Top of the Morning to ya!
Did the morning take the top of my bread by chance? :D
So you didn’t really think that my first attempt at baking bread from scratch would be a hit, did you? lol.
My homemade attempt at making Spelt bread was a pretty big bust! I tried so hard to follow all of the steps in this recipe, by the lovely Angela over at Cottage Magpie (Great website!) but alas my bread came out short (pun intended!).

I even kneeded it for the full 7 minutes (by hand!!) and it still came out flat! Hmph. I am wondering if it didn’t rise enough because our house is so freezing and cold??? I had it on the oven and put a wet teacloth over it, but the teacloth kept getting ice cold (I warmed it up a few times). I would appreciate any tips!
I wonder if my Kitchen Aid Mixer would make better bread using the dough blade?
So in search of making a better bread, I found these awesome videos on You Tube:
This lady is hilariously cute!!!!! I felt like I was doing Yoga for Bread makers!! LOL
“Were going to make life. That’s what bread is.” :)
Part 2:
Poll of the day:
Phone Interview:
So I had my scary phone interview this morning- it was a conference call with 5 other people!!! I was so nervous. Agh. Sweating bullets too. I don’t think it went very well, but I never think interviews go well so who knows. I may be contacted for a second interview….I am just glad that is out of the way!
Before the interview at 9:30am, I made a Brain smoothie, filled with blueberry brain power (sadly, I don’t think they ‘kicked in’ fast enough! haha).

The Line up:
1 hanful organic spinach
1 large organic kale leaf
1/3 cup organic frozen blueberries
2/3 large banana
1 Tbsp flax
1 cup unsweetened Almond Breeze

I love when it makes an adult and a kid sized glass! :D
Ok, I am off to steam wall paper! This just never ends! Luckily I am one strip away from being done the family room! Yippee. :)
Stay tuned today:
Valentine’s Day Recipe
A special ‘What I ate’ segment
More home reno pictures
The next contest!
pictures, quotes, and more!
PS- I anyone else following this horrible Chris Brown/Rihanna trouble??? Good grief!!
“Any human being is really good at certain things. The problem is that the things you’re good at come naturally. And since most people are pretty modest instead of an arrogant s.o.b. like me, what comes naturally, you don’t see as a special skill. It’s just you. It’s what you’ve always done.”
– Stephen Jay Gould, evolutionary scientist
Kath told me you had some spelt problems and thought I might be able to help! The most annoying thing about spelt is how stretchy it is without being elastic and pulling back. There’s pretty much two options if you’re going to make 100% spelt bread: 1) take advantage of a loaf pan to hold the bread up from sagging or 2) you have to REALLY tighten it up before its final rise. I’m talking hard, vigorous, thorough kneading and shaping for a good 10 minutes. You also may want to let it do its final rise in a bowl so that it gets the shape you want, then plop it on a sheet pan right before the bake in the hopes that it retains the shape.
I love spelt but man I hate making it…