Good morning!

This morning was a whirlwind in the bakery today! The mornings are always a bit crazy because I am rushing to get my orders out for the mail pick-up.
For one of my orders this morning, I was working on a custom BABY SHOWER order. I love doing these!

I made up this custom label with a stork on it and my customer also came up with the name- the baby boy’s name is Henry so she thought O Henry would be cute.

So fun.

We did 4 different flavours in mini sized Glo Bars.

and then I packaged them all up!

I can’t wait to hear how the ladies like them.
This summer I am also doing up Glo Bars for wedding favours– that will be fun too. I love the idea of giving Glo Bars as party favours…I think they are a unique item to give as a thank-you.
Speaking of mail, I also had a fun delivery this morning. My running books arrived! I was the winning bidder on Brooke’s Cool Running Gift Pack in Shop 4 A Cause 2.

The books I won are the following:
1) Complete Book of Beginning Running: Only in Runner’s World Complete Book of Beginning Running will you find everything you need to become a happy, healthy fitness runner including: how to stay motivated, what shoes to buy, what to eat before you run and after, how to prevent common injuries and much, much more! 2) Hal Higdon’s Smart Running: Expert advice on training, motivation, injury prevention, nutrition and good health. 3) How to Train for and Run Your Best Marathon: Tips for first timers on workouts and pacing, advice for experienced participants on setting a goal and achieving a personal best, information for all runners on cross training, nutrition, equipment and injury prevention.

I’m excited to read them. I was glancing through the Runner’s World book (right) and it has a recommended food as DARK CHOCOLATE. I think I am going to like this book. :lol:
And because Brooke is such a sweetie, she sent me some fun TARGET plates, a bowl, and a cup!
The Crazy Dish Lady lives on… :devil: Thanks Brooke!
Breakfast this morning was Banana Soft Serve Vegan Overnight Oats!

I made it with Chocolate Banana Soft Serve using 2 tbsp of cocoa powder processed into the frozen banana.

Fun mix-ins included Nature’s Path Rice Crisp and Cacao Nibs!
Feel The Burn
Want to know something weird that happened as a result of the try-a-tri race? I got wind burn on my face!
When we got home from the race, I noticed that my face was quite red and at first I thought that was due to exerting myself in the race or being cold. Well, a day passed and my face was still red, so I am pretty sure that I got wind burn when on the bike.
Wind burn is defined as, ‘redness and irritation of the skin caused by exposure to high-velocity wind.’ I guess I was just going too fast for my own good?! :tongue: hah..I joke, I joke. It doesn’t really surprise me that I would get wind burn because my skin flushes VERY easily and it is very sensitive. It has been that way since I have been a child and has caused me a lot of grief in public situations! :blush: I blush at the thought of blushing. I blush if someone else blushes. I blush if I feel like I am put on the spot or I am anxious. It is annoying at times. Rosacea runs in my family though so it is not too surprising I guess.
Do you have sensitive skin or do you flush easily?
Well, I have more orders to bake and then I need to do a bunch of work on the upcoming Farmer’s Market! I haven’t had a chance to make my signs yet and I am a bit worried because I have no idea what to do for them. The director told me that anything HOMEMADE for signs at a market is good, so I guess I will have to find some time to make some signs.
I have a very delicious chick pea recipe coming up that will blow your mind. It is another ‘life changer’ if you know what I mean.
Have a great Tuesday!
I just bought those same dishes/bowl from Target! I heart them….It’s funny how becoming a blogger has made me become a crazy dish lady too. Gone are the days when I could stroll by kitchen stores without a second glance. Nowadays, I’m obsessively on the lookout for sales on dishes. My pantry is now stocked with all these beautiful, fun dishes that don’t stack on top of each other at all. I’m glad we can all be crazy dish ladies together. :)
My skin is quite fair, so I get windburn ALL the time. The worst is when I go skiing! I’m a speed demon, and I love the feeling of flying down the mountain. Too bad my face looks like a tomato for the next 24 hrs afterward. I’ve learned to embrace it. I’ve dubbed it my “mountain look”. :)
Oh. My. Goodness!!!! When I have a baby, I am totally getting some custom glo-bars!!!!! What an awesome idea!!!!!!! I love giving favours out, and I had no idea you did custom orders!!!!!
Oh my word, I blush at the drop of a hat, and I mean seriously beat red blush. I can’t hide anything! SO embarrassing sometimes.
I love the look of chalkboard signs with pretty colorful chalk-writing!
I have always been a blusher and hated it. My mom said I would eventually out grow it. Nope!! I’m now 55 and still get red when I exercise, eat spicy food, drink wine or if attention is on me. I have been using skincare for sensitive skin by Evan Healy for nearly a year and it has really helped.
Love the recipes. I’ve been passing them on to my son and future daughter-in-law.
It’s so reassuring to read about someone else that blushes as much as I do! I’ve always hated it but I guess I need to remind myself it’s normal! I really enjoy reading your blog; thanks for all the great recipes and inspiring exercise and healthy-eating posts.
Too cute, I love that type of gift pack. I have that exact square bowl from Target. I love the shape of it, hubby not so much. He says it’s odd eating out of a square bowl…LOL! I’m shipping my items out to Debbie & Jami this weekend. I’ve had a hard time figuring out how to ship the crystals w/o them breaking while being shipped…eeek! I finally have them packaged up with plenty of tissue and bubble wrap, so crossing my fingers they will ship to Debbie all in one piece.
I love those tiny glo-bars, too cute and what a great prize to receive at a party!
I did a triathlon about 4 years ago, in January, it was a backwards tri, and it was 29 degrees that day….holy cow, having the swim as the last part of the race was nice because I literally felt like I thawed out. It was an indoor pool, so it was heated and wow, what a great feeling. Anywho, that evening my hubby noticed that my face was burned…I was like how’d that happen, it was freezing cold. Well, cycling an average of 14-15 mph in cold wind, I burned my face. I literally peeled like a sunburn. Eeek!
Finally catching up on my favorite blogs and got so excited to see the bars!!! They are ADORABLE! I cannot wait to see them in my mailbox. I think the ladies are going to love them :) Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the chickpeas with pnut butter and maple surple! I added some cinnamon to it today ( I made a double batch last night so I would have some for a snack mid-afternoon) and it was DELISH! Thank you!
And congrats on your Tri! You are amazing!!!
Maria (in Guam)