Lunch today was probably one of the best I have had in a long, long time. I feel like I say this everyday, but seriously, believe me this time! :D
While grocery shopping yesterday, I decided to pick up some soy hot dogs. I normally try to limit the amount of processed veggie/soy meats that I consume, but I do allow myself some every now and then!
I bought President’s Choice brand because it was the cheapest!
I also tried out my new flatbread hot dog buns! How cool are these??
They have 130 calories per bun, which is about 50-70 calories less than the traditional hot dog buns I was looking at.
I made some homemade Ketchup to go with it:

- 2 T tomato paste
- 1-2 t your choice of milk
Mix together, add a pinch of salt if you prefer, and put into a baggie for ‘piping’:
I pretended I was decorating a vegan cupcake. *grins*

With fresh dill (yup, still going strong!)
And leftover walnut, cranberry, spinach, pepper, tomato salad:
And an apple and Mary’s Crackers:

So satisfying.

I absolutely am smitten by this salad combination. If you have never put cranberries and walnuts in your salad I strongly suggest trying it! It was off the hook delicious and crunchy and sweet!
I also really enjoyed the hot dog buns (much as I did the flatbread hamburger buns from last night!). So fun!
As for the PC brand soy dogs, I honestly couldn’t tell the difference between those and the more expensive St Ives ones. Always nice!

Time for some more interesting blog talk!
Missed Part one? Part two? Part three?
Today’s installment is on:
Friends, family, and significant others: Their thoughts on your love for the blog world
Recently I was talking to Jen from Eating Bender about my recent installments on blogs and the pressure that readers or other bloggers feel to keep up. I asked Jen this question: What do you think the next installment should be on? And this is what she said:
It might be interesting to pose a question to bloggers/blog readers about how their family and friends who DON’T read blogs react to them spending time in the blog world.
Umm…heck yea!
I know for myself, when I first started reading food blogs I didn’t announce it to the world. I honestly thought that people would have a negative reaction about it or think it was weird. About a year later, I finally decided to take the plunge and start my own blog.
I was really nervous about what my family would think of it, but to my surprise the feedback has only been super positive.
I only recently got the nerve to post my website links on my Face book account. I just felt so weird that others would be able to read about what I was doing day in and day out. Slowly but surely though, I am getting used to it. I haven’t gotten any negative feedback from any family or friends which is really reassuring. I’m not sure why I thought I might, but I guess you never know what someone is going to think. I also have been contacted by many friends that I had lost touch with too! All and all I don’t regret opening up at all. Once I got over it I realized that all of us are going through many of the same struggles each day!
It just made me realize that if I follow my heart and my passions I can’t go wrong. I get emails everyday from people thanking me for opening up about all sorts of body image and eating disorder issues, and that alone keeps me going even when I feel scared or vulnerable.
Eric and I have had a few discussions about it and I have made it a point not to offend him, or my family, with my blogging.
For example, when we have family here the blog is off limits unless they are out or have gone to bed! Secondly, I try to not blog when Eric is around. In other words, time that we would normally spend together I try not to take away with blogging. This has made me super efficient with blogging. In the beginning, Eric admitted to me that he felt a bit jealous with the time I spent on my blog, so I really had to step back and figure out a way to make it all work. Windows Live Writer has also saved me tons of time.
So Jen and I are curious:
1) Have you told any family or friends about your love of blogs? Why or why not?
2) What kind of response did you get and why do you think that was?
3) If you have a blog, did you tell your family/friends about it or do you prefer to keep it private? Why?
4) Do you keep your blog private from your co-workers? Or would you share with co-workers your love for health blogs?
5) Have you posted your blog link on Facebook?
I am super excited to read all of your amazing thoughts on this interesting topic!! :)

I too was hesitant to send my blog to family and friends, worried that it wasn’t “good enough”. After about a month of blogging I sent it to everyone and so far have only gotten positive feedback. I definitely spend more time on my computer though, now that I have taken up blogging! I need to work on efficient blogging!
great looking lunch, and great topic.
My family knows that I blog, and most of them read, but I still haven’t told a lot of my friends – and I don’t think my family knows how many other blogs I read :)
My family thinks it’s neat – they like to get recipes and meal ideas, etc, which is one of the main reasons I started mine! My family was always asking for that stuff, so this just made it easier.
We just started our blog and I have told one friend so far, before I started it I told my mom I was considering it and the only reason I haven’t told her yet is because I haven’t really had time to talk to her. Patrick didn’t want to tell his parents yet, but I am sure we will soon. I am more nervous to tell family than friends. Not sure why. So far I have gotten a positive response from my friend and mom when I told her my thoughts of getting one. I will probably keep it private to those I work with and stuff, just because I don’t think they will understand.
Love your Blog by the way.. :)
I’ve been reading blogs for over a year now and at first I didn’t tell anyone because I thought people would think I was weird. Over the last few months I’ve been more open about sharing with others that I read blogs and I’m pretty sure no one thinks I’m weird haha. I even sent a few links to one of my friends and she liked them, though I’m not sure if she reads them since she leads a busy life. I’m still debating on whether or not I want to start my own blog, and I’ll admit that part of what’s holding me back is the thought that people will think I’m strange for taking pictures of my food and all that, which I know is silly. If I ever do start my own blog, I guess that’s just something I’ll have to get over :)
My roommate knows that I read blogs because we write one together! My family also knows. They thought it was funny that I read about what strangers eat, but I think they are coming around. In fact, my little sister is now asking me food and fitness questions because she knows I read up on this stuff all day!
My coworker does not know. This actually makes it difficult to read or post at work. I’m sure after he saw a bunch of food pictures on my screen he’d start asking questions about what the heck I was reading. Basically I’d just rather not explain and get weird looks.
None of my other friends know about the blog and the link is not on my Facebook page. Right now it’s kind of just a personal thing and a way to be connected to the blogworld. Also, since I share it with my friend/roommate, we would need to both decide it was cool to go public with it because we have so many mutual friends.
By the way, Angela, I have really enjoyed these posts. It’s given me a fair amount to think about – especially the social comparison posts. My roommate and I actually had a huge long conversation yesterday based off your posts! Keep up the good work! :)
My entire family and a ton of my coworkers know about my blog, and most are very impressed and read it daily.
Initially, my family thought it was weird that I was writing about my dinners. They are more used to food being a tangible thing, as with my sister the pastry chef. My food, to them, is very “virtual”. Now though, my mom reads every day and comments sometimes!
I’ve posted my links to facebook since the very beginning… it got the blog “out there” and now people look forward to my posts!
Those buns look fun and they don’t look like they’ll fall apart.
Want a delish topping for your hot dog?… cut up tomato, cucumber and chives into very small pieces, mix in a small bowl and the juice from the tomato kind of binds it together – it’s so good!
Question, has anyone tried the M&M Meats veggie burger? I haven’t tired them yet, but apparently there’s 8 patties in a box and it’s soy based. I’d love to hear what others thought of them. Thanks! :)
mmmm! I have a craving for soy dogs now. XP Curse yooouuu~!!
As far as blogging goes, I’m open to giving links to my favorite blogs. I share my favorite food blogs with my brothers and my friends without hesitation, my parents are a different story.
My blog is my little haven to say what I’d like. I want to open up about my Binge Eating Disorder eventually, and talk about the hardships of my relationship. These aren’t things I can share with my parents without getting into a huge blown-up fight about. My parents are the type to assume the worst of people, ‘cynics’ if you will, and if they see what I’ve gone through during my binge eating they’ll assume I have a different disorder, I’m overexercising, underating, or throwing it up. They do know I was battling binging, but my dad still believes I undereat (which I can show for that I’m not.. at all! I just eat small, frequent meals.)
And talking about my boyfriend will.. well.. not a good idea. I got this feeling that my dad would try to swim all the way to Korea just to kick my boyfriend’s rear for dating me. XD It’s a bummer being the youngest in the family, the only girl out of all the siblings, and the only teenager left. You’re watched like a freakin’ hawk and tend to become overprotected. I got to watch what I say and do because my parents blow up like -snaps- that over the little things because they love me and want to protect me.
So I keep my blog to myself, my friends, and any stranger that happens to stumble upon it. If my parents stumble upon it by accident, I guess I’ll deal with it then, but until I’m moved out, I don’t think I can handle then reading it. XD
Wow, such a great topic. I used to think that blogs were silly because I thought a lot of times bloggers extremely over-exaggerated their lives. I do still think a lot of bloggers do this. But then I found health & running blogs and I had an entirely different experience reading these. They seemed more open and honest–different from those bloggers who just blog about their life (or some version of it).
I started my blog as mostly a journal to record my training progress for my first marathon. At first I didn’t tell anyone (even my live in boyfriend) and it wasn’t even set to be a publicly searched blog. Then I decided to open the blog up publicly and began telling my friends and the bf. So far I haven’t regretted it, and I love when people tell me I have inspired them to become healthier or to start running! I mean, that’s the real point of all this, right? To be an inspiration to not only yourself but to others?
My boyfriend does get mad when I spend too much time on the computer, so like you I try not to blog when we would normally be hanging out. I only publicize my blog through my Twitter account and have not posted it on facebook…and I don’t think I will because my co-workers are on there! Maybe one day, but they think I’m weird enough already because I run extremely long distances and make green smoothies in the blender here at work every morning!
1) Have you told any family or friends about your love of blogs? Why or why not?
FH, Mom, super close friends YES. Others, not really. Honestly, it just doesn’t come up…although I’m working on a bigger, more fabulous blog and I plan to tell the world. :)
2) What kind of response did you get and why do you think that was?
FH thinks I’m weird. Mom supports me. Some friends think it’s cool, others don’t seem to care. Generally it depends on whether they are health conscious or not.
3) If you have a blog, did you tell your family/friends about it or do you prefer to keep it private? Why?
I kept it private for LONG time…FH knew I think, but unless my friends stubbled upon it I never mentioned it. I felt like they would think I’m weird. Again though, I’ve been doing it for so long and feel it’s a real part of me so I’m spending way more time on ideas and plan to tell everyone!
4) Do you keep your blog private from your co-workers? Or would you share with co-workers your love for health blogs?
I totally keep mine private from co-workers. I may let them know once I have my new one up and running, but we’ll see. They do know I like to read blogs, but only because it comes up during the course of planning meetings for the company.
5) Have you posted your blog link on Facebook?
Nope. But I will when I feel it’s more “pro” looking/feeling.
I have been reading blogs for over 3 years…only recently have I found this type of food/fitness blog. I haven’t told anyone about my blog, not even my husband. I also don’t even use the real names of my dogs or my husband. I think my issue though is more privacy, because I talk about our money and openly post about everything we have I don’t want that to bleed into my real life. We will see, this whole discussion is making me rethink my scaredycat-ness about having my own blog!
Holy Mackers, I could write a book on this topic, but I’ll try to be brief:
1) Have you told any family or friends about your love of blogs? Why or why not?
No. They know I have a blog, but I don’t think they know that I read a lot of them too!
2) What kind of response did you get and why do you think that was?
Before reading my blog, my parents thought the concept was strange, but now they love it and the creative outlet it gives me. My friends also enjoy it, though one person has made comments to my husband about “blog Sarah” and “real life Sarah,” which kind of hurt my feelings.
3) If you have a blog, did you tell your family/friends about it or do you prefer to keep it private? Why?
At first I was hesitant, because I tend to be more introverted/private in real life (i.e. not throwing out the TWSS jokes every other sentence). I thought I might offend my parents/friends and I didn’t want to censor myself on the blog at all.
4) Do you keep your blog private from your co-workers? Or would you share with co-workers your love for health blogs?
I don’t have co-workers, but Chris has shared it with a few of his.
5) Have you posted your blog link on Facebook?
Nope, I don’t Facebook!
Another great topic!! Actually one I’ve been thinking about a lot lately…
1. My whole family knows about my blog. Mostly because none of us live in the same city, so it’s a great way for them to see what I’m up to! Few of my friends know about my blog. Coming out of university, I don’t have many friends who have hobbies besides partying, so I just don’t think they’d get it!
2) My family all thought it was a weird idea at first, but now they always tell me how neat it is!
4) At this point, I DO keep my blog private from my co-workers. It’s kind of tricky because I work as a reporter where I’m on TV and radio a lot. The topics I cover in my job are not the topics I cover on my blog (part of the reason why I started it!) I have to be careful that I don’t say things that will hurt the objectivity I have to uphold in my job (like saying what political party I support or something…) Someday I hope to combine the two roles and be some sort of health reporter :)
5) No, I have my professional blog linked off my Facebook. I use it more as a tool to attract potential employers.
although i’ve been a blog reader for quite a while, i only VERY recently decided to try out blogging. it’s sort of an exercise for me right now. i would love to do some “real” world-type writing, and i thought this would be a good step in that direction. i haven’t really shared it yet, because i am only about a week in, and i am still feeling the whole process out! i have to say, it’s been interesting to read others’ responses to this topic.
enjoy wednesday!
Your ketchup looks absolutely disgusting
1) My family doesn’t know how much blog reading I do and that is just because they wouldn’t understand why I would want to know so many daily details about “strangers”.
2) My family does not really understand the whole blogging scene. I think they just understand that I use it as an outlet, but they don’t understand why reading about someone’s workout or dinner would mean anything to me.
3) My family all knows about my blog just because if 1 person in my family knows about something, then they all do…so I figured why hide it. My husband does know this and I think he appreciates the outlet I get from blogging/reading similar blogs.
Some of my friends know about the blog, some don’t. Just depends.
4) It is definitely a secret. I just don’t want my coworkers to know that much about me!
5) I did and then I removed it. I just decided I didn’t need superficial friends to know about my eating disorder past….or some higher up co-workers.
Happiness Awaits
) Have you told any family or friends about your love of blogs? Why or why not?
Yep, I tell everyone, I consider it a hobby and a part time job!
2) What kind of response did you get and why do you think that was?
Everyone always wants to see it and is super curiouse!
3) If you have a blog, did you tell your family/friends about it or do you prefer to keep it private? Why?
They all know I am already nutz! LOL
4) Do you keep your blog private from your co-workers? Or would you share with co-workers your love for health blogs?
All my coworkers, friends and family know about it, I dont know if the read it!
5) Have you posted your blog link on Facebook?
Yep, and twitter!
1) Have you told any family or friends about your love of blogs? Why or why not?
Yup! I’ve shown them quite a few of the ones I visit and I think they secretly do too haha!
2) What kind of response did you get and why do you think that was?
Completely positive!
3) If you have a blog, did you tell your family/friends about it or do you prefer to keep it private? Why?
You bet… considering one of my best friends writes OH SHE GLOWS! :) I haven’t told all of my fam & friends but I’m open to it. At first I was a bit nervous but now it’s all out there.
4) Do you keep your blog private from your co-workers? Or would you share with co-workers your love for health blogs?
I don’t tell my coworkers only because I tend to want to keep work life/home life separate but eventually I probably will!
5) Have you posted your blog link on Facebook?
Nope.. not yet. I’d like to but as others have said I have some coworkers on there.. maybe once I screen some people!
I haven’t shared my blog with friends or family yet. For one, I think the people close to me who know about my history of eating issues might think I’ve simply reverted back to old ways in some form which is so far from reality. I have a better relationship with food than I’ve had in over 2 years! The other thing is that I’m still working out the “kinks” with my blog in terms of what I want it to be. I do plan to eventually share it with friends and family and maybe put the link on Facebook.
Well, my family finds my love of blogs a little odd. Actually, I think they find my love of food strange too. They do support me though, and are never mean. Sometimes my dad will pick on me a little and ask why I’m taking pictures of my food.
My family knows I have a blog, but they don’t have the address. I feel like this is an outlet to express to people things I don’t necessarily want those around me to hear. None of my friends know about my blog, I think they would find it weird and just prefer to keep it private for the time being.