Good morning everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful Friday so far. :D
Before I get into the post, I just want to thank all of you for your encouraging feedback on this blog! Each day I am inspired and motivated by all of you to create a really fun blog. I read all of your comments and I will try to respond to each and everyone of them because I am flattered that you take the time to read each day.
As you know, the ‘theme’ of this blog is to mix it up each and every day. No day will be the same! And so I present to you the Blog Improvement poll of the day:
This morning I awoke to a warm morning (10C/50F), and after seeing this weather report, I knew I had to squeeze in another run ourdoors!
yuk!!!! Anyone wanna trade weekend weather with me? lol.
My run was great this morning, still in a lot of pain from the blisters but I tried to ignore it the best I could.
- 5.5 miles, including 2 big hills
- 47 minutes
- no walking!
I really, really wanted to walk today. Immensely. I really pushed myself running up the hills as fast as I could, and boy was I gasping for air at the top. Instead of walking, I just slowed my pace to recover and eventually…..eventually….I did.
While I was running today, this was a motivating thought ‘running‘ through my mind:
So many people in this world take their body for granted. So many people have no clue what their body can do for them, all that it is capable of. I want to push myself mentally and physically and see exactly what I am capable of…
When I first started running, off and on, years ago (I never did it consistently)…I could barely run 1 minute without stopping. I can see how new runners get discouraged because it takes a while to build up stamina.
Many people just assume that they aren’t meant to run because they can’t go long without stopping. I am here to tell you it is OK to stop and walk! The only reason I am challenging myself not to, is because I have trained with cardio, for a looong time now and there is no reason why I shouldn’t be able to do it. Of course, when you are beginning you need to walk until you improve the lungs! :D
Whether you love her or hate her….she is getting her life back on track:
Has anyone seen this video of Britney performing with Madonna at her concert last night?
Brit looks damn good! She is finally getting into great shape again. Good for her. :)
Sorry for all the Britney stuff lately, but I can’t deny that she has really done a complete 180 as of late. I promise to feature other celebs soon!
My question to you today is- what person (either in your life or a celebrity) inspires you to workout? and why!
The person that inspires me to workout is actually myself, believe it or not!! I have two daughters 3 and 6 that are my motivation. I believe if they see me working out then someday I will be their inspriation to keep it up (not to ention the skinny jeans in my closet that I will get into soon)!!
Heidi Klum is a freak of nature for the way she maintains her weight so she’s a VERY high inspirational celeb. Also, my sister! She goes to the gym every day and reminds me to keep it up!
hmmmm… I think it would have to be the celebs who work just as hard as we do to maintain their figure. Beyonce, Gwen Stefani, Cameron Diaz.. all of these people admit their body ups and downs and what they do or dont like. Plus they seem real and down to earth about their healthy habits.