Good morning!
My morning started off a bit sluggish, but it was nothing a Green Monster couldn’t handle.

In the GM: 2 handfuls spinach, 1 cup almond milk, 1 scoop Vega choc-o-lot, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1 frozen banana, 1/4 cup oats.

After breakfast and a bit of digesting, Eric and I headed out for a bike-run to kick off this gorgeous morning. We covered about 4 miles in 34 minutes. I love when he comes with me on the bike because he motivates me to push during my runs! He calls himself my ‘coach’. lol. I’ll take whatever I can get…
Like Kale!

I pick a bunch of kale each week and then freeze it for quick Green Monsters throughout the week (I used an old frozen mango bag to store it in- maybe it will make the kale sweet? lol)

Tomatoes are coming up all over the two plants. I finally convinced Eric to move the tomato plants to the same side as the garden beds, so watering has been a bit easier!

The cucumbers are growing like crazy!
Straight ones

Curvy ones

A family of peppers with a wee little bebe!

Banana Peppers

Beets & Carrots
More kale…muhauha.

And one huge time saver for $9.99. :)

We haven’t had rain in over two weeks and I just checked the forecast and we’re not supposed to get a lick of rain for the next 14 days either! This does not bode well for farmers!
Deck updates…
Eric is working on installing some patio stones that the side staircase will rest on.

It’s a tough dig & very rocky!

The middle staircase is now 100% complete with railings:

More sanding of railings

Eric is almost finished the privacy wall:

We used this kit:

We’re loving it so far. I like the visibility when it’s open, but it’s nice to be able to close it in case we are up to trouble.

Hopefully we don’t have any screws loose!

But I think you already know the answer to that…
I’m off to get ready for a lunch & hike date with Ange! Have a good one.
Your deck is amazing! I like that you can open the vents on the privacy wall. I hope to steal this idea for our deck. Thanks for the post, Ange!
You and Eric are such a powerhouse couple! He’s the ultimate handyman, and you’re the ultimate gardener. The deck and the garden both look great! I want a cucumber!
Looks like someone has a green thumb!! :)
I am so jealous of your garden! Ours is in a state of hibernation because of the heat. The only thing producing is okra!
oh man I wished I planted Okra!
Wow your garden is doing great!
And that deck is looking more and more gorgeous every time! :D
Looks like you guys are going to have a great summer! :D
Thanks for giving me my daily dose of green smoothie inspiration, Angela! Lovin the garden pics too! :)
Your garden is looking so beautiful! I’m jealous of all that kale, too! Makes me want a green monster instead of the overnight oats I made myself for breakfast!
Your deck is looking fantastic! After all your hard work, you two really need to have a great big deck party!
I do that EXACT recipe for green monsters minus the oats. YUM!!!!
I am so jealous of your garden!! We’ve been in a drought here in CO too – we had less than 6″ of snow all winter. The thunderstorms are helping but we need more for sure. Your hubby is doing a fabulous job on the deck!
Oooh wow a privacy wall – fancy shmancy!!! I didn’t know that was in the plans too! My morning started off a little sluggish too but a spin class and green monster put me on the right track too. See you soon my dear! :)
Love the veggies in the morning :)
I would totally give you some rain if I could. It is POURING in Oregon right now.
I just love your deck! It is so beautiful!
Eric has truly outdone himself with the deck. You guys have done a fabulous job. All those veggies look like they’re coming along very nicely too. Are you going to be canning anything? or are the leftovers headed for the freezer too?
Im not sure I’ll have enough to can this year, but we’ll see! :)
your garden seriously looks so amazing I am jealous of your kale!!
Your garden looks great!! I can’t wait to grow my own veggies.
And the deck looks fabulous too! I love the black rails.
Your garden is really coming along! Thanks for being a green-thumb inspiration to us all! The desk is looking great as well!
Wow…again…I am completely amazed + impressed by this deck!!!!! I just finished a smoothie myself! Have a great Sunday!
I still have yet to try a GM, and this one looks great! We drink out of a lot of Ball/Mason jars, too :)
Your garden is beautiful! I love watching all the veggies grow…and your deck turned out fantastic!