Friday FAQs is a new series on Oh She Glows featuring your questions about OSG recipes, substitution ideas, cooking methods, ingredients, and tools. My goal for this series is to share what I’ve learned in my kitchen over the past 8 years, and hopefully inspire you to try new plant-based ingredients, cooking methods, recipes, and more! Feel free to shoot your questions my way via social media or the blog and I’ll select a handful each week to feature. See my first Friday FAQs post here.
Happy Earth Day, everyone! I hope this week’s Friday FAQs inspires you to whip up some plant-based meals in honour of Earth Day. Today’s feature is jam-packed, so let’s get right to it!
Q1: I just bought your cookbook and my very first recipe is your veggie burgers. I am doubling the batch…with the extra, do you prefer to cook them and freeze or freeze the patties then cook them?
A: Hi Laurie, Oh how exciting! I prefer to freeze the cooked and cooled patties. Once the cooked burgers have cooled completely, I wrap each burger individually, then place them all into a large freezer-safe zip bag. I press out as much air as I can, zip it up, and freeze for up to 4 weeks. You can thaw individual burgers in the fridge or on the counter and then reheat in a skillet. If I know I’ll be freezing the burgers, sometimes I’ll cook them a few minutes less just to ensure they don’t dry out during the freezing/reheating process. I hope you enjoy the cookbook—let me know how you like the burgers!
Q2: I just recently got put on a diet and it is gluten-free/paleo. I am struggling with finding recipes for snacks that are not sweet. I love sweets and chocolate, but that is all I have been eating lately because those are the recipes that I am finding. Do you have ideas for salty snacks? Also, I recently bought chia seeds and other than having them as oatmeal with almond milk and fruit, I have no clue what to do with them.
A: My go-to savoury snacks are hummus with crackers or veggies, avocado toast, or roasted chickpeas (such as my Salt and Vinegar Roasted Chickpeas). As for chia seed recipes, I recommend trying out my Endurance Crackers for a super easy (and paleo-friendly) recipe that packs in a ton of chia seeds. They are great with dips or simply topped with sliced avocado and pink salt! For non-savoury options, you could try making my (Almost) Instant Chocolate Chia Pudding, Raspberry Chia Seed Jam, or Chia Fresca.
Q3: Hi Angela, I was wondering if I could go out on a limb and ask a huge favor. I am getting married in August and my family is helping with the food. I would really like all or most of the side dishes to be vegan but with the price of food lately I also want to be budget conscious. There will be around 150 guests. I’m wondering if you could suggest a few of your recipes that might suit my requirements? I know you are very busy so I will totally understand if this is not doable for you. Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful recipes in the blog and your cookbook.
A: Congrats Michelle! It’s so great that your family is helping out with the food for the wedding. In terms of choosing budget-friendly vegan sides, my best advice would be to stick with dishes featuring in-season produce: fruits and veggies are often a bit less expensive when they’re in season, so it’s a great way to save a little on the cost of ingredients. Since your wedding is in August you can take advantage of having so many local vegetables and fruits in season! Also, if there are ingredients you know you’ll need and that you can stock up on further in advance, keep an eye out for coupons and sales. A few recipes I’d recommend are my Creamy Avocado Potato Salad (p. 107 from The Oh She Glows Cookbook), Long Weekend Grilled Salad (p. 115), The Best Shredded Kale Salad, Mashed Potatoes with Easy Mushroom Gravy (p. 207), and Crowd-Pleasing Vegan Caesar Salad. You could also roast and season vegetables, like in my Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Fingerling Potatoes and Rosemary recipe, or my Roasted Rainbow Carrots with Cumin-Coriander Tahini Sauce (p. 191)—but some of those might get tricky, depending on oven space. Also, don’t forget the simplicity (and great flavour!) of a homemade gazpacho. You can definitely make that one ahead. I’d imagine that some of the side dishes can be made in larger batches to accommodate the size of your wedding, and can be partially prepped in advance (for example, the salad dressings and vegan parm can be done ahead) so there’s less to do day-of. I hope this helps get the wheels turning! Have a great wedding.
Q4: Hi Angela, I’m having trouble keeping the Glo Bars together. I don’t have brown rice syrup, so I’ve been using maple syrup. Is that why they won’t stay together?
A: Hi Lisa, Unfortunately maple syrup doesn’t work great as a binder in this recipe (I’ve tried it many times using different combos…oh how I wish it did!). The only binder I’ve had success with is brown rice syrup. Its super thick and sticky consistency really helps the bars stick together. I hope you enjoyed the Glo Bar pieces anyway! I sure wouldn’t pass them up if I saw some crumbles on a tray. ;)
Q5: What is nutritional yeast? Is it the same as yeast for bread?
A: Great question! The two types of yeast are actually quite different: The yeast used in bread is what’s known as “active” yeast, and it works as a leavening agent (helping your baked goods to rise and become lighter); nutritional yeast, on the other hand, is “inactive,” dead-form yeast. Nutritional yeast is great for lending a cheesy, nutty flavour to vegan recipes, and is often fortified with B vitamins. I love adding it to sauces, gravies, and dressings, or sprinkling it on popcorn or garlic bread. A few of my favourite recipes using nutritional yeast are my Luxurious 7-Vegetable and “Cheese” Soup, Life-Affirming Warm Nacho Dip (p. 83 of The Oh She Glows Cookbook), and Broccoli & Cashew Cheese-Quinoa Burrito (p. 159).
Comments of the week:
“To be honest, I’ve been struggling a bit with your blog as of late. What I love about my favorite blogs (which used to include OSG!) is that it feels like having a friend in your life with all sorts of interesting stories, pictures, or recipes. The ones that truly stick with me have a presence in my life and it’s a fun ride to tag along as life changes.
I bought the first cookbook and will probably buy the second cookbook but I feel as though I’ve really lost my connection here. You were updating the blog through being pregnant and moving and releasing a cookbook, even updating monthly when you had your daughter, lately it’s been basically silent.
I hate to admit it, but I’m really disappointed. I knew you were working on this app and that was a big reason it was so quiet. After all the waiting, I can’t even buy the app because I’m an Android user. I know you have a lot going on in your family and I’m excited for the next step for your family, but I feel as though this community has taken, not even a backseat, but like the spare car left at home. I’m hoping that isn’t the case, but it certainly doesn’t feel like the connection I used to feel to the plant based community here.
Good luck with all your endeavors, I’m glad to have been a part of it for awhile and truly wish you well!”
Hi there, I can tell from your comment that you care a lot, and I really appreciate your honesty. I have to be honest with you too; I felt a rush of guilt, sadness, and embarrassment as I read your comment. I think the hard part is that it’s impossible to see someone’s entire life and what they are going through from a blog or social media.
I can tell you one thing I’ve realized over the past few years: I’m not perfect at juggling big life changes/demands and work projects, especially when they happen all at once. Creativity is a funny thing at times; I can pour everything into a single project when I need to, but then I feel burned out in other areas. I’m not very good at switching back and forth among several demanding creative pursuits.
I can, however, promise you that every day, I’m trying my absolute best and putting 100% into everything I do. Is there room for improvement? Absolutely!! I know this more than anyone; I’m incredibly tough on myself and strive for progress daily. I certainly don’t have all the answers, and know I’ve dropped the ball in various areas of my life as I’ve tried to balance motherhood, writing and completing a second cookbook, creating an app, a second pregnancy, blogging, and starting up a newsletter over the past 1 1/2 years. If I can’t give 100% into a blog post, I will not post, because I want to give everything I can into each post and recipe, even though it may mean my content slows. I never publish something “just to get a post up” or to meet a quota.
I totally agree with you that the blog has had to take a backseat at various times (just like other things have in my life too), but I didn’t have another solution at the time. As I mentioned, sometimes I have to focus all my creative energy into one project to meet deadlines. It’s just how my brain works the most efficiently. Trust me that no one feels as much conflict over this as I do. I do think that I can develop better strategies in the future, though!
As I reflected on your comment this week, I also had a bit of an epiphany. I realized that I never give myself credit for all of the things I am doing successfully. Eric mentioned that I never once stopped to appreciate or celebrate the things I accomplished as a new mother. All I could think about each time was how behind I was with other things. How many of us don’t stop to reflect on all that we’ve accomplished and how far we’ve come? I bet it’s a lot of us.
I also feel like our community has spread far beyond the blog. I connect with thousands of readers a week on social media, reply to dozens of comments and questions daily, share behind the scenes on Snapchat, and more. I hope anyone who subscribes to my newsletter also sees the passion I put into it. I write a personal letter in each issue (among other content such as a Q+A and recipe flashbacks) talking about what’s going on in my life. I’m always trying to connect with my readers in diverse ways, even though I may miss the mark at times!
Despite the conflicting feelings I’ve had in recent years (and probably should’ve talked about more openly, but I feared it would come across as ungrateful), I’ve never once regretted pursuing new projects, taking risks, and especially, taking the time to focus on my family these past 19 months. Many times, I’ve delayed blog posts or other work in favour of spending time with my daughter and I’m more than ok with that. I have one shot at my time here and I have to trust my heart, even if it doesn’t work out perfectly in the end or please everyone all the time.
I can’t promise you that my blog will be everything you’re looking for or need, but I can promise that I continue to give 100% of myself into each post and project, even if it’s sometimes hard to see. And of course, I will take your feedback to heart and try to improve. I’ve never for a second thought that I had this whole thing figured out.
I’m sorry that after waiting all winter you were not able to download our app. I can promise you if we had the budget to develop across multiple platforms simultaneously, we definitely would have. Our intent was never to leave anyone out, but to begin this new journey and hope we have the means to grow in the future.
I so appreciate your support for my cookbooks, and even if you don’t continue to read my blog, I’m very thankful that you enjoy my work!
Take care, Angela
“Hello, Ms. Liddon,
I am an interpretive park ranger at San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park. I prepare lunches for our park’s living history program volunteers once a month during living history day. Since I switched to a completely plant-based diet a few years ago, I started making vegan lunches for our volunteers and staff, normally 15 to 25 people each month. I found your blog and it has become one of my favorite “go to” places for recipes. I didn’t know how the volunteers would react to this change in lunches, as only one of them is vegetarian. It turned out that every one of them loves and compliments the lunches and I’m happy to say that every month there are virtually no leftovers. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration! I’ve told them about your blog.
Peter K., Oakland, CA”
Hi Peter, This is so fantastic to hear! I’m honoured that you use my recipes for your lunches, and even more so that they are such a hit with your group. What a great way to spread the plant-based love. I hope you all enjoy many delicious meals to come!
That comment about you being a bit more silent and putting us on the back burner made me sad! I saw that comment when it was first posted and while I see where the commenter was coming from (I LOVE your blog and also missed all your posts) I totally understood and I knew that meant you must have had some exciting things on the go! I have a 2 year old and am due with my second in a few months and I can’t even imagine how you get everything done. I can barely make it work on time nevermind do all of these projects. Breastfeeding was enough of a struggle for me so I can’t imagine how overwhelmed you must have been. I just want you to know I’ve appreciated everything you’ve done and think you’re supermom for it. Don’t feel guilty about “putting us last” as family comes first and little ones grow oh so fast. Congrats on all of your accomplishments!
Hey Lauren,
Thank you, I appreciate your kind words of encouragement! I think all we can do is keep on trucking each day and do our best. Congrats on your second little one being due soon! A summer baby sounds like a great time with all the nice weather! I hope things go as smoothly as possible for you all.
I agree with Lauren!!! I am a mom of a 5 month old and am just about to go back to work. I am so impressed by everything you have accomplished in the last 2 years. I feel proud of myself when I shower and get the dishes done, let alone working on anything else! You are a serious inspiration, I don’t know how you do it!!!
I agree too. I’ve been following your blog for years and have your cookbook and app. Instead of wondering “why isn’t she posting as much” I wondered “how does she do it!”. I have a 3 year old and a 5 month old and life is hectic! Sleep is at an all time low and honestly the cookbook and app have been lifesavers for me in order to get food on the table I know everyone will eat!
Oh she glows started as a blog ..but has grown and matured into so much more. I am glad your husband reminds you to stop and take stock of your triumphs. You should be proud of yourself!
Angela, as a mom of 3 and new business owner, I found it refreshing to see you weren’t “doing it all”. We truly can’t and that’s called being human. I was and still am proud of you for creating those boundaries! Kudos to you for pouring your heart out and explaining, I’m not so sure I would have done that. You are far more than a vegan blogger. I too will not create a blog post, newsletter or anything, really, if the creative energy isn’t flowing. Hugs to you!
I agree too!! I’m not even a mum yet and I can’t even get all my normal stuff done in a single day!! You’re an inspiration Angela, don’t doubt it for a second!! Xx
Oh my goodness, that letter about you not doing enough just riled me up! I feel a connection too, but it’s not like that’s disappeared because you haven’t been posting enough. Of course I’ve missed your blog posts, but have never felt upset when you haven’t been posting all the time. You’re a person, not some blogging machine. I really enjoy your snap chat posts now, and you using snap chat is pretty much the only reason I’m ever on there. You absolutely shouldn’t feel bad about not blogging enough, there are so many other things going on! Just blogging by itself can be really difficult. I just finished up a cookbook proposal and trying to work on that and keep up with my blog was crazy, never mind having a child, being pregnant, and working on an app, too! You are amazing, don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise!
Thank you for your thoughtful note Alexandra! I greatly appreciate your support and understanding. And that’s so fun that you follow me on snapchat…I’m kind of addicted to following people’s day to day lives!! hah.
Lauren beat me to the comment I was about to write. Ditto to everything she wrote. Life happens. I am so, so looking forward to your new cookbook. Congratulations on every thing you’ve accomplished. Also congratulations to you and your husband with the new baby on the way.
haha yes…life happens…never a dull moment! Thanks for your kind words.
I hope you enjoy the next book…not much longer now!
Avocado with pink salt! Genius. I was eating avocado toast for breakfast while reading this so I grabbed the pink salt to try it. So good and it tastes like when I used to eat it with a fried egg on top.
Actually, I was referring to black salt (even though it is pink). Always finish coffee before posting online.
I think maybe part of what that commenter was trying to get across was that she misses the personal anecdotes & stories you used to include in your blog posts (or maybe I’m projecting). I understand if it’s a privacy thing, but I would love to read more about life w/ Adriana, how your 2nd pregnancy is going, fun trips you’ve taken, etc. We feel like we’ve gotten to know you & enjoy reading updates on your beautiful family, & then BAM! you pull the plug. Hopefully as you’re able to start devoting more time to the blog again you can include some of those posts, too.
Hi Julie, I totally get what you’re saying! My struggle has been deciding how much to share and how much not to share online. It’s been challenging bringing a daughter into the mix, especially after the backlash we received about her diet post. Ever since then I will admit it’s been hard to write freely, but it’s something I’m trying to work on. I agree with you though that the personal element has been less than it was, and I hope to weave it back into my posts while still finding a balance! Thanks for weighing in! :)
I am sorry to hear that there was backlash on that post. Honestly, I believe your approach to her diet is reasonable. Not only that, but one day she still be curious why you only eat plant based foods, and that will be the perfect time to explain your reasons. There will be an element of choice, which I am sure she will appreciate as an adult.
I know that if I was a child who was forced to be vegan, I would glare at all the things my friends get to eat whether during lunch or birthday parties and resent it ( although, if your delicious recipes existed back then, that would make it easier :P). I would feel socially excluded. That will not be the case with all children, but I know it would be for me.
If I ever become vegan and have a child, my approach would be the same as yours.
I agree that I miss the “you” that was there, but I feel I have absolutely NO right to ask that of you, as I don’t put myself out there online. I thought the original comment could be taken as mean, or just as sad–that commenter must be really lonely. Rather than saying she missed you, she acted like you had betrayed a sort of friendship. Don’t feel bad that you can’t hold us all up–you’re not Atlas :-) Ditto what everyone else said about your family coming first. Just know we like to read about you because you have always sounded so fun and genuine. I love your recipes, but I am so busy I don’t cook that much anyway–I always eagerly looked for new posts to read your writing as much as to drool over the recipe that I would want to make but probably not get around to, anyway :-) (But that said, your Best Shredded Kale Salad is so incredible, my 3-year-old eats it–and she doesn’t eat ANYTHING, vegetable or not!!)
P.S. In a future Friday, can you talk more about different kinds of sweeteners, especially granulated? (Why coconut sugar sometimes and Sucanat others? Ever use maple sugar?) Thanks for sharing your wisdom!
So much love for you and your blog! I’m glad you’re slowly finding balance in your life!
I follow the blog and have purchased the first cookbook (which I use very often) and will purchase the second. I agree with Julie’s statement — I think the author of the letter to you meant missing out on the personal anecdotes that you used to share. I too have felt that way because I enjoyed hearing about all the different aspects of your life. I’m glad you are working to find balance and enjoy life with your husband and daughter and savoring the times with them and the new little one on the way. I guess what we all probably mean to say is that we miss hearing from you more often…we’ve missed you. Thanks for the new Friday Q&As…it’s great to have you back.
I love these Q&A’s! I have a question for you after reading your, very thoughtful, response to the woman disappointed in the app/blog frequency. Why are you focusing more on the newsletter now than blogging?
Hi Erica, So happy to hear you are enjoying the Q&A’s! My intention is not to focus more on the newsletter than the blog, but it’s simply taken some work in the “start up” phase to get it going, figure out the format/content/etc. I don’t think it’ll be as time-consuming in the future now that we have a system going. :) I hope this helps answer your question!
Angela, I think the things you’ve accomplished from the humble beginnings of this blog are both amazing and inspiring. Change is normal and natural and of course you have to let some things go. I know it’s easy, as readers, to get caught up in the lives of our favourite bloggers; for what it’s worth, this reader right here is nothing but thrilled for you as you move forward with your dreams. And I’m eagerly awaiting your next cookbook!
Well said Tara!
Angela — never feel guilty for taking the time to focus on your family! Your children are only little once and you will never get this time back. There are many, many years ahead of extended blog posts. You’re doing an amazing job!
I think you are super mom! Congratulations on your second pregnancy and cookbook!
You are doing awesome!
As previous comments have mentioned… I think that person was being a bit harsh. We loved hearing about your personal life (your husband, daughter, and daily life). It adds a lot of character to the blog. That being said, privacy and deciding how much to share is a personal choice. We will respect whatever you choose. Also, family comes first and no one blames you for shifting gears. You have to do what’s right for you and your family – whether that’s choosing to spend more time with them, or refocusing your priorities on different ventures. Personally, I really loved your pregnancy and family posts. Hopeful they come back, but grateful for whatever you post!
Thank you for sharing your struggle with us. When I first had to give up gluten, then soy, then dairy, then meat (bodies are stupid and they still can’t figure my issues out), your cookbook and website were a life saver to me, literally. I still use a lot of your recipes as go-tos, and look forward to your new cookbook and will be downloading your app, as my iPad has become a crucial cooking tool.
Being in one of those seasons where I feel I can’t meet everyone’s needs (I’m in the third year of a degree, online, and working), I know how it feels to be stretched think and feel like you’re not going a bang up job in any one area, even when you are rocking in the areas you are focusing in. So keep up the good work, and I love when I get the notification that you have a new post. It makes my days brighter.
That comment about disconnection for you because u haven’t been posting as regularly…that person can suck it! Omgod my blood is boiling after reading that. That person obviously doesn’t have kids. I’m so sorry ppl are that entitles and self absorbed. Everyone will want a piece of you. But u need to put on your grown up parent pants on and realize that your family comes first. No apologies to anyone if she lost connection that is her issue. Not yours. I use bloglovin and look forward to ur updates on there. If I hear nothing I still consider it site an invaluable resource as it is on its own. The world can wait. Focus on your family first. Ur response was very diplomatic and perfect btw. Sometimes ppl say stuff to others online forgetting it’s a real person at the other end. Ur a full time mom. U workout. U cook for ur family, I’m sure there are days u didn’t get any sleep looking after ur daughter. U also have recently put out an app, a cookbook (another on its way), u have your own tea business. Ur a busy mom. Too busy if u ask me. Don’t let ppl tear u into too many directions. And don’t ever feel guilty or bad about it. Ur wonderful and I adore u. YOU ARE NOT A PERFORMING MONKEY!!!! Sending love and strength. Ur super mom.
I love to see a new post but when there’s a lull it forces me to go back and revisit many of your old posts and recipes. There are so many I had intended to make and never did, so it gives me an opportunity to try them out! There’s so much content within your blog…it’s pretty hard to get bored!
I’m sure I am one of many that have had to adjust diet due to health reasons and you have been a lifesaver literally! So never underestimate the power of your blog! Wishing you continued success ?
I do look forward to your postings, both recipe- and family-related, but completely understand both your concerns about privacy and keeping work-life balance. Plus, since I’m a relative “latecomer” to your blog (late 2013) and even later to fully committing to a plant-based diet, I’ve been having fun randomly picking out some of your ‘older’ recipes and making them, in between posts. There’s more than enough gold to mine there! In fact, I think I have OhSheGlows Syndrome: a fear of trying other people’s recipes for fear they won’t turn out as well as Angela’s! Anyway, keep up the good work and I am enjoying the newsletter and Friday FAQs, by the way!
It’s impossible to be all things to all people. And as you change and grow, we are all changing and growing as well. The odds of us all moving in the exact same direction, together, are so slim. Not everything is meant to last forever.
I’m sorry that person said such hurtful things in her comment. I feel like there’s got to be a kinder way to make her points. I don’t feel like it’s your responsibility to take care of us and make us feel special or like we’re your highest priority. You have a whole life that has nothing to do with us.
Thank you for sharing what you do share with us! I don’t take it for granted at all.
Having the (unbelievably) good fortune to test some of your recipes and get to see them develop and layer…and see the detail and consideration you put into each and every ingredient, how they compliment one another, a pinch more of this or a little less of that…ditching a yummy recipe if you don’t feel it is just right…I know you will never provide the disservice to your readers of giving us a less than incredible recipe. In addition, I know from experience that having a toddler and expecting your second must leave you with morning sickness and feeling worn out.
I understand the commenters feeling of “missing you” or missing the connection, but even out in the real world we don’t keep in constant contact with our friends, there can be a few months at a time with just a quick facebook comment or message to one another so it is perfectly understandable there would be pauses in the blog world, too!
The important thing with real workd friendships is that you reconnect when you can and move forward with all of those positive feelings and connections. In the same way a friend might call after a couple of months and say, “let’s go for coffee and catch up”, your blog featured a post from you apologizing for your absence and welcoming everyone to join you as you return to blogging, or visit you on facebook, check out snapchat…I would be sad to lose a friend because I had a few really busy months and I am certain that you will be getting hundreds of comments assuring you that you haven’t lost them…that your blog is more than worth waiting for!
Just wanted to add my love to the love the previous posters have shared. My husband and I are constantly saying how much we love you because your recipes are so reliable and delicious. Even when I find something on your website I’ve never made before I’m never nervous to make it for the first time to bring to a get together. We have several vegans, celiacs and vegetarians in both of our families and your recipes are always a hit (in fact I have to remind the meat eaters to leave some for the vegetarians at family dinners!)
I am a few months away from my due date with my first baby. I suffered terrible nausea and exhaustion for the first 4 months of my pregnancy. I was so thankful that my family picked up my slack at the family business and couldn’t (and still can’t) comprehend how pregos suffering nausea manage “regular jobs” or toddlers. Life can be busy and tricky and I know as a fellow business owner some days (and years) you can give more than other days.
Thank you for creating and sharing amazing recipes, and for your authenticity. Can’t wait for cookbook number 2!
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzz. What’s with the ungrateful attitude from some of the readers! I get it, I’ve missed your posts too Angela, but everyone sounds like the weird desperate friend when they’re coming across as being irritated that you’re not sharing updates on your family!! Lol? People seem to be forgetting that you’ve given us literally hundreds of amazing freeeee recipes and privledged us with any insight into your family life in the first place. I don’t mean to sound snarky to the readers, I really don’t because I get it- I mean who didn’t love the posts on Adriana, what a PEANUT she is!! But I completely agree with the commenter above who said it forced her to delve back into the plethora of recipes you’ve given us on the blog and how she rediscovered some favorites. Same thing happened to me!! Whole foods detox salad, strawberry chia jam, crowd pleasing kale salad and the walnut lentil taco meat Oh Em Gee. What I find most disturbing about some readers comments though is the lack of support among fellow women! I can’t help but believe that as women we ALL have tough decisions to make (or know someone who’s struggled) with respect to career, family and MOTHERHOOD. I’m not a mother yet, but I plan to be one day and it hurts my heart just thinking about the guilt I’m sure I will always feel when it comes to balancing my career and raising my children. Being a mother would be a blessing, but along with that comes decision making and choosing one thing over another at times. In a *perfect* world I’d clone myself and one of me would be able to have the respected career of an ER physician helping people feel better and being a professional working among adults instead of watching Frozen twelve hundred times until I want to poke my eyes out and having the Peppa Pig song stuck in my head (or doodling ‘Peppa Pig’ all over my Bio Chem binder.. I have nieces) then the other one of me would get to be there every. single. moment. with my babies singing the Peppa Pig song over and over and reading the same book fifteen times (seriously why do they insist on this?) and playing Barbies but always getting stuck with the one with one-leg and bald spots and getting to BE THERE with my kids, instead of having the gut-renching feeling that I have at even the mere thought of leaving them and missing precious moments and years that I will NEVER get back. Men don’t typically struggle with these same decisions and choices so I can’t understand why women wouldn’t empathize with each other ESPECIALLY on this subject. I’m 24 and not married and these decisions and challenges plague me with anxiety now. Society imposes SO much guilt upon us already and we are constantly told were not doing ENOUGH. The least we can do for each other is relay some sense of understanding as women. The idea that we’re all in it together makes me feel supported and not as alone anyways. Maybe I’m weird idk lol. Point being- us women no matter what we chose, struggle with the balancing act of life like we’re freaking circus animals!!
Angela, you go girl!!! I totally respect you for putting your sweet baby girl first and I hope you take that to heart because you do it all and you’re FABULOUS. I totally respect you and adore you and I’m very grateful for all the recipes you’ve shared that my family and I have enjoyed together!
This comment is much more harsh than the original. I don’t think the commenter came across as a weird, desperate friend.
I’ve been enjoying poking around your site and I just checked your cookbook out of the library. If the recipes turn out as good as they sound I’ll probably buy it too!
I have just one issue with the recipes (one that’s common with a lot of vegan cookbooks and websites) that you’ve probably not thought of but which effects the people in my state. You talk about nutmilks being life changing, nutritious, easy to make and healthy. While that may all be true, nuts are a hugely water intensive crop. I live in California where we are suffering from a historic drought. We are being asked to cut water, cut showers, cut toilet flushing. However agriculture is what’s using most of our water, and nuts are one of the worst of these. I know a lot of crops take a lot of water, but did you know that 99% of the almonds are grown in California? And that it takes 1.1 gallons of water to grow just one almond? Walnuts are even worse – again 99% of the walnuts are grown here in California and it takes almost 5 gallons of water to grow just one of them.
I don’t know what the answer is, but I do know that the more almond milk gets promoted, the lower our water table gets. I wish people would at least use soy some of the time; soy is grown where water is more abundant and well, one less almond is one more gallon of water not taken from dams or rivers or from the rapidly diminishing underground sources.
Anyway, knowledge is power. Best to you and yours,