Happy Friday night everyone! :D
“Fashions fade, style is eternal.” ~Yves Saint Laurent
Seeing as fashion is currently in the lead for today’s blog improvement poll, I thought I best get my a$$ in gear and crank out a fashion post! :)
Without further ado, I present to you my current Fashion Favourite:
- Who? Blake Lively
- What? Gossip Girl
- Where? Stylish Streets of NYC
- Why? From casual to dressy, she always oozes great, effortless style! I love how she is always put together so well.

Who are your fashion favourites?? Leave a comment and you may see your favourite featured in the next fashion post!
Stay tuned for tonight’s Birthday themed baking post!
i love gossip girl (watching last monday’s epi now actually) and i cant decide if id rather be blair or serena…. i think id rather be blair!! (but nicer) :)
I think Blake looks great as she’s not too skinny and I love her hair.
Style wise, I like Kate moss, joy bryant, and victoria beckham.
i love blake lively! she pulls everything off so well, and is gorgeous :D
I love Gossip Girl and I wish I could own their wardrobe !!! Style wise, I also really like Rachel Bilson, Gwen Stefani, Jessica Alba,Cameron Diaz.
hmmm… well i’ve never watched gossip girl- my boy has and he swears i would love the show if i did watch it “its a you show..” (whats that supposed to mean?!) I hope it because of all tha fashion! i really like the pic of blake lively in the brown boots and skinny jeans and white tee. THATS my style to a T.