Those of you who guessed I am going to Paris in September are correct! Good work, ma petite détectives, good work. ;)
During the 3rd week in September, I will be on an all girl’s trip with OSGMOM and my sister Kristi. We have been planning a trip together for over 5 years now and we couldn’t be more excited. [I would like to thank Eat Pray Love for giving my mom the travel bug again. She called me about this trip idea shortly after starting, and falling in love, with the book!] I took French Immersion in school (from grade 7-11), but I will have to brush up on my French skills before leaving.
I will be blogging while I am away and I am excited to take you on this journey with me. However it is quite possible I may turn into a coffee-drinking, croissant loving, bon-bon eating non-vegan. I can’t be sure. I will be talking more later on about how I plan on eating while there. ;)
Now onto less exciting, but equally delicious things…breakfast…

We have a situation here!!!
Today I used 1/8th tsp of Vanilla Bean Paste in the banana soft serve and it was delicious!


Tip: If you can’t get your processor to make Banana soft serve, add a splash of almond milk to speed things along.

Check out the specs of vanilla bean! Mmmm.

I made it with layers of blueberries, Nature’s Path rice crisp, and cacao nibs.

And a raspberry on top for colour!

For the vegan overnight oats, I used my classic recipe.

It was pretty much out of control goodness, as per usual.
Today’s question: Have you ever been anywhere in Europe? Where did you stay and what did you think about it? If you haven’t been, where would you like to visit?
Well, I am off for another busy day of work. Today is Operation: Healthy Living Summit day. I will be making over 225 Glo Bars complete with custom name tags for the HLS and shipping them out tomorrow! I also need to work on Kristin’s Wedding Favours and Ambrosia + customer orders. Going to be a busy one! Wheeeeeee. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
I’ve been to Europe 4 times and looooove it. I spent a month in the Netherlands in college, then my mom and I did a 21-day tour all over Europe then went to Prague and Vienna. My husband and I went to Greece, Italy, and Croatia on our honeymoon, and then Mom and I went to Sicily for a few weeks two years ago. I’m actually posting my favorite recipe from the Sicily trip on my blog in the next day or so!
Next time we go I promised my history-buff husband that we could do WWII sites. He’s an awesome travel buddy.
Wow, yum-looking pancakes, all of them! Okay, seriously, you have me drooling over my desk and keyboard! Where are mine?!
So, so proud of Caitlin and all her OB efforts, what an accomplishment and how fun it has been to literally watch it before my *our* eyes!
You three should look into going to The Gentle Gourmet for private dinner
Basically, it’s a French-American family (mom and two adult children) who run a tiny vegan B&B in a gorgeous apartment near the Arc de Triomphe. The offer private dinners for anyone who signs up (you don’t have to be a guest) and it’s all homemade. I went with a friend in December 09 – what an experience! The food was great – Indian themed the night I was there, but it’s different every day.
Paris is wonderful, you’ll love it!