Eric thinks Adriana is sensing the baby will be coming soon. She wants me to hold her much more than usual (“Mommy up! Up! Up, peas!”), and she loves climbing all over my bump and sticking her finger into (what’s left of) my belly button. If I leave the room, she can get pretty upset at times. It usually goes something like this: “Mommy doing?” (Her way of asking, What is mommy doing?) “Mommy is going to the potty—I’ll be back soon!” “Mommy, POTTY! Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy!” She’s also cutting the bottom eye teeth and not sleeping normally so I’m sure it’s all related. I’m showering her with as much love and attention as I can and making sure we have special one-on-one time, which will be even more important to carve out once the baby is here.
Baby update: According to What To Expect, baby is around 18 inches and 5 pounds, and will be packing on more and more fat in the weeks to come. I’ve been making sure to eat a lot of healthy fats throughout my pregnancy (EPA/DHA oil, avocado, coconut oil, chia and hemp, nut/seed butters, etc), so hopefully baby has plenty! I’m still feeling hiccups multiple times a day, and tons of movement. This baby loves to push outward on my stomach like she/he is trying to escape, and I’ve been feeling so many hipbone jabs that stop me in my tracks!
How I’m feeling: This week I Googled “Can your boost of energy start at 35 weeks?” I kicked off this week feeling super energetic (I was seriously wondering if I might be going into labour early), and then sadly it dwindled after a couple days. Then I struggled the past few days with super low energy due to some early wake-ups. So I guess you could say it’s been a real mix.
Home life: It’s been so busy and exciting in this house. Some days we have 8 or more people coming in and out. Things are flowing nicely and we haven’t had too many setbacks, but I see there’s a mercury retrograde at the end of the month so who knows what that’ll bring. The mudding/sanding is finished in the basement and master bathroom, and the priming and first coat of paint is done in the basement. It is looking so much more like a finished basement already, and I can start to picture what the finished rooms will look like. Today, the master bathroom and basement powder room vanities are being installed and tomorrow the countertops will be measured. The basement doors are also being installed this week. We went with some modern-looking doors and handles for the basement, and I’m just dying to see them set up! Adriana loves watching all the action. This morning she was like, “Basement doing? Doors!” It was cute.
Hair/skin/nails: I forgot to mention this, but my eczema has been pretty bad over the past few months. I have it on my upper arms (tiny red bumps), and I think the hormones have really ramped it up during this pregnancy. I really don’t know what to do about it, or if anything even can help it. I’ve tried various creams and exfoliating (which I’m sure is a big no-no), and nothing has helped.
Names: We still have two first name contenders, and I go back and forth between which one I prefer. I’m totally on the fence and I think Eric is too. We didn’t decide on Adriana’s name until after she was born (we had two top choices then, too), so we might end up doing the same this time. Luckily, baby’s two middle names are selected so at least we don’t have to worry about that!
Symptoms: I’m feeling more and more uncomfortable as the weeks go on, which is to be expected. I’m also feeling a lot more random shooting groin pains that go down my inner thigh. It feels like baby presses up on a nerve and boom! I’m also having occasional stomach tightening, but not a lot. Some rib pain at night. Nothing too bad thankfully. I’m tired trying to keep up with our almost 2-year-old!
Exercise: Still walking 25 brisk minutes every morning with the stroller, and doing 15 minutes of Barre3 online every other day. Loving this amount right now! It’s quite challenging without running me down. One day this week I was super tired from a 4:45am wake-up call, and I debated taking a nap in the afternoon. I somehow convinced myself to do my planned 15 minutes of barre and take a nap right after the workout. Well, I felt so energized after the workout I didn’t even want a nap anymore. I couldn’t believe it. It really turned my mood around for the rest of the day.
What I’m wearing: I’m loving this Gap Maternity long-sleeved tee for cooler mornings (shown in the pic above). It’s so incredibly soft and comfy!! It’s still too hot and humid most days to wear it, but I know I’m going to get a ton of wear out of it next month.
Cravings: I’m still craving bread but haven’t ordered pizza this week, which feels like a victory over last week’s pizza marathon. I did, however, indulge in some homemade sourdough bread from the bakery this week. Spread with lots of coconut oil…mmm!
Best thing I ate/drank all week: The abovementioned sourdough bread. I also tested another batch of ice cream bars (getting close!) and ate way too many at like 10am.
Baby prep: I washed the new onesies that I picked up last week and they are all hung in the closet on cute little baby hangers. That’s about all I’ve done, but it still made me very happy to see those itsy bitsy clothes looking all cute.
Hospital bag packed? My goal is to start by end of next week! I did start a hospital bag checklist, and I ordered a few essentials. Spoiler alert: There will be Depends this time around. I’m not too high and mighty for them this time, bahah.
Crafting projects: I have done z-e-r-o crafting during this pregnancy, but I have this homemade massage ball on my list of things to make ASAP! My back has been bothering me, and I can’t wait to get Eric to try this out on those overburdened ribs. (He’s always like “What do you mean rub your ribcage? That’s weird…”)
Days left until due date: 32 days…this does not seem like a long time!
PS—you can read my 35 weeks update from my first pregnancy here.
When I was pregnant with my twins, I was told to have my hospital bag prepped by week 30 just in case of pre-term labor. I packed a killer hospital bag and had it all ready…then I didn’t have the babies until I was 38 weeks! And to add insult to injury, I didn’t even use ANYTHING in my bag…except for lip balm. Ha!
All the best to you in your final weeks !
Hey, the only thing that’s ever helped me (besides going vegan, apparently I got it because I’m allergic to milk yay) is Lush’s Dream Cream. I swear by it, seriously. x
I want to second this suggestion! I love Dream Cream and use it on anything that’s itchy, burned, inflamed, dry or otherwise in need of TLC :)
I’m also an eczema sufferer and found Emu Oil to be fantastic – it was the only thing that cleared up my raw weeping skin and it’s completely natural and (I’m pretty sure) safe to use in pregnancy and on babies/kids too. I bought mine from Kangaroo Island direct but you can also order it online, just make sure it is the pure oil not a blended cream as these can have other irritating things added. This is what I have: http://www.emuridge.com.au/shop/emu-oil/ Hope this is helpful!