Yesterday, the rain actually held off for most of the day which was nice. We got a lot of gardening done and hit up the nursery for some flowers.

I bought some Impatiens, Geraniums, and Bellflowers to plant in the front garden. Before this, mom and I did a lot of weeding and prepped the bed with some topsoil leftover from my veggie garden.

Things are shaping up around here! We almost seem like civilized home owners now. ;)

Check out the spinach…it’s shooting up! I didn’t expect it to grow so vertically!

Update: Many of you have said it has gone to seed and bolted. SAD! Do you think it’s done for the summer months?
The kale grows outward and it’s getting nice and full.

Yummy lettuce…

This romaine lettuce is the biggest one so far:

Sadly, I lost two lettuce so far…they just wilted up and died. No idea why!
The 2 Spanish Onions and 1 Red Onion continue to do well.

And the cucumbers in the back are spreading fast.

Eric has been working away at the deck as usual!

The rails are now all in and he is working on the top piece of the railing.

This morning, Eric said to me that he is losing motivation to finish the deck… words that no wife ever wants to hear! ;) I’m trying to help him when I can and bring him lots of beer. :) I think he is quite intimidated by the 3 staircases he has to figure out…I’m so impressed with what he’s done so far though. It will be nice to have it finished and then he can take a break with renos for a while.

After gardening, I made a huge batch of the Back on Track Salad…one of our favs!
I made a few modifications this time, using some black beans, fresh dill, more lemon juice, and red onion. It was awesome with the dill and extra kick of lemon!

I just love how versatile this salad is…you could adapt it so many ways and it’s always a crowd pleaser.

Eric picked up a Pumpkin Cranberry Loaf to go along with lunch. Sadly, it wasn’t vegan due to an egg wash!

I had a bowl of the Back on Track salad and an Ezekiel wrap with veggies, avocado, and hummus.

Unfortunately, my Aunt Jenn and family couldn’t make our dinner get together because Julia got sick with a bad stomach flu and was up all night. Poor girl! :(
We had a pretty low key night and relaxed with some beer and wine.

Eric BBQ’d chicken for him and my mom and I had a veggie burger. We had the Back on Track salad and Sautéed Crimini mushrooms with garlic and olive oil on the side. I picked up some mushrooms from a local mushroom farm and they were great. I really need to make Sautéed Crimini mushrooms more often…they are one of my favourite side dishes. I also loaded some onto my burger.
A delicious and filling meal!

For dessert we each had a Whole Wheat Vegan Chocolate Cupcake with Spiced Buttercream! My mom couldn’t believe they didn’t have any eggs because they are so light and fluffy. It’s magic!
By the way, they also froze very well. I froze them for 2 days and then let them sit on the counter to defrost for a couple hours. They were still fresh as can be. :)

Today, we’re heading out to do a little chandelier shopping (window-shopping?) and then I think my mom and I are going to bake. Sundays just don’t get any better… Enjoy your day!
That salad looks so amazing. I love a salad with a lot of colours in it – so this is definitely on my list of salads to make…possibly tomorrow! What brand of veggie burger did you have? I had a Licks (from frozen) one at my sister-in-laws tonight and it was pretty good!
I’ve got to ry that salad – it looks so refreshing! Those cupcakes look incredible. You’ve opened up a whole new world for me know that I know you can freeze them with no problem!
wow what a great day. Your landscaping and your deck look so amazing. I can understand why the poor guy would be tired! It looks like a ton of work but it looks SO good. He will feel awesome once it’s finished.
Ooh, that salad looks so delicious! You must be proud of your deck-building hubby- handymen are hot :)
Spinach grows incredibly fast from seed, so if you removed all of what you have and just re-planted with seeds, you would have baby spinach in about 2-3 weeks. I planted my seeds on the May long weekend and am picking baby spinach every day already. I’ve heard that if you pick the outer leaves, it will be less likely to go to seed. We’ll see, I guess! I’m jealous of your kale – I haven’t even found kale here to buy yet. Oh, and the deck looks AMAZING.
Vegan magic baking! We all know it’s the best kind :)
Seriously so impressed by the deck. That was a GIgantic project to tackle! It looks professional for sure. We’re hoping to demo + rebuild a shed this summer…we’ll see! ;) Your garden + flowers are looking great. Looks like you’re having fun with mom!!
Wow the garden and the deck are looking great! :D
As is that salad! I definitely need to make that sometime!
The deck is looking great Angela (and Eric)… and it looks like you are making great progress in your garden as well! Gotta love sauteed mushrooms as a side dish! I love them on burgers too! ;)
Glad to see you had a good weekend!
– Brittany
Your garden and the deck are both coming along quite nicely…they look beautiful! Can I please come to your next gathering?! :) …the food looks so delicious…what a fun time!
All that food looks amazing, esp. your salad! I’ve been dying to make some cupcakes, they’re just so much fun :-)
Looks like you guys had a great weekend Ange, and a good visit with OSGMOM too! The deck looks awesome, and so does the garden – nice job on that Romaine! :)
Oh my gosh – all that food looks so fresh and amazing. I want to eat it right off the screen.
And HOLY CRAP! I can’t believe Eric built that deck!! That’s SO good! Never under estimate the beauty of having a handy man on your hands ;)
love the deck! Maybe the Oh She Glows fans will give Eric motivation!!
So that’s what a spinach plant looks like! …darn…then those plants growing in my garden must be my dad’s potatoes…sad… oh well, I have carrots growing in June! …I think my black thumb will kill them all…
Yesterday was my birthday and I wanted you to know I celebrated with your whole wheat chocolate cupcake/ buttercream frosting recipe! Thanks for that recipe! I turned it into a cake, though. I’ve cut out alot of sugar from my diet and added less sugar and substituted agave nectar. Delicious! I’m not vegan – just a “clean eater” and I have to tell you that the first thing I do in the morning after my cup of green tea, is to check Makes me joyful and happy and proud to be eating clean all day. Thanks for the inspiration, Angela!
Gosh! How I love your blog!! Those VOO’s have been making a daily appearance in our lives! :-) And tongith I am going to try this Back to track salad .. because you ahve tempted me enough with it!!
About your garden .. I have just started gardening too since the last year and I am surprised to see that you are planting your geraniums with your impatiens. My geraniums love a good half day of sun at least and my impatiens love the shade and can’t take the sun at all. I need to start growing kale! That would be a nice add!
My husband planted some veggies out at his grandma’s house, I wonder if everything is blooming! Because homegrown produce is just so tasty!
poor Eric! Tell him the deck looks amazing and how worth it its going to be when yall can relax out there once its finished :)
Mmmmm, I am totally craving mushrooms right now!!! Good thing I have a BUNCH in my fridge!