If frost on the ground and a temperature of –1C isn’t reason for Coffee, I don’t know what is!

It was freezing when I got up this morning. I put on a sweater and a robe and I was still chilled to the bone.

I guess this means hell has frozen over when I am craving coffee on a chilly morning!
All I could think about was my French Press…

I ended up buying a President’s Choice Burr Coffee Grinder.

It took me a few fumbles to get used to how it worked, but now it is easy as pie. I like that I can set the grinder to coarse and just hit the on button.
As for my coffee beans, I bought Mountain Gems Organic + Fair Trade French Riviera.

The description, ‘Cool summer evenings on the French Riviera inspired this bistro style coffee. Deep roasted coffee builds a solid foundation for a perfect steamy café au lait.’
Umm, yes please!!
I put two tablespoons of beans into the grinder for 1 mug’s worth.

I’m not sure if that is the ‘right’ amount, but it tastes amazing when I make it this way!
Set the grinder to the coarse dial (far right) and click on.

Within about 5 seconds, you have your coarse grounds! Pour the grounds into the French Press.

Now pour your boiled water into the Press, leaving 1 inch at the top.

Set your timer for 4 minutes and walk away!

And slowly press…


Add your milk. I use Almond Breeze unsweetened.

And guzzle down a taste of Paris.

I was amazed at how much this coffee tastes like the stuff I had in Paris!!! It is almost identical. It has a deep flavour with hints of chocolate and caramel. It is crazy to me that coffee can have undertones of chocolate and caramel! Awesome. I don’t even find that it is missing sweetener either.
Welcome, me to the dark side. muahuhauha. I can’t wait to experiment with different coffee blends.
I like my 3 cup Bodum (really it makes 1 mug’s worth) because I enjoy my cup of coffee in the morning, and then I switch back to my Japanese Sencha Green Tea for the rest of the day.

A nice balance, I think!
After my coffee and Gingerbread VOO, I bundled up for a very chilly + brisk run outdooors:
The run:
- Distance: 4.10 miles
- Time: 33:53
- Avg pace: 8:15 min/mile (the cold makes me run fast!)
- Splits: 8:36, 8:14, 8:12, 8:06
Very glad to have that done with for the day. It was freezing!
I am off to bake up a few orders including a huge order for Ambrosia. If I get all of that complete, I will be working on my new Glo Bar Flavour. Very excited about this new flavour. :) Have a great day!
I love how you are such a convert to the java. Our room better have a coffee maker… :)
Hey Angela,
This comment isn’t about your post, but rather, just wanted to see if you knew that your blog was noted in November, 2010’s Canadian Living Magazine as one of the best ones in the “Health” category. I just got my copy of Canadian Living in the mail and there you were! The article is just after pg 111 and is on their page entitled “ON2”
Mwahaha, welcome to the dark side >:) Hey, coffee has lots of anti-oxidants, so it’s not ALL evil ;)
I found your Glo Bars at Ambrosia! Love that store! Can’t wait to hear about the new flavour ;D
Your French press is so cute!
I can’t live without my one cup of coffee a day. Usually in the morning, but if things are to hectic I wait til afternoon. Could NOT live without my Keurig!!!!!
Just had a cup of amazing “Chocolate Fantasy” coffee. In the mornings when I get up I make a cup.. and then four or five more throughout the a.m as I work on my paintings. :) you can see the results if you click my name ^^^. Cheers!
Ha, ha. Welcome to the darkside of coffee addiction. You won’t regret it :)
I always start my day with a couple mugs of delish coffee from my french press; couldn’t be better!
I can’t believe how cold it is there already! This post makes me want to buy a french press. I only have a regular drip machine. This looks fancier and I hear it tastes much better.
Ooooooh I love it! Wait until you try coffee in oats. You will die a little from pure bliss. I make mocha oats, all kinds of latte oats, and today I made creme brulee oats using a creme brulee flavoured organic coffee :-) I have also used coffee in overnight oats, and it is excellent.
Lately I’ve been living off of Starbucks vanilla flavoured coffee that I bought in the US (since we can’t get it here). But I’m almost done the bag and I’d love to try this kind next! Did you buy it at Fortinos/Loblaws?
We have a French press too and I love it! Don’t forget to stir with a plastic stir stick of some kind after adding the water to the coffee grounds as well as making sure the lid is far enough down when you leave it for 4 mins that the grounds are actually in the water!
I should go look for that coffee. I am currently drinking some pumpkin spice coffee my boyfriend got for me!
Does this mean you’ll be selling Glo Bars at Ambrosia? (as in maybe the run bars I am dying to try!!) If so, when do you expect they will be selling them there? Thanks!
“Avg pace: 8:15 min/mile (the cold makes me run fast!)”
That is an impressive pace IMHO. I wish I could run that fast. I have a lot of work to do to make that pace but I spend my fitness time lifting weights and doing sports.
Impressive time.
In order to keep my body alkaline, coffee is saved for special occasions HOWEVER, I purchase Teeccino Carob/chicory “coffee” from Organic Garage and prepare it in a french press. It’s a great substitute, and you get that great french press flavour.