I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!
Do I look calm to you guys??
Don’t be fooled!!

This picture was taken just 5 mins. prior to the crew getting here. LOL.

(Don’t mind the green forehead, that happened when I tried to remove the red eyes…lol)
My heart was POUNDING in anticipation!
Let’s rewind a bit though!
I fully intended to do a fashion show last night and get you guys to vote on what I would wear for the TV interview, however the nerves were getting to me and I just couldn’t take one more piece of advice! I think I was just over-analyzing something that should have been easy!
Remind me not to ask my mom and two sisters for their opinion on outfits…hahaha. I sent them a few pictures and they all said something different. ;) Women! We are complex creatures aren’t we?
My trip to the mall yesterday was a huge FAIL.
I went into almost every single women’s clothing store in the mall and no one had a coloured blazer. The best I found was a pale grey blazer on sale for $20 bucks at Fairweather:

However, this colour totally washed me out and I felt so blah in it!! So it was out.
I also made a great purchase at Old Navy and got some cheap lace tanks. I figured if anything I could have a BRIGHT POP of colour in my outfit! I love Old Navy!!! So cheap!
I got yellow, blue, and pink. Three of my fav colours.
I actually managed to get a full 8 hours sleep last night and I had no problems falling asleep. Yippee.
This morning when my alarm went off I screamed ahhhhhhhhh in my head. I was nervous and knew a kick butt workout would have me feeling much better…

I did a 45 min hill workout (Speed 4.1, incline 11%) followed by yoga and stretching. I’m so happy I re-introduced yoga into my life. It is so calming and centering.
I had ZERO appetite too. I could barely stomach water!!!!

Then it was time to shower and do my hair and make-up!
Whenever I want my hair to look polished, I always blow it out with a big round brush. I polish it off by using my amazing Conair iron shown below. I love this thing. It gives you sort of that Jennifer Anniston circa 1998 bouncy hair look. ;) I flip out the ends.
Then it was time to do make-up!
I wanted to add more than usual, but still keep it natural looking. These pictures were taken with my 50 mm macro lens for close-up shots so you can see every pore and zit on my face, haha.

I made sure to exfoliate any dry skin away this morning so I had a smooth base to work with.
For the eyes, I used a brown neutral shadow and black liner and I winged it out a bit. I used a very tiny bit of liner on my bottom lashes (only the outer half to avoid closing up my eyes). I then curled my lashes and used 3 coats of black mascara to make them pop.
For my skin, I lightly layered on the foundation. I followed this with bronzer and a little pink in the middle of my cheeks.
For the lips, I lined them (which I never do normally!) and used a lip stain close to my natural lip colour. I also rocked the beautiful earrings that Leah gave me as a Bridesmaid gift! Aren’t they nice?

Then the cameraman and Reporter arrived shortly after noon!!!
To my delight, they were SO sweet and friendly. I felt right at home and very comfortable. My nerves went way down. They loved how we had the house set up and the cameraman was really excited to do some baking and office/computer shots! After chatting for about 10 minutes we got into the interview, held in our kitchen.
As you can see, for my outfit I selected the black blazer and bright pink lace tank. I felt so comfortable in it, so I knew it was the right choice.

I thought I was going to be so intimidated by the big camera, but I barely even noticed it. The cameraman Sean was so nice so I felt at ease.

He had a great trick too- The reporter and I were chatting and he was actually filming it! I had no idea that we had ‘started’ shooting yet, but it was a great way for me to ease into it naturally rather than just saying ok….5…4…3…2…

Eric is working from home today…thank goodness. He is my rock. He got me to deep breathe this morning and gave me a mock interview. I love him!

He also caught a bit of footage of the interview!!!!
It was a very short clip but it gives you an idea!!
Eric brought home this gorgeous Poinsettia plant as a prop for the interview! As you can see above it is in the background of my shot.

After the interview, they shot my Glo Bars (!!!!!!) and then they got me ‘baking’ in the kitchen. haha. I was honestly just throwing ingredients into a bowl and trying to act natural. ;)

The reporter said to me, “What flavour is this you are making?”
And I said, ‘I’m inventing a new flavour’ ;)
After the kitchen shots, it was off to our office! Sean wanted to film me browsing my Glo Bakery shopping cart as well as Oh She Glows.
I joked with OSGmom last night that I was going to get her on camera by putting her picture beside my screen. I actually asked Sean to capture it on video and he DID! Time will tell if it makes the cut…haha. ;)

After the interview I felt sooooo relieved and excited! My nerves have been getting in the way and now I just feel plain old excited! I’m so proud of myself for going WAY out of my comfort zone and just doing it. You only live once!!! I also don’t care what I look like on TV…that was the anxiety talking Thursday!
I am just proud that I did it, had FUN, and tried to let my enthusiasm shine through.
I changed into my comfy clothes and took a quick rest to soak it all in.

Then I had one of the most delicious Green Monsters ever!!! It was so refreshing!!!

Tonight Eric and I are going out to dinner to celebrate!!!!! :D I can’t wait.
I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for all of your sweet comments, emails, and Tweets!!! I read some of them over this morning to calm my nerves. I couldn’t have done this without your encouragement!!!!!!!! I truly mean that. I have an amazing support system and I am so thankful for you guys.
The interview will air Sunday Dec 6, 2009 at 6pm and 11:30pm EST on CTV Toronto (Channel 8)!!!!! It will also be online so I will be providing the link so you all can watch.

PEACE. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
~Submitted by Caitlin!!! :)
Very cool and congrats. I am in a hurry now so I look forward to watching the clip. It’s funny you mentioned that about the camera man just talking to you and not knowing he was filming. When I did my last interview for the news the same thing happened. I bet it is a camera man trick, btu it works and I was thankful for it.
Hello Angela,
You loje beautiful at tha pictures.
I am very hapy tha everything got the way you wish.
Let me tell you that you are amazing. Your blog is very important to me, my live in this moment isn´t in a very good moment, so your blog is a healp to me.
Well done Ange! You looked and did great..Congrats!
Bask in this moment for as long as you can. What a great accomplishment.
P.S. That video is adorable. You are smiling the whole time!
Congratulations!! You look fantastic.
I can’t wait to see the interview tomorrow night!! I will be tuning into CTV for sure!!
I know I’m a little late, but CONGRATS! What a wonderful opportunity! I’m sure you rocked it!
Hello,You did a very good job from what I could see! Good luck to you! I know about the nerves. I have been doing live cooking broadcasts for NBC. I love It!! Enjoy!:)
It wasn’t just on CTV in Toronto, they just showed it as part of a piece on holiday shopping/online shopping here in CTV BC. I was sitting in the kitchen, writing a paper, and heard “Oh She Glows” from the tv, so I had to bolt out there to see what it was about.
Of course, the first thing my mom says after the news story is “See, you could do that”. LOL.
PS – too bad the reporter kept calling you Andrea instead of Angela in her voice over spots.
Congrats Ange! I know you did great!