Do you like pancakes?
I sure do.
I am a pancake lover, but I typically don’t make them for the following reasons:
- I am not a fan of how many pancakes most recipes make when I just want a single serving
- Whenever I make pancakes on weekends, it always turns into a big production. Mess, drips, pans, spills, small kitchen fires…you get the idea.

But I am no quitter, my friends.
I decided to create a ‘Pancake for 1’ recipe and prepare the dry ingredients the night before. I also had a few requirements:
- It had to use whole grain flour
- High in protein and fibre
- Be quick enough to make on a weekday morning
Preparing it the night before actually worked out quite well and it only took me about 10 minutes to make this morning. This will work wonderfully for weekday mornings.
Mission Accomplished!
Healthy Spelt Pancakes for One

- 1/2 cup spelt flour
- 1/2 t cinnamon
- tiny pinch sea salt
- 1 t baking powder (I use aluminum-free)
- 1/8 t maca powder (optional)
- 1/2 T Manitoba Harvest Hemp Protein Powder (optional)
- 1/2 c unsweetened almond milk (or milk of your choice)
Syrup + topping ideas (see below)
Directions: Mix all dry ingredients together the night before and place in container. In the morning, heat a skillet on medium while mixing the batter. Add the milk to dry ingredients and stir well. Spray the skillet with non stick oil and spoon the batter onto the skillet on med-low temperature. Flip pancakes when bubbles pop and cook other side.
Makes 5 baby pancakes. Awww how cute.

I made the low sugar coconut oil syrup (see below). This is my go-to pancake syrup. So amazing. It doesn’t give you that sick feeling like maple syrup often does.

These pancakes pack quite the nutritional punch.
215 calories for the entire batch (without maca, hemp, syrup or toppings), 8 grams of protein, 11 grams of fibre, 21% of the day’s iron requirements and 11% of calcium requirements!
Sprinkle some chia seeds on top and you will add some healthy omega oils, antioxidants, iron, and calcium. :)
Low sugar syrup:
For the syrup, I like to mix coconut oil and maple syrup for a really delicious low sugar syrup. I mix 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1/2 a tablespoon of pure maple syrup together and the result is pure heaven.
Low calorie syrup:
Sometimes I also mix 5 parts applesauce and 1 part agave nectar for a very low calorie yet delicious ‘syrup’.
Topping Ideas:
- Chia seeds
- Goji berries
- Unsweetened coconut
- Dark chocolate
- Cacao nibs
- Almond or peanut butter
- Crushed walnuts
It was a delicious, filling, and quick breakfast!
What is your ideal breakfast if you could have anything in the world?
What does your weekend breakfast routine look like compared to your weekday breakfast routine?
Off to workout + Whittle! Then work for a few hours today followed by a couple returns at the mall.

It seems like I never have enough time during the week but pancakes for 1 is completely feasible, thanks for the recipe! I’m pumped for protein packed goodness now. Good luck with the interview tonight!
My ideal breakfast for a treat is an apple dumpling. Good thing my Momma is here and is going to make me so me to freeze. Yeah for Moms.
I usually make a bunch of pancakes and then freeze them. Then I can take them out one at a time and defrost when the family wants one.
Hello Darling- already putting this in the go-to recipe for the single girl recipe box :) However, as I was copying it, I realized that the recipe says
“•1/2 unsweetened almond milk (or milk of your choice) ”
im assuming that it’s 1/2 CUP, right?
1/2 cup in the batter and as much as you like on the side ;-)
Those pancakes look good… Hope there is leftovers! I knew I should have gotten up earlier.
Those pancakes look yummy. I can’t wat to try them and the coconut syrup. Thanks for the recipes.
Things have sure changed for the bone marrow registry. I signed up about 10 years ago and they had to take a vial of my blood. Unfortunately in all these years I’ve never been a match for anyone. I get a card from them every year thanking me for being on the registry, but I never match anyone. Seems kind of odd to me. I must have some sort of weird, unique DNA.
Hopefully you’re more in demand for the bone marrow. I think it would be awesome to help save someone’s life. :)
I can’t wait to make these pancakes…yum!
If your interview airs, will you please post the video so those of us in the US can see it too?
Thanks for the recipe!!! I never make pancakes for the exact same reason so I’ve bookmarked the recipe for future use ;)
I think it’s so amazing that you’re doing the one match program! Organ donation (in general) is such a great thing.
ps: hopes the interview airs!
Yay!! I LOVE pancakes. I always make the same oatmeal/cottage cheese pancakes, so I’ll have to try these as a way to switch it up. I always get up early before work to ensure I have at least 15 minutes to prepare breakfast and lots of time to enjoy it. I can usually do oatmeal, waffles, pancakes or eggs in that period of time, so no breakfast is off limits for me. Totally worth getting up earlier for ;)
I love pancakes!! ;O) Here is a recipe that I have for my fav pancakes:
2/3 cup Buckwheat Pancake Mix
1 egg (I don’t use egg, I do the chia substitute)
2 tsp Coconut Oil
2 tsp Agave Nectar
3/4 cup almond milk
Delicious!!! Yummmy! I sprinkle on top cup up almonds, blueberries and its so good. I’m getting hungry thinking about them.
Enjoy them!!
Thanks for the recipe Angela!! How did you know that I was looking for a single serving pancake recipe!! Sometimes I want pancakes just because I know having maple syrup straight up might not be a good idea!! :) YUM!!
Is one rep of boat pose bringing your knees to your chest then extending you legs? Or holding for 30-60 seconds?
Nope just hold it for 1-2 seconds max
Wow those pancakes look great.
I wish CTV was airing your interview here in BC tonight! Hopefully you can record it and post it on the blog :)
My favourite breakfast is toast with peanut butter and banana slices, but on the weekends I love pancakes! Actually, this morning I made my very first green monster.. it was amazing! I will definitely be adding it to my morning routine. My husband even had one, and my 19 month old daughter liked it too! Yum :)
ohhhh yum!
too bad i already ate breakfast :)
for the coconut oil – i was so excited when i saw it in my local grocery store and snatched up a jar right away! i’ve been using it as a body moisturizer and it’s great – however, i realized that it’s refined and i remember you saying that the unrefined is better for you. can i still use the refined coconut oil in cooking? what’s the difference (health-wise) between the two oils?
and i’m hoping everything goes well with the bone marrow matching! good luck ange :)
Have a question about running. when I run I tend to stomp, and I was wondering how you prevent that? I’ve been trying so hard to stop but I always end up back at stomping. Its driving me crazy when I run now because that’s all I focus on.
Your coconut syrup brought me back to Hawaii. They had THE BEST coconut syrup there, but I’m SURE that yours is much healthier for you.
I usually try to make my breakfast the night before weekdays. But now that I have a JUICER, that is going to change!
That’s fantastic! The world definitely needs more donors. Kudos to you! :)
I never make pancakes for the same reasons. Now I will have a new breakfast to look forward to in the morning.
My weekend breakfasts are more relaxed than my workday breakfast. On the weekends I usually prepare oatmeal with fresh or dried fruit, soymilk, and bit of this or that. Another fave thing to do is to go out for a healthy brunch or for breakfast tacos at Whole Foods (always eggs, vegan chorizo, and cilantro on a spelt tortilla).
I almost always make my workday breakfast at work and eat at my desk, so I don’t really get to concentrate on the food as much….I usually make toast with PB or bring some cereal and soymilk….But one of my New Year’s Resolutions is to work towards a 9 pm – 5 am sleeping schedule (inspired by Kath Eats), so I can enjoy my mornings and sit down to a good breakfast!
Thanks again for the pancake recipe! Can’t wait to make it.
Ange, I love that you made a pancakes for 1 recipe! Plus since I’m just getting into vegetarian/vegan eating, any recipe that takes care of the question of adapting (sub egg, milk, oils, etc) regular recipes are wonderful to me!
Good luck with being a donor match, too!