Ohhh, this week. It’s been a tough one. Or as my dad would say, “It’s a DOOZY!” Mercury retrograde showed itself in a big way…anyone else feel the tension this week? It’s probably been the hardest week of the pregnancy so far. We had a bunch of renovation things go wrong, which will set us back a couple weeks. Adriana is sick with a bad virus/rash—skipping naps, getting up for long stretches in the night, etc.—and it breaks my heart to see her like this. I’m trying my best to keep my head above water, especially because it’s book launch week (Murphy’s Law!), but I basically feel like I’m coming up short in every area right now. Eric brought me home a “Best Mom Ever” mug the other day “from Adriana” and I just about cried because I definitely haven’t felt that way lately. (But I sure am using that mug every single day!) In the grand scheme of things I know that these challenges are not a big deal, but boy, can they be hard when you’re going through them!
How I’m feeling: This week has been all about survival mode. My anxiety has been pretty high and I’m having insomnia. I know this will pass, and it’s okay to just feel the emotions, as uncomfortable as they are. Normally I thrive on predictability, but I’m learning more and more that some days, weeks, months, the “plan” is all going out the window. As my sister Kristi and I like to joke when something goes wrong that’s out of our control, “Just put it in the f*ck it bucket!” (Pardon our potty mouths!) It’s especially fun to yell out loud to someone who gets it (think: George Costanza’s voice).
Home life: This week marked the first time during this entire renovation when I said to Eric, “I’m so over it.” It’s absolutely heaven at night when it’s quiet and just us in the house. I’m looking forward to later this fall when we can enjoy the basement as a family, even though we don’t have any furniture picked out yet. Might have to throw a few beanbags on the ground for now!
Midwife appointment: My EPI-NO came in this week and I’m going to start using it early next week (it’s recommended to start 3 weeks prior to your due date). Here’s hoping it helps!
Symptoms: I’m having the same symptoms as last week pretty much. I’m so grateful that my body was able to fight off Adriana’s cold this week. I had a couple sniffly days, but that’s been it so far. I’ve been taking a green superfood powder and vitamin D daily. I’m also on a big pepita seed kick (super high in zinc), so I’m wondering if any of those have given my immune system a much-needed boost. Either way, it feels like a victory given how many times I’ve been sick during this pregnancy.
Exercise: I’m still walking 25 brisk minutes every morning and doing 15 minutes of Barre3 online every other day. Keeps me sane! Well, that’s relative I suppose. And boy, is Barre feeling harder and harder as the weeks go by (even though I’m still doing the same workout with the same hand weights).
What I’m wearing: The weather forecast is calling for slightly cooler temperatures the next few days (23 to 26°C) and I’m way too excited! This humid, hot summer has been pretty tough in the 3rd trimester. I’m looking forward to being able to wear more long-sleeved maternity shirts and dresses! September is my favourite month of the year. I just love the feeling in the air.
Cravings: My bread cravings have gone away this week. I’ve been reaching for my Glo Bars frequently as my meals have been at random times of the day. I came up with a new Glo Bar recipe that I developed with breastfeeding in mind, and I can’t wait to share it on the blog. (Don’t worry, though, it can be enjoyed by anyone! Eric has assured me that it hasn’t increased his cup size yet, lol.)
Best thing I ate/drank all week: Glo Bars. Roasted pumpkin with pink salt. Dried apricots. And a new discovery: Eden Foods Dry-Roasted and Salted Pumpkin Seeds. SO GOOD. I downed that bag in a couple of days. I also have a craving to roast my own pumpkin seeds, which I will do soon! They are just the best!!!
Baby prep: I washed a few more items of clothing and hung them up. Small victories!! My clean laundry, on the other hand, has been sitting in a basket for the past few days.
Hospital bag packed? I have a list made. I’m slowly, and I mean slowly, setting aside things for my hospital bag. So far I have nipple cream, magnesium, a robe/comfy shorts/nursing bra, lactation tea, and glucose tablets.
Crafting projects: I made the homemade back massager that I linked to last week, but sadly it didn’t make the cut. Eric did a side-by-side “massage comparison” (oh so technical) of his hands versus the balls (TENNIS balls, that is!) and his hands won by a landslide. Sorry, tennis ball massager…you didn’t impress my back as much as warm human hands! One less thing to pack, I guess. Either way, Adriana is enjoying whipping it around the house.
Days left until due date: 25. Please stay in there, baby!
PS—you can read my 36 weeks update from my first pregnancy here.
Goodness me your pregnancy has just flown by at the speed of light :O
I hope you will soon be out on the other side of Murphy’s Law-mayhem and that Adriana gets well on no time. There really is nothing worse than unwell children.
Hang in there – there is light ahead at the end of the tunnel. Love, light and happiness is shipped your way :)
/Kristina in Sweden.
PS: your ball-comment literally made my day!
Thank you Kristina!
Glad to hear you enjoyed the post ;)
September is my favourite month too. I’m looking forward to chilly days, cozy sweaters and hot soups for supper.
I’m sending good vibes and hope Adriana feels better soon! Kids tend to bounce back pretty quickly, but it is hard to see them down when they’re sick.
A funny note – I just skimmed your first pregnancy 36-week recap that you linked and I had to laugh because you opened with “happy Friday of the long weekend.” As I’m reading this, it’s Friday of the long weekend again. It’s crazy how the timing always works out. :)
haha I noticed that too Jessica! (In my 36 week post with Adriana…the timing is so similar, 2 years later)
Yes thankfully Adriana bounced back pretty fast. It’s amazing how quickly their little bodies heal themselves!
“his hands versus the balls (TENNIS balls, that is!)” – gave me an audible chuckle.
;) Didn’t want any grey area for confusion hah
I feel so over the hot humid days also!
Your eating pumpkin and pumpkin seeds has me looking forward to crisp autumn weather!
You’ve officially got me hooked in matcha with your iced matcha vanilla latte. I think a warm pumpkin one should make an appearance on your blog/app this Fall!
I hope you and Adriana feel better and next week is calmer for you. Less than a week until your book and I can’t wait to get it!
Oh man, a warm pumpkin latte sounds so good right about now (and I have some cooked pumpkin in the fridge to boot). I have a really tasty pumpkin spice latte if you want to try it out: http://ohsheglows.com/2015/10/06/homemade-pumpkin-spice-latte-with-salted-pumpkin-spice-syrup/
I’m thinking of coming up with a super fast version…thrown into a blender!
I just love you Angela! Gosh, makes me want another baby even though life is insane. And the f*ck it bucket?? YES TO THAT! It’s called letting it go and letting go is the #1 way to keep us momprenuers healthy! I’ve been following you for years and you’ve inspired me to do so much I can’t type it all. Keep up the amazing work as well as letting things go. Your intuition is the ultimate guide <3.
Thank you so much Audrey, that means the world to me! :)
Your use of puns and double entendres in this post makes my sex geek heart sing!
Sorry it’s been a touch week -and yes so much tension and anxiety all around. *grumble grumble*
Here’s to hoping it all calms down soon!
heh glad you enjoyed the post!!
I was just wondering what the glucose tablets are for/how they are beneficial? Thanks :)
Hey Kandace,
I used a couple glucose tablets during the pushing phase of my first labour. They are thought to give the body a quick boost of energy and can come in handy when you have zero appetite and your energy is failing! ;) That said, I could barely choke one or two down as I was so nauseous.
awww…it’s so hard.
i just had my second girl.
well – 5 months ago!
so 3.5 year old and 5 month old
and it’s bascially
a beyond magical
sh*t show
filled with epic fails in
most areas. hooraH!
and back and work
this week – so it’s all nonsense.
but just take the
cuddles when you can,
take the sleep when you can,
and know it’s all just
a fast moving blip
that we will long for so hard one day.
but exactly – when you are
in it? SO HARD!
(that’s what she said.)
sending love, mama.
and your new book will
be on my doorstep today!
so congrats. and yipppEE!
millions of people are in
awe of you, angela – adriana most of all.
F@#$ it bucket – so stealing that.
Could you give us more details on what you end up packing for the hospital? I am very interested in this, especially since you have done it before :)
I am about a month behind you in my pregnancy and will also be delivering in Oakville!
“Eric did a side-by-side “massage comparison” (oh so technical) of his hands versus the balls (TENNIS balls, that is!)” LOL! Thanks for clarifying. :D
I echo many other people’s comments – your tennis balls remark was hilarious and really made me giggle to myself :) Thanks for the laugh! Hopefully this week has been better for you.
I am totally wearing the same shirt right now. I am not pregnant though? Aerie? You look amazing BTW. Got your new book last week. It looks fabulous.
Can’t wait to hear about your thoughts and experience about the EPI-NO, I’m curious to hear how well it works (or not).