Hello and happy Friday of the long weekend!
Nesting is happening, but in random spurts. Most of the time I’m just thinking about how annoying the clutter/mess is and then doing absolutely nothing about it. Don’t you wish it was the man who got the nesting urge? I sure do! When I feel inspired, I’m organizing random drawers/spaces and generally eying every room in the house for how I can de-junk it. Nothing is safe! Or should I say, no one is safe either. The other day Eric came in the office to find me clearing off his desk. He was like, “Ange, control yourself!” hah. I just can’t help myself sometimes…I’m driving that poor man cra-zay.
I guess you could say I was nesting the nursery though. This week I wrapped up many of the nursery projects I’ve been working on dragging out. Designing this nursery is by far the most challenging home-related project I’ve ever taken on. Picking colour schemes, layout, and decor stuff doesn’t come naturally to me, but seeing this room finally come together gives me hope that I can do other rooms in the future. And it was actually fun!
Initially, I was pulled in two opposing directions for this room – bright and bold vs. airy and tranquil. In the end I went with airy and tranquil using a white, soft pink, and gray colour scheme. I know we’ll have many options for bright and bold rooms in the future, so for now this seems like a nice fit.
I’m going to do a full nursery tour in the coming weeks, but I thought I’d show you a few progress pics –
Here is the room after ripping out old carpet, installing hardwood, and priming:

and here is a sneak peek of the room now:

I did quite a few DIY projects and re-purposed old household items to save some money. I found some old antique frames from Goodwill, removed the glass, and then painted the frames with chalk paint. We secured the frames to the wall with hooks plus mounting tape so they aren’t going anywhere. I’m going to put baby’s first initial in the middle picture frame (I might order a letter print from Etsy or just paint a wooden letter from Michaels). It looks like this will probably have to wait until after the birth because we don’t have a name picked yet!
The most challenging DIY was this chevron pattern I painted on my white lamp shade (below). Here is a mid-way photo. The project seemed easy enough, but getting the pattern even was a big challenge and it took me a while to get a system down. In the end, I’m really happy with how it turned out! And since I used an old lamp it was much cheaper than buying a new one with a fancy patterned shade. I’m debating whether I’m going to add a small fabric trim on the top and bottom.

I also painted the wooden “dream” block pink (it was originally antique white, purchased from Winners). Eric spray-painted the bird cage (it was green before) and this Ikea UNG Drill mirror white. <— total Ikea hacker wannabees over here!
Anyway, a nursery tour to come later on!
Symptoms: After baby dropped a week ago, my right rib pain almost completely went away. It’s been amazing! The rib pain seems to have been replaced with lower pelvic pain, although it’s not too bad yet. Sometimes it feels like I’m walking around with a bowling ball between my legs. She feels so heavy in there! Aside from the pregnancy insomnia and sporadic pelvic pain/contractions, I’m feeling great. What a change from those 2 months when I was in so much pain and could barely walk or bend over.
Weekly OB appointment: I had my weekly appointment and he said my belly is measuring right where it should be and baby’s heartbeat is great. She’s head down and seems to be getting ready for her entrance into this world. My OB doesn’t check the cervix until 38 or 39 weeks along, so I won’t know details on dilation, effacement, etc. until then.
Days until due date: 24
Days left of kitchen renovation: It’s hard to say since there have been so many delays and issues, but I’m hopeful the majority of it will be wrapped up by Sept. 8th. Not much longer to go now!!
Appointments left: 3 OB appointments, 1 doula appointment, 1 lactation consultation, 1 car seat inspection. Good times!
Still in the box: Car seat, infant fold up bathtub, Mamaroo.
Baby names: We’re still very much undecided. We’ve been looking at our baby name book this week to see if anything else sparks our interest. I concluded last night that reading baby name books is similar to testing perfumes in a department store. You can only do so much before becoming desensitized! After that, I need to take a break and let the names sink in a bit. We want something easy to pronounce, spell, and a name that is special to us without being too “out there” or wacky. Oh and we want to like the nickname. There’s so much that goes into it! I’m sure we will know once we see her.
Innie or outie: It’s not an outie, but I wouldn’t say it’s an innie anymore. I’d say it’s almost completely flat against my stomach.
Maternity clothes: Still living in my Old Navy maternity tees (my fav) and my non-maternity Lululemon shorts and crops. The only problem is that my maternity tees don’t cover my entire belly anymore. Thanks hubby for pointing this out. So now I just hike up my shorts a bit higher and go on living my life in denial, blaming the washing machine for shrinking my tees! The nerve. When I’m feeling motivated to dress nice, I’m loving summery dresses lately. Anything light and breezy feels awesome right now!
Eating: Anything water-packed. I’m seriously eating my weight in cucumbers, tomatoes, red peppers, and veggie cocktail drinks (I love Lakewood brand – organic and cold-pressed veggie juice). I chop up veggies, arrange them on a huge plate, and pour on my fav lemon-tahini dressing and Herbamare. I only wish my stomach could fit more in there – I get full so quickly these days. Other must-have cravings of late: cashew-cheese kale chips (my current fav. way to get in kale), blueberry banana hemp protein smoothie (see here for the recipe), grilled tofu peanut bowls (a reno fav), plums, and salsa and chips. As for healthy fats, I usually enjoy the following each day: 2 tbsp chia seeds, 4 tbsp hemp hearts, 1 tbsp virgin coconut oil, and 1-2 teaspoons algae oil (for DHA). Avocado too. Love my healthy fats!
Current projects: Aside from finishing the nursery, I’ve been putting together a video documenting the pregnancy. We’ve been shooting short video clips of belly shots, nursery stuff, and other baby-related things here and there and I’m compiling everything in Windows Movie Maker. I’m hoping to record Eric on guitar and use that for the background music. It’s been such a fun project and I think it will be a nice keepsake.
Last maternity item purchased: 2 nursing tanks from Target – great price and they seem quite comfy/practical. They are already packed in my hospital bag and ready to go.
Looking forward to: The moment baby is placed in my arms for the first time. Seeing baby and her daddy snuggle for the first time. Kissing those tiny baby feet that have been poking me all these months!
Energy levels: My energy levels vary a lot by the day. It really depends on how much sleep I had the night before. Some days I feel awesome and like I could be pregnant forever, and other days I’m dragging my butt and can’t stop yawning. However, compared to the nausea and extreme fatigue of the 1st trimester and the shooting pains of the second/early third trimester, I’d say the past 1-1.5 months have been the best so far! It’s all relative I suppose.
Last baby item purchased: Eric bought the baby some pink, white, and blue Toronto Maple Leaf onesies for the upcoming “hockey season” lol. The other night he said, “I’m so excited to watch hockey games with our baby!” So cute.
Hospital bag: Almost all packed! Thanks for your suggestions last week. Plus, I learned a new word – padsicles! I don’t know whether to be amused or scared…
Wishing you the happiest of long weekends!
I have to laugh at the padsicles. I ended up with a c-section after 2 1/2 hours of pushing, but had so much swelling I needed those anyway. (My mom had the same problem with me… Something about how our hips are made) Anyway, I loved labor and can’t wait to hopefully get to do it again someday. I know that sounds weird, but I did truly love it. It’s beautiful and messy and empowering and embarrassing and a completely incredible experience. I hope you have an amazing experience.
I so agree! I needed the padsicles–the nurses taught me how to make them with diapers!–but labor was amazing. One of the most powerful, transformative, painful, amazing, and awkwardly beautiful experiences of my life!
Your blog makes me happy.
I used to babysit a little girl. Her name is Leora. It means “my light.” When you said you’ve been looking through your baby name books, that’s the name that came to my mind…. This blog gave me clarity about my daily food choices. It has been “my light,” as I’m sure it has been for many others. So… Leora… just a suggestion.
What a beautiful space for your little girl! Looks like you are almost ready for her arrival! Now for the kitchen to be finished so you can prep meals and make lactation cookies these last few weeks. Here’s to some good nights of sleep before she comes :)
You look beautiful Angela, and so does the nursery! I remember those last few weeks; terrified that I wasn’t ready, and frustrated that I had to wait. Our visiting nurse told me to take every opportunity to rest with baby in arms because absolutely NOTHING is as important as your health and bonding with that sweet little one.
Nursing her will be absolutely the best when it comes to bonding time, even when you can’t remember the last time you were able to take more than a 3 minute shower or shave your legs!
Seriously though, take lots of quiet and meditation time these last few weeks and ENJOY!!
You look fabulous! I’m so glad your kitchen reno is nearing an end. My husband and I are planning one for next summer… When our baby girl will be 1.5 yrs. I am excited for the finished product, but dreading losing a kitchen. I figure a summer reno is better when we have our CSA veggies and BBQ…. Haha or so I say now! I’m eager to see photos of your kitchen!
I am loving your book, and have bought it for 3 other people as gifts, and raved about it so much that two other friends bought it too! I just gave it to my girlfriend for her bday yesterday and she was sooo excited! I had hoped to tag my favourite recipes for her, but I’m travelling solo with my daughter, and she is not cooperating, so the book was given untagged :) I am eager to hear if she likes th recipes!!
Hi Angela,
I absolutely love your nursery. May I ask where did you get your furniture and this beautiful floor rug ? I have been looking for one for my son’s room but I can’t find anything nice.
Please share
Hi Joanna, The crib is from a Canadian company called Natart (was a gift from the grandparents!) and the rug is from Home Depot. Hope this helps!
Such a lovely and light nursery. So many pretty ideas. Very nice. Also, you look beautiful.
wow that nursery is so beautiful and you did a fantastic job with those frames and decor…
can we get a sneak peak at your hospital bag…it would be so helpful if you can list the items that you packed up..i am just one month behind you..have not yet packed my bag yet
Do you feel sick taking the coconut oil? Everytime I take a tbsp my stomach starts squirming and I feel so sick.
I haven’t encountered that with coconut oil – I usually just add it to my smoothie. Maybe your stomach would tolerate the fat better if you had it with food? It’s great on toast with chia jam too :)
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful nursery! I’m also excited for your new addition. We are moving into a new house and I was completely taken with your floors. Do you mind sharing if they are Bamboo Hardwood, click function or something else? We need to redo a few rooms for our baby girl, whom by the way is a little Charlotte. :) All the best!
Thank you Elizabeth! The flooring is an engineered hickory wood. My only complaint is that the dark wood shows EVERYTHING – every piece of dust, etc. So if I were to do it over again I’d opt for a lighter wood probably. :)
Congratulations!! Not only have you tremendously influenced my life with your healthy vegan recipes, but you’ve helped me love food for the first time in over a decade. I don’t think I would have stayed vegan without your guidance. And going vegan has opened my eyes to so many other forms of compassion- it’s contagious and humbling and bright. I actually feel that internal glow of self-love.
My sister-in-law is pregnant and I’ve suggested your site to ramp up her nutrient intake. Plus it’s just so miraculous to watch your belly grow!
For a girl’s name, might I suggest “Amalia”? I chose that name for my own daughter, as it is unique yet classic. We nicknamed her Mali (pronounced Molly). Cheers to healthy inspiration! (as I sip my Mojo-ito Smoothie)
Beautiful name! And thanks for your lovely words…I’m so happy you are enjoying the recipes so much :)
I have nursed 6 children and by far, the target nursing bras are the best!
You will be surprised by how many you need. Drizzling milk might not have occurred to you!
The tanks are nice when you pull up you shirt to nurse..in public. Because your back and tummy won’t be hanging out.
I have had to nurse Everywhere. Do not feel alone. ( where are all those nursing moms when it’s you at Costco and baby is hungry now.) yep, just put my cover on and have hubby push the cart as i throw in chia seeds hoping i have time to make endurance crackers. I am gonna need them!
Keep company limited in the first weeks. That is the most challenging time to learn. It is hard. When all the well wishers visit you won’t be able to learn how to bond. I am sure you have lots of friends!
Sorry for the unsolicited advice. Nursing IS a challenge at first. I have nursed ea. for 14 mos. (my shortest) to 23 months (my longest.) i just want you to succeed.
But nursing is easier and so wonderful. I don’t pump or have any on hand. My babies are always with me. Pumping and storing is ridiculous and time wasting.
Your baby will want only you. As it should be. What greater love is that?
Oh, I am excited for you!
Those were my most favorite nursing tanks! I have one in every color – you will love!
Oh my goodness the nursery is beautiful! So excited for you both
I don’t know you personally, Angela, but when I read your posts I can literally feel the enormous love you and Eric have for this sweet baby girl. She is very blessed. There is nothing more wonderful or rewarding in life than being a parent. The nursery is absolutely beautiful!
LOVE the sneak peeks of the nursery!! & that video sounds like a fabulous idea! You guys are so creative!
It’s gorgeous! What color did you use on the walls? If you already mentioned it…I apologize I didn’t see it..
Hi Wendy,
Thank you, we used Benjamin Moore Barren Plain.
Maybe I missed this at some point, but I’d love to see photos of your kitchen before and after! I’ve been so curious after hearing about it throughout the summer.