Good morning!
You probably woke up to a new OSG design this morning, so I would like to say WELCOME! If you did not wake up to a new design, I suggest hitting Control + F5. My long-time readers may remember my first website design which was blue and minimalist. I always felt like that design fit so much better than the yellow design, so I tried to channel the original and bring back the blue! I also changed my tagline from ‘Food. Fitness. Fashion. Fun.’ to ‘Glow from the inside out’ because I feel like it better represents my vision for the website. You will also see a ‘Follow me’ tab on the right hand side. If you click on this, you can find my Twitter, Facebook, RSS, Youtube, and GMM + Glo Bakery websites all in one easy spot.
For those of you asking, the header picture was taken on our honeymoon in Athens! By the way, the European cities that I am featuring in my 1,000 words posts are all from our honeymoon cruise. We hit about 10 cities in 12 days.
This morning I got up and was craving a juice. I still feel like I am dehydrated since I started swimming!

My juice contained: 8 small carrots, 1 large beet, 1/2 lemon, and a piece of ginger.
Felt much better afterwards!
Then I patiently waited for Eric to get up, like I do every morning!
Eric is a big sleeper (what I like to refer to as his ‘BS’), and unlike his wife, is not a morning person. I on the other hand love mornings. Ever since I was a child I was an early bird and I didn’t sleep much. OSGMOM tells me stories about how I would always kick her at 5am every morning while in her womb. I was also born at 3:13 am!
To pass the time, I cooked, of course.
I know Eric. He is weak when it comes to tempting smells wafting through the kitchen. I knew the lingering pancake smell would travel up to the bedroom and lure him downstairs.
However, sometimes in life, things do not pan out as we hope…
I actually had to drag his butt downstairs because the pancakes were getting cold!!! Hrmph.

Nut Butter & Jam Pancake Sandwich
- 1/2 cup whole grain spelt flour (other flours would probably work although you might have to adjust the milk amount)
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- pinch of sea salt
- 1/4 tsp baking powder
- 1 tbsp Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Chocolate protein powder (optional)
- 3/4 tsp vanilla
- 3/4 cup Almond Milk
Directions: Pre-heat skillet on medium heat and lightly coat with oil (I used coconut oil). Mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl and then add the wet ingredients and use a whisk to mix well. Pour a small amount of the mixture onto the skillet and make tiny pancakes, no larger than about 3 inches in width. Because the pancakes are tiny, you will be able to flip them very easy.
While the pancakes are cooking, slice a banana and gather jam, nut butter, syrup, and coconut.

Assemble the layers alternating pancakes with banana slices, jam, and cashew butter. Sprinkle with coconut and drizzle with a tiny amount (1 tsp) of syrup.

I actually tripled my batch because Eric was very hungry, so I gave him two servings and me one.

With a little ZING on the side…

Our weather is the PITS here today. Our beautiful sun and 26C temps are gone. :( It is supposed to rain all day and be about 4C! I am thinking that another trip to the pool is in store later today…
I am going to help Eric finish painting the upstairs hallway today.
PS- That bird is still smashing into our window! After consulting OSG’s in-house pro, it was determined that birds smash into windows because they see their reflection in it and they ‘mistake the reflected bird for a competitor for territory or mates. It attacks the image in the window, trying to drive the other bird away.’
Yesterday, after making a plea on Twitter for ideas, I put up a stuffed animal in the window.
Oh, Gingy, so cute, yet so creepy.
This was a BIRD SCARE FAIL. It did not work.
After I put this up, it would catch the corner of my eye and scare me all day long! lol. Once I looked at it and I thought it was a person! I hope the neighbours don’t see. ;)
I have read that one should put paper or something on the window so they don’t see their reflection, but I can’t cover all the windows!! He is smashing in 5-6 different ones over and over again.
See ya later alligata!
The whole window doesn’t have to be covered – you can just put paper cutout a bird in your window. I’m sure you could find cutout patterns by googling it.
poor bird, it must have a pretty bad headache after hitting the window so much!
The new layout looks so fresh and exciting!!! Love the new slogan :) At first, when I typed in your website and the new layout came up I thought “wait….this isn’t Angela’s website?” , but then I realized the background had changed. Guess I’m slow at processing things haha!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new web-site design!! It’s so fresh and I love the blue colour! My other half is also not a morning person. He constantly tells people that he married a rooster! However in the last 2 months he has dragged himself on weekdays to the gym before work, so I can’t pick on him too much :) Weather here is also gross, with some exciting thunder thrown in for good measure. Good thing I’m off to the movies with a friend this afternoon – BABIES!!!
Hey Angela! I love the new look of the blog. I am actually eating your banana ice cream over night oats as I read it! I hope that you have a great Saturday!
LOVE the clean, sleek look of the new layout!
So… bird scare fail was human scare win? ;) LOL I would’ve done a bunch of double takes, too!
Also, just tried my first Chi Glo bar yesterday…so good
I love the new layout! Congrats :-)
Hi Angela!
Love the new website- great job!
About the birds, we had the same issue and after a bit of research found these film cutouts that you place on the window called: Window Alert. It is a clear (looks a bit like etched glass) film which birds eyes see as a bright color and deters them from flying into your window(s).
I got these from our local Wild Bird shop (4 for $7.50). They need to be replaced every 6-8 months. Since we’ve put these on (you put them on the OUTSIDE of the window), we haven’t had any bird collisions with our bay window. They come in a few different designs such as maple leaf, snowflake and I think a flower. They are a few inches in length. I know how horrible I felt when bird would come careening into our window- that THUD! was a sickening sound. HTH!
Hey Angela!
Thanks for visiting my page! I also wanted to say that I love the new website look! I am going to scour Toronto to find your bars in stores. I think they would be perfect at the Noah’s Health Food stores in Toronto (hint, hint)! I also run with the Running Room and last year we had a nutrition fair where different companies came and gave out samples/education about their various nutrition products to increase awareness, etc. It was a great way to communicate the benefits of their products to runners (our half and full marathon group is typically really big!) and of course to get word out on your products. I think something like that would be awesome for you as well!
I love the beautiful new blog layout, Angela!
Wow Angela, you outdid yourself with this design. It looks absolutely gorgeous and so do you in that picture! The layout is so visually pleasing and so YOU. I love it! Congrats on another milestone for your blog. It’s a pleasure reading your posts everyday :)
I am loving the new website design! It is classy, simple, yet beautiful. I also really like that I can actually read what I’m writing in the comment box!
Love the new design, that must have taken a lot of hard work! So different (in a good way, of course) ;)
Simple and elegant is the way to go!
i LOVE the new design. you are so beautiful- it’s kind of ridiculous, really :)
hope you guys are having a great weekend!
The new design is GORGEOUS I am in love with it!!!
My husband’s parents used to have similar problems with birds. They put relatively unobtrusive decals on their windows (I was able to find them by googling bird window deterrent), and they haven’t had any dive-bombing birds since.
Hope that helps!
hahaha gingy is cute & creepy all at the same time. I’ve heard that bar soap will scare deer away, so maybe it will work for birds? lol You could just tape a bar of soap to the door ;)
I LOVE the new layout!
Yep, bar soap will do the trick. I used to work at a zoo and during migratory bird season we’d always soap up the exhibit glass. You don’t need to do the whole thing, just use a dry bar of soap to add a few streaks to the glass. We also used the bird decals mentioned above, but soap is cheaper.
I love the new design. So perfect and simple. Much more you I think.
Can you get some sort of design to cover the windows but not block the light? That way the bird doesn’t see the reflection but you still see outside.
i LOVE this new design! it totally and perfectly compliments the spirit of your words and you blog as a whole! the bird thing totally cracked me up yesterday! guess you’ll have to keep the windows a little less clean :)
Love the new design and photo of you!