Happy Memorial Day to my American readers! I hope you are enjoying a lovely day off.
Thank you for your amazing comments on yesterday’s half marathon. It means a lot to me to have your support! Also, thank-you to a couple of you who suggested contacting the race director about my experience with the man taking pictures of me on his cell phone. I emailed the director last night and told him/her about my experience. I also asked if there were ways that next year’s race may be made more safe either by a closed course, more police officers on course (there weren’t many!), or some other method. Hopefully it opens the dialogue on the topic! I am anxious to see what they say and I will let you all know.
Now onto yesterday’s post-half marathon delicious eats!
As I mentioned in the race recap, I had a high protein Renew Glo bar on the drive home and lots of water.

Shortly following my ice bath, I had lunch!

I was craving my cheezy savoury oats in a huge way!

The recipe can be found here. I added extra turmeric spice to this batch because it acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.


My toppings included: 1/2 cup pasta sauce, 1 cup black beans, Mary’s Crackers (crushed), 1/4 cup red pepper hummus, lots of sea salt, and ground pepper. It was sooo good!

I made sure to add a lot of salt to the batch because I sweat out a TON of salt during my race. My whole body was covered in salt!
I also had a RAW + GF Glo Bar, which by the way, go on sale tomorrow night starting at 9pm EST! I will only be selling about 20 batches to begin with because they are very time intensive.

Then I proceeded to nap for about 45 minutes! Felt sooo good.
After the nap, I had a chocolate milkshake, which consisted of a scoop of Chocolate Amazing Meal Protein Powder and 1 cup of almond milk.

During the afternoon, I also snacked on an unphotographed apple with cashew butter.
Dinner was a HUGE sweet potato (the size of about 2 regular ones) that Eric BBQ’d on the grill wrapped in tin foil. It was awesome! I drizzled it with BBQ sauce and Navy beans. I had a 1/2 cup of salsa on the side. It was so delicious! I seasoned with sea salt and black pepper.

It was such a random dinner, but I loved it so much.

Sweet potatoes on the grill are amazing…highly recommend it! I zapped them in the micro for about 5 minutes before hand and I think they took about 20-30 minutes on the grill wrapped in tin foil.
Then we ate copious amounts of my 3 ingredient homemade chocolate covered raisins (well 4 ingredients because this batch was the rice crisp batch!) while watching The Proposal for the umpteenth time. I had my race chocolate- just several hours after the fact! :biggrin:

We probably had half a batch between the two of us! I did not move from the couch all night and it was glorious.
How am I feeling post-half marathon?
I am feeling pretty good and not quite as sore as my last half-marathon race.
I attribute this to two things:
1) Icing on the drive home
2) Ice Baths for 10 minutes– I had another ice bath when I got up this morning and one as soon as I got home yesterday. Please note that ice baths should never go below 50-55F, but generally I have mine around 60F. Even just cold baths with no ice are supposed to help! Bring in a thermometer into the tub to be sure and always consult with your doctor before doing so.
What is sore/hurting?
I do not have any concerning pains, but I do have lots of little things…
- One huge, raw blister on my right heel. This happened in mile TWO and I had to endure it for the entire race. It was sooo painful. It was my fault though- I wore different socks than usual! Rule of racing- nothing new on race day- oops, my bad.
- Small blister on left heel.
- Very mild chafing from my Camelbak where the strap rubbed. I meant to put on Bodyglide before the race but I forgot.
- Muscle tightness all over, especially in groin, quads, arms, back. Lots of stretching and I am icing sore spots a few times a day.
- Swollen top of right foot. I tied my shoelace too tight and the top of my right foot was VERY sore yesterday. I made sure to ice it. The swelling has gone down 50% today and it isn’t as sore, but it is still swollen slightly. I expect it is nothing serious and should be fine in a couple days.
- a BRUISE from my necklace that I wore! I got a small bruise from the pendant (it is fairly heavy) bouncing against my chest during the run. Weird, huh?
Here is the necklace I wore (it says Taurus on it)

What about you- what minor things and major things have you experienced following a race? Anything weird or something that surprised you?
The thing that surprised me the most was the bruise from my necklace. Live and learn I guess!
I have been baking since early this morning and will be baking all week, so I don’t have the luxury of physically resting today, but I am hoping that my activity will get the blood flowing and expedite the recovery process!
In tonight’s post I will be talking about race quirks…see you then! :kissing:
So weird about your necklace!! I dont think i’ve ever had anything like that happen to me before during a race.
Thanks for sharing your race ‘quirks’! I’ll try to remember those as I start my running journeys.
I love The Proposal! That reminds me- I really need to own that movie : )
Made the choco covered raisins tonight- delish! Thanks for sharing another winning, simple recipe.
Your savory oats always look so amazing!! Nomatter what I do mine never look like that! Lol they are delicious though.
That’s crazy about your necklace. I guess It makes sense, but it seems so random. I haven’t run a race yet, but I used to ride my horse in a lot of competitions. Once I had hurt my toe and couldn’t get my boots on so I had to borrow a friends because they had a zipper. They were a touch shorter than mine and I wound up with a giant bruise from where the stirrups rubbed my leg. Little things can make such a difference!
What a fantastic recovery meal, yummy!
That is so weird about your necklace bruising you. Really, the only thing I can think of is the chafing. When I was larger in size and started running that was a huge factor for me. My thighs were so larger that I’d chafe between my legs pretty bad and my boobs were quite large as well, so the chafing wasn’t any better there either. Needless to say, once I lost several pounds over the years, I didn’t chafe as bad. As for the camelback, that is one of the reasons I don’t use one on my runs because of the chafing. I do use one when we cycle or do any cycling rallies. Oh yea, I’ve had one other funny thing happen to me twice, during my marathon and during a 65 mile bike ride. Make sure you follow the signs, I ended up running an extra mile almost in my marathon because me and guy that kinda hooked up with me during the run were just talking away when we noticed no one else on the course, we’d taken a wrong turn….doh! Same thing on a bike venture, missed a turn, which tacked on about 3 more miles to our ride! Yikes!