Happy Friday!
Wheeeeeeee. Man, the weeks are flying by…I just hope the summer doesn’t fly by too. :ermm: I hate when that happens, don’t you?
I whipped up a delicious batch of Vegan Overnight Oats last night before hitting the hay…
Before going into the fridge last night…

I chopped a large banana and let it marinate overnight in the mix. Mmmm.
In this batch went:
- 1/2 cup organic oats
- 1.25 cups Almond Milk
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- Very tiny pinch of sea salt
- 1/4 scoop Amazing Grass Chocolate Protein Powder
- 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 1 large banana, chopped or mashed
Directions: Mix dry ingredients together and then add the wet ingredients (milk, vanilla) and WHISK! Add chopped banana and stir. Place into fridge overnight.

It is very liquidy when you place it into the fridge, but when it comes out in the morning it is thick, thick, thick. Give it a good stir and then add your toppings!
The key topping this morning was maple peanut butter. I mixed 1 tbsp of peanut butter with 1 tbsp of pure maple syrup.

I also sprinkled some coconut on top.

Before & After comparison…from PM to AM…
You can see that the volume from the PM to AM actually appeared to decrease as the oats and chia seeds expand and soak up the almond milk. This makes it very thick!
Do Vegan Overnight Oats have to sit in the fridge all night long before they are ready (aka 8 hours)?
I have had a few readers email me and let me know that the Vegan overnight oats can be ready in as little as 30-60 minutes in the fridge! Good news if you are desperate for them in the AM or want to make them for an afternoon snack. They won’t be as thick, but they will be close enough.
Women & Breakfast
I recently came across an article in a UK newspaper called The Independent. Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan was being interviewed on her book called Tired But Wired. One of the things that Dr. Ramlakhan claims is that it is crucial to eat first thing in the morning if you want a better sleep at night.
The evolutionary-based theory is that ‘eating breakfast first thing in the morning calms and reassures the part of your brain that still thinks you’re a cave person, living day to day on slow-running game and avoiding predators.’ Dr. Ramlakhan calls this crucial period in the morning a ‘metabolic window’. This window is a timeframe in which you can give your body an important message telling it “there is an adequate supply of food, it can relax, and that it can fall into sleep mode when it needs to."
When I suffered from an eating disorder, I used to either skip breakfast or not eat for an hour or two after waking and when I did eat, it was often just 1 apple. When I was commuting into Toronto for work, I would workout, get ready for work, and then eat my breakfast running out the door (I do not recommend this!). My energy levels were always very low and I was unhappy and irritable, not surprisingly. However, when I decided to recover, one of the things I did was learn to enjoy breakfast again, just like I did as a kid. I think most of us start off as children who have a huge love for breakfast. I have lots of good memories of breakfast as a child…I would often help my parents make pancakes or eggs and toast on the weekends, or I would eat a huge bowl of my favourite cereal during the week. As a child, breakfast was a positive way to start each day.
When I started to eat breakfast again, I realized that fueling up first thing in the morning gave me so much more energy and started my day off on the right foot. Now that I have gotten into the habit of eating when I wake up, I find that I wake-up very hungry in the morning and my body seems to be in a better schedule. For so long, I consumed most of my calories after 3pm, but I feel like now I eat a large portion of my calories in the morning and at lunch and less in the evening hours. I feel better this way, even though at first I was absolutely terrified of eating a large breakfast.
As for improving my sleep, I am not sure on that one, but it sort of makes sense to me that if you don’t deprive your body, you will be a more balanced person overall.
What does breakfast look like for you- do you fuel up or skip out? How soon do you eat breakfast after waking up? Have you ever changed the way you approached your breakfast, such as by eating more or different foods?
See you for 1,000 words this afternoon- I need your help with this one! Have a great day :biggrin:
Nice work letting the secret out about overnight oats! haha
I always have something small in the morning first thing before running, then come back have a green monster while stretching and getting ready for work…once I get to work it’s oats time! So “fuel up” is my motto too! But when I battled an eating disorder I was the same way, an apple or a fat free yogurt. I was miserable!
FUEL UP FO SHO!!! :) It gives me more energy during the day! I usually have two large pieces of toast (high protein bread) with nut butter and jelly and a blueberry-banana-almond milk smoothie on the car ride to work! Back during the ED days, I used to have a small bowl of cereal with no snacks before lunch. Talk about starving 20 minutes after breakfast and having to wait 4 hours until your next meal! No more!
Your breakfasts always look SO amazing!!
I never, ever skip breakfast anymore. I used to, and I was MEAN all the time! Now I have breakfast pretty much the second I get out of bed and it makes such a difference. I dont know how I ever made it to lunch without eating first. It seems like crazy talk now.
I must confess that I love my coffee. I start my morning with two cups.
Then, I make steel cut oats with two tablespoons of ground flax seed. I pour that over frozen blueberries or raspberries (I alternate fruit each day). After that cools (while I take my shower), I sprinkle turmeric and pumpkin seeds over it. I finish with 1/2 teaspoon of honey drizzled over the top. But, for the vegan readers, maple syrup would also be delicious.
I find that this staves my hunger for most of the morning.
Okay…I’m convinced! Must finally make overnight oats….Looks too yummy to ignore
I’ve NEVER liked breakfast, although I do like breakfast foods at another time during the day. My mother had to beg me to eat breakfast as a child. My tendency is to not eat breakfast, but I force myself to eat within a couple of hours after getting up. If I eat first thing I feel nauseous. Since I’ve tried to be healthier for the last three years, I try to be conscious of not going too long before I eat, and making sure my breakfast is nutritious. It’s by far my least favorite meal (timewise) of the day.
I really need to try those oats. They look so good, but I’m never sure if they are supposed to be served cold. (I’m assuming they’re served cold?) Something about cold oats just kind of throws me for a loop, but I’m going to give it a try for tomorrow morning.
yup they are served cold!
I love breakfast, it’s always been the best meal of the day, ever since I was a kid. I find that I have to have my cup of coffee and water first, relax, and get hungry so I can truly enjoy a bowl of loaded oats, or on the weekends, a giant oatmeal pancake or some whole grain cereal with almond milk and ezekiel toast with nut butter.
Your overnight oats have just looked so tempting lately, that I may have to try them out when we get our next heatwave.
I’m a breakfast nut! I could never not eat it, my tummy demands it in the am. I usually eat more oats in the morning than anything, but I also am a lover of pancakes, waffles and eggs!
um… could you have possibly just enlightened me on why i can NEVER get a good night’s sleep when i go work out for two hours before breakfast in the morning? it’s happened to me three times and it really bothers me because no sleep = no healing.
i couldn’t imagine not eating breakfast. I usually wait about an hour just because I take the dog for a walk/run right away, do a little yoga/stretching, take a shower and then eat. It kind of encourages me to just get things going and finished so i can have breakfast. some mornings i’ll have a handful of cereal and some water when i first get up.
I alternate between cold cereal, hot oatmeal w/ toppings, green monster smoothies and toast w/ an egg on the side.
I have always eaten breakfast within in like 15 minutes of waking. Even at 4am when i get up for work, i am generally hungry when i get up. Some people think this is weird, but i love breakfast. mmm. i cannot ever imagining leaving the house without eating. too bizarre. i usually have oatmeal, but lately it’s been whole wheat pb toast and a banana. i think it’s the summer gettting to me.
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and my biggest. I look forward to my mornings and enjoy and good healthy breakfast and a nice cup of tea.
I use to loathe breakfast, but I eat it now because I know how good it is for you! Scrambled eggs and watermelon keep me going strong.
I do have to say, I tried your overnight oats (which are so tasty and great for HOT HOT HOT days here in Texas) and I had to stop 3 times during my morning run for bathroom breaks. (sorry tmi)
Has anyone else had stomach issues with it?
oh no thats awful to hear! =( Im sorry you experienced that.
those are garlic scapes
Angela, Have been reading your site for a few weeks now… it has been the kick I needed to simplify and detox as I approach the big 2-9 (on Tuesday!). Something has just clicked, I think you’re probably helping a lot of people learn how to make easy changes that lead to big ones :) Have been loving the overnight oats with banana soft serve for breakfast in the morning…especially in hot, humid Florida!!! I have chia seeds and chocolate Amazing Food powder arriving sometime this week from Amazon. I’m feeling better everyday. Thanks for sharing, for your honesty, for being real. :)
Aww thanks for leaving me such a sweet comment…Im really glad to hear you enjoy reading. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!!
That’s really interesting about the connection between breakfast and sleep. I’m wondering now if that’s why I’ve slept so poorly this week. Usually I make and eat a big breakfast right away (within 30 minute or so of waking), but this week I haven’t been eating until I get to work. I’ve also been eating smaller breakfasts. I’ve also been up later than usual (for no good reason) every night this week and I haven’t slept very soundly at all. I’ll have to see if I notice a difference when I get back into eating breakfast first thing again.
My entire life I’ve always been a “wake up and eat breakfast” type of person. Every single day, even if I’m running late. I can’t function if I don’t eat breakfast, and will feel faint if I don’t eat within a few hours of waking up.
And none of this talk about a single granola bar or an apple. I usually eat at least 2 bowls of cereal, or pancakes, waffles, or eggs, grits or oatmeal etc, and usually a piece of fruit and coffee.
So yes, I eat breakfast every morning and yes I eat a lot of it. And yes, I’m also thin, haha. The way I see it, I can eat pretty much whatever I want in the morning because I have the whole rest of the day to burn it off! So sometimes breakfast consists of leftover cake ;o)
Whatever the case, that morning fuel is crucial.
BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day for me or I’d be dead in the water the rest of the day.
Fuel, fuel, fuel!!! I love breakfast! Always have! :)
I have an oatmeal pancake with nut butter or eggs and brown rice bread with nut butter! :)