This is what powered me through 22 batches of PB Bars today!!
Yes that’s right! I said 22 batches!!! As you may know I am donating 500+ of my PB Bars to the race this weekend. All proceeds are going to my charity- Canadian Cancer Society!
I am obsessed with my new Amazing Grass cup!!! The large spout is incredible!
If my arms look more toned it’s because they were stirring Brown rice syrup all day!! :D Today’s workout was the 22 batches of bars- I’m telling you my arms are so sore!
I am officially obsessed with Amazing Grass products! I have oodles and oodles of energy when I drink a Green Monster with Amazing Grass!! I had two today because they are quick and effortless when I am baking in the kitchen.
Tonight I wanted to talk about the healthy snacks that I packed for my trip- specifically for the airplane rides!
My view coming home:
I love marshmallow clouds, don’t you? :D
Since my total flight time was 4 hours (which meant I would be ‘in transit’ for about 6 hours plus) I knew I had to pack lots of healthy and energy dense foods!
I packed a baggy of tiny Peanut Butter Granola Bars!
A Sprouted grain wrap with 1/2 an avocado:
Folded in half and put in a zip-lock!
A Dried Fruit bar:
A Red Delicious apple, complete with a paper towel and a ziplock bag. This is my BEST trick for ‘messy’ foods. After I am done eating the apple, I have a towel to wipe my hands and thn I simply throw the core into the ziplock bag and zip it closed. No mess, no odour!! :D
So what did I eat and when did I eat it?
- I ate the Fruit bar and the avocado wrap when I was at my gate waiting to board the plane. This was a ‘mini dinner’ around 4:15pm.
- Approx: 6pm: I had all of the PB granola ‘bites’ (which equaled 2 bars) about 1 hour into my flight, after studying for my nutrition exam
- 9pm: I had my red delicious apple for my ‘evening snack’ after I was done blogging this morning’s post! I watched some TLC and had my juicy apple!
Throughout the entire 4 hour flight I drank just over 500 ml of water (2 cups) and I had 1 cup of decaf green tea.
It was the perfect flight- food and drink wise! I felt energized but not weighed down and I had no indigestion! I also made sure to take all of my vitamins regularly while on my vacation. I also took a reader’s suggestion to try a digestive aid (Kyolic brand) and I do think it helped me! My stomach hasn’t felt this good in a LONG time! :D Woot!
So those are my tips and tricks for healthy flights! It really pays off to plan ahead and pack all of your snacks.
You are probably wondering if I ate any airplane food and the answer is I never need to! I have so many snacks that I don’t need to rely on overly processed ‘mystery’ food. :) My tummy thanks me for it!
1) You voted and the winning name of my PB granola bars is ON THE GLO BARS (83%)!!! Great choice everyone! :D
2) Shop 4 A Cause is just over 1 DAY away! Are you as excited as I am?? S4AC will be starting on Thursday June 11th at 8am EST! Be there or be Square! :D
3) See you tomorrow for my thoughts on how to stay healthy while on vacation and how to prevent unwanted weight gain! I will tell you all the tricks I used this past week!
4) My Amazing Grass giveaway ends tomorrow- don’t forget to enter!
5) Some of you have been asking me about my race this weekend! Tomorrow I will be telling you how I am preparing for my first race ever this SUNDAY! What workouts am I doing to prep?
6) Check out this fun tea giveaway!
Well, I am off to clean up the kitchen– you DON’T want to see what 400+ bars will do to a kitchen!!!
One of the two boxes:
I am really happy with all the progress I made today! Only 100 or so to make tomorrow and then it is time to make all the tags, cards, wrap, and try to design my race tank! I am really worried that I won’t have time to do the tank (our ‘practice’ iron on attempt failed miserably so I think I have to use stencils and fabric paint…)
Tonight’s question: What do you pack when you go on a flight or long trip? What are your favourite portable foods? What are your tips and tricks for feeling good while flying?
Coming up tomorrow morning- FAQ’s!!!! These next two installments are good ones, you don’t want to miss them!!
I always avoid soda, any of the snacks they give out and pre-order a gluten free or vegetarian meal.
good for you packing all that good food for the plane! That is alot of bars to make!!
Lots of water, an almond butter sandwich, a banana, Clif/Lara bars…anything quick, solid, and portable! :)
Check out the Adora Calcium giveaway on my blog!
I am such a nerd – totally love planning and packing for trips! Non-food related things that are crucial for the plane are gum, chapstick, moisturizer, and vitamins. I always bring an empty water bottle to fill up and my favorite tea bags so that I can get hot water. I will usually bring some fruit and cut up veggies, a wrap if it’s over lunch, bars, and something sweet and fun like a Tootsie Roll lollipop!
Such great tips for how to eat while traveling! I actually think that there are some MAJOR restrictions on food and beverages for flying out of the USA, but I’m sure your tips would work great on road trips as well! I ALWAYS pack a cooler loaded with veggies, fruits, string cheese, yogurts, drink, yogurt smoothies, etc. when I’m going on a long trip so I never have to rely on gas station or convienence store foods. Another great tip is just to stop at a grocery store along the way! For some reason, a lot of people don’t think of that, but basically all cities have a grocery store!
Good luck on the rest of the bars. They look delicious! :)
I have brought food like this on all of my trips within Canada, to the US, and overseas on my honeymoon- no probs for me anyways! :) ~A
I need to try that trick with my fruits, especially peaches, they always get crushed in my lunch!
Great name for the bars! I always bring plenty of water, lots of nuts (usually almonds)and some fruit. Love your blog. I have a blog as well on healthy lifestyle design and I have yours on my blogroll. Let me know what you think sometime!
i brought a prepackaged bag of trail mix on the plane once- bad idea. I split the bag down the side and nuts and stuff went everywhere. oops. of course i didnt sweep some of it under the seat….*wink*
I like to wear comfy socks, and shoes that will just slip off, bring a music player, and a book.
i also always bring gum so my ears dont pop. and i have the motion bands that someone else mentioned. i think they help, because i’ve never gotten plane sick. I always end up feeling thirsty after long flights, because they give you tiny cups, that I have to drink right away or risk spilling when i knock the tray with my freakishly long legs. maybe i should bring a water bottle to fill up next time. lol
You are a baking machine! That is so awesome! I pack fruit in a ziplock with a paper towel just like you! I also pack a tupperware of either a salad or some sort of leftovers and baggies of veggies. Sometimes it’s not about looking cool. Sometimes it’s about survival! :-)
Oooh, awesome travel treats! I pack similarly – dried fruit, bars, nuts, cereals, jerky. Then I try to get my hands on fresh stuff & bottled water after going through security. Water is a must! I usually OVERpack snacks so I won’t feel deprived and go buy some M&Ms or something. Well, sometimes :)
This post is perfect timing! I’m flying on Saturday and I was literally just thinking about what I should pack to get me through the flight, bus, and boat (yes, all three) and keep my energy up. I’m going to use this as a guide. thanks!
I’ve been using a digestive aid for over a month now everyday and I have never felt better. I take two tablets a day. Absolutely LOVE it and I can’t imagine my life without it now! I was actually going to do a post on it this week! :)
Woah, you are a baking machine! :)
My favourite on the go snack is Larabars…YUM!
I’ve started on GM’s this weekend and I’m in love myself…I’ve got to get my hands on some Amazing Grass, since both you and Miss Caitlin are raving about it so!
Oh PS. I know some people were asking if GM’s are good to sit and drink later and I have determined as long as they stay cold, yes! I’ve been taking mine to work as a breakfast on the go or a late afternoon snack. Yum.
Wow. You did an amazing job with healthy snacks for the flight. My favorite website for learning about new healthy snack ideas is
I hope this is helpful.
My willpower seems to decrease while traveling– I think it’s the stress. Having the healthy options would make it a lot easier to stay on track.
I made the bars last night but subbed 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips for 1/2 of a cup of coconut. I use sweetened coconut because it was all I had and as a result I left out the sugar. I didn’t let the mixture cool enough before I added the chocolate and so it all melted. No worries though, they were delicious and a complete success. And really the possibilities are endless-I am thinking a raisin almond one will be next. I LOVE that they are no bake-and chock full of such good stuff!
I am LOVING your website! I have some stomach issues and would love to know what digestive aid is helping you?
Thanks for all the great tips~
New to health Bloggin and love your website!
I know this is an old post, but I was just freaking out about a 10 hour travel day I have on Friday and I was so happy to see your suggestions! I will be armed and ready with fruits, avocado wraps, and energy bites on friday and not afraid of not finding vegan options in the airport! Thank you <3
I am so glad this post was able to help you out, Bre! Safe travels :)