Good morning!
My morning started off a bit sluggish, but it was nothing a Green Monster couldn’t handle.
In the GM: 2 handfuls spinach, 1 cup almond milk, 1 scoop Vega choc-o-lot, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1 frozen banana, 1/4 cup oats.
After breakfast and a bit of digesting, Eric and I headed out for a bike-run to kick off this gorgeous morning. We covered about 4 miles in 34 minutes. I love when he comes with me on the bike because he motivates me to push during my runs! He calls himself my ‘coach’. lol. I’ll take whatever I can get…
Like Kale!
I pick a bunch of kale each week and then freeze it for quick Green Monsters throughout the week (I used an old frozen mango bag to store it in- maybe it will make the kale sweet? lol)
Tomatoes are coming up all over the two plants. I finally convinced Eric to move the tomato plants to the same side as the garden beds, so watering has been a bit easier!
The cucumbers are growing like crazy!
Straight ones
Curvy ones
A family of peppers with a wee little bebe!
Banana Peppers
Beets & Carrots
More kale…muhauha.
And one huge time saver for $9.99. :)
We haven’t had rain in over two weeks and I just checked the forecast and we’re not supposed to get a lick of rain for the next 14 days either! This does not bode well for farmers!
Deck updates…
Eric is working on installing some patio stones that the side staircase will rest on.
It’s a tough dig & very rocky!
The middle staircase is now 100% complete with railings:
More sanding of railings
Eric is almost finished the privacy wall:
We used this kit:
We’re loving it so far. I like the visibility when it’s open, but it’s nice to be able to close it in case we are up to trouble.
Hopefully we don’t have any screws loose!
But I think you already know the answer to that…
I’m off to get ready for a lunch & hike date with Ange! Have a good one.
Your green monsters always look so good :)
Green Monsters are the best. Especially when Mother Nature’s knockin on the door and veggies are the last thing on my mind!!
p.s. Do you have a specific blogging program that helps you to upload your pictures faster? Because mine take fooo-eva.
Just livewriter…and it takes forever because we have a slow internet connection!
I could have used a green monster this morning. I had a little…er, a lot too much to drink last night. I see a fresh veggie juice in my future
Gah, I wish I had that kale!
Your garden is so fantastic looking. I am so jealous!
Your garden ROCKS!!! We haven’t had any rain in Austin in, oh about 100 years it seems :)
And, I’m going to have to try your green monster recipe – that looks awesome!! :)
~Kim (
Erm… that thing that you think is a beet? It isn’t. Beet leaves look a lot like spinach, and all the leaves will be coming up from ground level instead of from an above ground stem. Not sure what the thing in the picture is, maybe ragweed.
I didnt think it looked anything like a beet but thats where I planted my beet seeds….weird!! Ill have to look it up…
Woww, it seems like everything is growing soooo speedily!! Haha, I so admire Eric’s skills. And he always has a big smile on his face when working….or he just knows you’re taking a photo…? :P
I never knew that cucumbers have spikes… they look scary! and a little creepy! Do you just cut them off later?
I am SO envious at the amount of kale and fresh veggies you’re growing– what fun that must for for a avid veggie lover :)
I love chocolate green monsters :)
I haven’t had a green monster in over a week and this reminds me what I’m missing. Yay for ginormous Costco spinach bags and super ripe bananas!
Wow! Your garden looks amazing. I wish I could have one, but I live in an apartment right now. I just found your site, so I haven’t tried a green monster yet, but I’ve got all the ingredients on my grocery list.
Hard to feel sluggish with all that GREEN in your day! :)
Came to visit from a comment on 100 days of real food. Just got a kick out of your calling them green monsters. In ’09 some of my children were having lots of trouble getting over colds So I put some of my green foods powder into their breakfast smoothies. We called it the green monster to make it fun & they felt better so quickly that they will ask for one when they are feeling under the weather. Just learned this week of putting the spinach & Kale into the so I’m thinking this might be a regular way to keep them from getting the colds this fall.
Enjoy Jennifer!
I have a TON of kale coming up too! How do you freeze yours??
Just wash, rip, and place in bag…squish out air before sealing :) You could also use a container too if you pack it tightly.
Just wondering what you would do with okra…saw that you wished you had planted it … ours is growing like crazy but it just goes bad because the only thing I know to do with it is bread & fry.
I made this same smoothie (but with vega vanilla chai) … never thought to put oats in it ! I will try that tomorrow :)
Also, if youd like any other ideas on what to do with kale…check out my orange sesame kale salad…it’s my new fave :)
I looove it fried in a little olive oil and salt. So good! Ketchup for dippin is good too.
Chop, freeze, and add to all of your winter stews, chilli’s, and soups :)
I love that idea of a privacy fence/rail thing! Ive never seen that here! Ive recently started having a green Juice (not smoothie) each morning and couldn’t feel better! Love them :)
I have a random question/need advice. When you bake your delicious recipes like oat bars, cake, cookies ect., how do you balance eating it and eating healthier. Whenever I make stuff, it’s only me and my mom eating it, and really me eating the delicious baked goods but then I’m eating way more than I should. Do you freeze a lot of the stuff you make?
Yes I do…and I give it away to friends & Erics coworkers.
I want a pretty back deck that looks over my garden!
I noticed that No Illinois is experiencing drought like conditions as well today. Brown grass is taking over the city.
The deck looks great!