physical traits. I feel so strongly about this issue in our country. I definitely think magazines contribute to girls having poor body image by putting un-realistic looking women throughout the pages. I also think other types of media portray women in an unrealistic light, which in some twisted way, makes us women feel like men expect a woman like those ones. Then, we try to be thinner, prettier, and flawless. It’s so sad to me. I wish we could do something to change it. I really like how healthy your approach is and I really appreciate reading your blog! I’m also a Runner’s World subscriber, and agree, I love it! Thanks for all the inspiration :)
Hello there – I’m new to your blog and i love it!!
As for women’s mags.. i used to be really in to them looking for a cure for my flaws but I think it’s just something I’ve grown out of. I’ll pick one up if I’m in an airport or something like that but i rarely ever buy them.
AND baby ducks melt my heart!
First of all, I love your new blog look! What a wonderful picture of you (not that they are not all wonderful)!
That really is an bold statement, and I do like it. I have to admit that I tend to enjoy magazines like SELF that to me seem very positive and uplifting rather than degrading. I only subscribe to magazines that I can read from cover-to-cover without feeling bad about myself. I think that woman’s magazines can be a great source of information and inspiration without making women feel bad about themselves. I wish more magazines were like that.
i like the new look of the blog! personally i am not a fan of magazines. they all seem to say the same thing. the ones i do like are runners world and real simple. i read others but those seem to be the ones i enjoy all the time :)
I love the new website too. Your image at the top is gorgeous!!
I read a ton of magazines, but it’s really just for something to read when I am at the beach, or for a few minutes before bed. I get inspired by Runners World and Women’s Running Magazine, and I enjoy Real Simple for home-type stuff.
I love that ad campaign!! What a great message :)
I used to be a big magazine person. All of them. Now I rarely buy them because there just seems to be more positive ways to spend my time/money. I do like to read Cosmo every once in a while though..
I love that ad though!
This is a really interesting question. I don’t buy magazines mostly because it seems like a waste of money and paper but can see how it would encourage an unhealthy body image in some women. It’s easy to forget that people in magazine have gone through professional hair and makeup, then Photoshopped extensively.
I pretty much only get a few magazines that focus on recipes. Otherwise I prefer blogs.
I used to be a huge fan of Cosmo but then realized it only made me insecure! I gave all my issues away and couldn’t have been happier, I don’t miss them at all!
I used to read LOADS of magazines when I was younger. I mean, I was reading Cosmo at 13. I figured if I couldn’t be thin I could at least be pretty…
Nowadays the only magazines I read are Runners World and National Geographic. I don’t trust most magazines anymore and the content of most of them is rubbish. It’s no longer important to me that I have flawless skin or lose 5lbs in one week or try the Baby Food Diet. I think me and my self-esteem are better off without them! I’ll stick to running techniques and learning about water conservation instead!
I do enjoy my magazines…but I agree that the airbrushing and unrealistic physical picture that they paint can be really harmful. I love seeing new products for face, hair, etc…but diet tips…not so much – most of the time – esp in mainstream women-oriented magazines – the articles are way less inspired than their headlines and full of information that I’ve already known, they’ve already published before or they’re just plain wrong about.
I used to be the magazine queen too! (But I’m talking…4-5 mags/week) Yeah, that’s embarrassing :?
I’d rather read magazines like Glamour that have a mixture of articles from girly things to world-breaking news. I think magazines that soley focus on nutrition/weight can be an unhealthy addiction