Well, I started off my morning surrounded by health. The sky is a clear, bright blue, the air is crisp, and I nurtured my body with a delicious fruit & veggie smoothie this morning. I needed some fuel to give me energy for what I was about to tackle!
How lovely is this????

Today’s blend:
- 2 Kale leafs
- 1 cup Unsweetened Almond Breeze
- 1 Gala Organic Apple
- 1 Tbsp. flax

I really liked it with the sweet apple! Although, I definitely 100% prefer the Original Almond Breeze. For 20 extra calories it is worth it!!!

Then I had a small bowl of Spelt Cereal with Unsweetened Almond Breeze.

Then I got started on dessert for the dinner party tonight!
From my healthy morning smoothie, this dessert was the polar opposite of health!
Let’s just say this recipe was labour intensive– from start to finish (including clean up- 2 hours of work!) Oye.
Here is a clue:

Any guesses?
Stay tuned this afternoon for the full recipe & photo recap….and more!
Question: If you could have one dessert in the whole world (and calories didn’t count) what would it be??
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
~Henry Ford
My favorite dessert would have to be a molten chocolate cake or fondue with fresh fruit!
Your dessert looks amazing!
Is it toffee???
My favorite dessert would probably be a HUGE piece of chocolate cake, with chocolate icing and a big old glass of cold milk!
I always chew gum or munch on a carrot while I bake goodies so I don’t nibble.
Oh I can’t wait for dessert .. I would have to say that is my favourite .. choc, caramel, nuts .. all food groups covered! See you between 5 & 5:30! xo
Yum! That’s a great idea about baking in the am, i would definitely not be down for the sweets at that hour. Hm, probably carrot cake..with tons of layers!! The one from your last party would be great thanks :D
I think my one dessert would be mudpie – but not just any mudpie, it has to be like the Mile High Mudpie at Red Robin. It’s huge, and they put a layer of peanut butter it in. Love!
I’d choose carrot cake!
It looks so bright and lovely in your photos!
Its way too hard to choose. I’m a dessert lover which is good and bad since I’m about to start pastry school.
Ice cream is a big vice of mine though!
I think I would probably choose some sort of Cheesecake!! Yum!
It looks like your creation may be some kind of peanut butter/chocolate bar???
I’m guessing a caramel dessert!! :-D
good post! have fun baking
oooo i like the dessert- it looks yummy!
i would eat a molten lava chocolate cake. YUM YUM YUM. could live and die by those!