What a great day it was. :)
All our wedding photography is by Dave Biesse and Charlotte Leonard. They are amazingly talented and very fun & personable photographers…who became our friends!
We had a fun anniversary breakfast this morning…

Peanut Banana Butter Love Muffin Sandwich
- 2 love muffins
- 1/2 banana, mashed
- 1 spoonful chunky peanut butter
Directions: Slice muffins in half. Mix the mashed banana and PB together and spread onto muffin.
Along with chocolate dipped strawberries!

Chocolate Coconut Maple Dipped Strawberries
- 6-8 large strawberries
- 1/3 cup dark chocolate chips
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 1/2 tbsp pure maple syrup
Directions: In a small bowl place the chips and coconut oil into the microwave for 30 second intervals until chocolate is melted. Stir well. Add 1/2 tbsp maple syrup and mix. Dip strawberries and swoosh all around to coat. Sprinkle with nuts or coconut if desired. Place in freezer for 10 minutes or so to set. Enjoy!

This was such a nice treat this morning. :)

I don’t want this morning to end, but work calls me! Have a great day.
What GORGEOUS pictures you had taken! You looked beautiful :) Such a pretty dress.
My favourite picture is probably the one of the ‘Groom’ and his guys walking out of the sliding glass doors in black&white…looks like a dramatic movie still. All it needs is theme music!
Hope you had a lovely anniversary. (With a breakfast like that..how could it have gone wrong!? ;) )
I wish your photographer lived in the USA, cause I’d totally hire him for our annual family photos! My favorites: The rings around your names on the invitation, The inscription (Perfect Fit – that is just too cute!) and Eric crying as you’re coming down the aisle!
O.M.G. Angela. I made your dipped strawberries and I’m pretty sure I moaned…out loud. lol. I’m dubbing them the “Orgasmic dipped Strawberries”. hahaha!
I was married on 8/31/1991!!
Very nice photos. Thanks for sharing.