Who says I don’t make Eric hamburgers anymore? :D

I was inspired by none other than Bakerella herself this week. I knew that these awesome cupcake burgers would be a hit for Father’s Day!

I present to you Veggie Cupcake Burgers!
Of course, I made vegan ones :)
How cute are these lil guys!?!?!
For the ‘beef’ I made my chocolate peppy-mint Glo Bars and shaped it into a meat patty.

I’d like to say a big thank you to Amazing Grass for giving me boundless energy today!!! I even snuck in a 3 mile run!


These were off the hook amazing!!!
I made around 30 or so of these and I still have about 30 large cupcakes to ice!!! It has been nothing short of madness in the kitchen today as you can imagine!

The batter (3 batches worth!):
I have to get back into the kitchen to frost the remaining 30 cupcakes! I will do ‘dad’ colours…maybe blue and green. :) Then it is labels, packaging, signage, ingredients lists…etc!!!!
Oh they are just too cute to eat!!!! :D

As you have probably figured out, I have no time to do my letter to my current self tonight! Trust me, you don’t want to hear what it would be tonight:
Dear Angela,
Get your butt back in the kitchen!!! Time is ticking away girl!!!
LOL. I promise, tomorrow I will resume my planned posts once this madness subsides! :) I doubt I will be posting tomorrow AM, but we’ll see. I should be back from the market around 3pm (unless I sell out first, let’s hope!).
I am going to be up til at least 1am tonight doing this and probably up around 6am tomorrow morning. Oh the life of a baker…gotta love it!
Have a great Friday night!!!

Those burger cupcakes are too adorable! Nothing beats cute + delicious :) You’ll be happy to know, hubby and I have enjoyed Green Monsters every day this week and we’re loving them! Ours consist of a small banana, 2/3 cup of skim milk, 1 tbsp flax seeds, and 2 big handfuls of spinach. I still can’t believe my husband is actually drinking these things every morning and enjoying them! Next week’s GMs will probably not look so good since my dad is going strawberry picking tomorrow so we’ll be adding those to the mix :O I’m sure they’ll taste delish if we can just get past the icky colour our delicous green gems will be with the addition of berries. Have a great weekend!
Ack, too cute! I love foods that look like other foods, Rachael Ray did a fun segment on them for Halloween!
OMG, those little burgers are ADORABLE Angela! You are so darn creative! And I’m totally floored by all your hard work. Those goodies all look so professional. Good luck finishing up in the kitchen. :)
Thank Bakerella for her utter genius! Not me! :) but thank you all the same!
Everything looks AMAZING! I want to order some of your goodies, let me know HOW! :-)
Good luck tomorrow!! :D
Ange: could i live with you?!! :D i DON’T know how you can prevent your sweet tooth to explode after baking those treats!! *drooool*
Adorable! :D It even has lettuce, catsup, and mustard! :D Yum.
those cupcakes are so cute!
These are totally awesome :) I don’t think I will have the patience to bake all these!!
Have a great weekend!
Ohmygoodness, you have outdone yourself on those burger cupcakes! I love it!!! You have a serious baking operation going on there, I hope you weren’t up too late finishing. Good luck at the market!!!
So freakin’ adorable!
oh my god those “burgers” are SO CUTE!!
adorable – what an awesome Father’s day idea!
LOVE those little cupcakes, too cute! Your bakery will be a smash, I know it. You’re so creative, and people will go for the aesthetic if nothing else :)
I have a question about something that’s been bothering me lately. I love your stance on “Ditching the Scale” and freeing yourself from obsession, but how do you do that if you still have weight to lose? I’ve lost about 100 lbs and still would like to lose more. Not in a vain way, but I’m still over 30 lbs overweight and could lose some more. I fell into a really bad obsession about a year ago, and stopped counting calories, weighing myself, etc. But during that time I also felt crummy and gained weight, which only made the cycle worse!
So I guess my question is, how would you suggest going about losing weight while at the same time keeping your sanity? Or do you think it can even be done?!? Sometimes I doubt it :) I don’t mean this in a negative way AT ALL, but sometimes it’s just hard as someone who has weight to lose to have someone who’s at a healthy weight saying ditch the scale and not focus on numbers, because we want to get to a healthy weight just like you!
You are so inspirational and I love your approach. Just something I’ve been thinking about, and honestly I mean it in the most positive way possible :) I just think if I have this question, others might have it to!
Good luck at the bake sale today!
oh my god those cupcakes are PRECIOUS!!!! martha stewart watch out, OSG is coming for you!
aaahhh so cute!!! You’ve definitely got the gift of creativity :)
Wow! The burgers are so cute and everything looks delicious!
Those cupcakes are sooooo toot! (that’s how i say “cute”)