I am now sure that I made the right decision regarding buying a treadmill vs. signing up at a gym.
Here’s why:
- I decided for my workout today I would use my Guest Pass at a gym I was considering signing up at
- The changeroom was downright gross! For a new gym I was shocked. The bathroom stall was out of toilet paper, the personal changeroom was hairy, gross, and unclean looking (gag!!!), and there were dustbunnies on the floor. Not impressive for a gym that is brand new (March) and charges an arm and a leg for a monthly fee! I know it would have been really ‘unpleasant‘ having to get ready for work there every morning. Hectic and rushed. And unclean feeling! lol.
- Each cardio machine has a personal TV screen (huge plus in my books!), however when I went to use the treadmill I was disappointed to find that the TV only had 3 channels– three!- what the heck? I suspect most of them were like this too. False advertising in my books!
So overall it wasn’t a great experience today.
I did get a free workout though so I can’t complain! hahaha. The one great thing was that I had a rockin’ workout and it felt nice to sweat after a brief 2-day hiatus from heart-pumping exercise.
I had a delicious bowl of banana, almond milk, and Spelt cereal before the gym. I also grabbed a handful of raw almonds on the way there for extra energy.
Nuts are a great pre-workout snack because they are small and don’t give me that uncomfortable full feeling when I run.
My workout:
- 2 min. warm-up on treadmill, speed 4.0 mph, incline 7
- Ran 4 miles @ 6.0 mph, incline 7 (this was tough!)
- 5 min. cool down
- Total duration: 47 mins.
- Max heart rate: 174 (89% of max)
- Avg. Heart rate: 157 (81% of max)
- I also did 15 shoulder presses with 25 pound weights.
It felt lovely!!! :D
What did you do to get your heart-pumping today?
I am quite happy that I made the right decision about the gym vs. treadmill debate.
I am glad that I didn’t get sucked into a 1-year contract too. I hate that I couldn’t just sign up on a monthly basis. The YMCA isn’t near the highway so I didn’t want to have to drive across the town to go to the gym because it would have added on another 20-25 mins of driving time there and back.
The good news?
I ordered my treadmill and it arrives Wednesday!!!
Stay tuned for the ‘unveiling‘ of this magnificant running beast!! lol :D
More unpacking today….(along with Christmas tunes pumping!!)
It is amazing to us that we only moved from a 2-bedroom condo, yet we seem to have a gazillion more boxes than we thought!!! lol. It just never ends!
See you tonight for a Beauty product review as well as another unpacking re-cap!
In order to discover new lands, one must be willing to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.
Hi Angela,
Yayyyy for the new treadmill! I agree that it is better to buy your own treadmill than to pay big bucks for a dirty gym :-( I also own a treadmill and it comes in quite handy this time of year. I live in Chicago and it is so cold & snowy outside which (as you know) makes for a rather uncomfortable run outdoors! I have been relying big time on my treadmill over the last few weeks and I am so glad that I have one. If I didn’t, there is no doubt that my running would stop and I would be so unhappy :-( Right now the snow is coming down like crazy, but I know that after work I can go home and knock out 7 miles on my treadmill in the comfort and warmth of my home :-)
I hope your unpacking gets done soon- I know how awful it can be. It seems like a never ending job, doesn’t it?!
Great job on your run today! Wow, 4 miles on incline 7!!! That DOES sound hard!
I just found your site via comments from KERF, and I’m hooked! I’ll be adding you to my reader!
Thanks for the opinion on joining a gym…I always go through that dilemma around this time of year.
The treadmill is a great decision! Cant wait to see what you got!
Have fun unpacking- I’ll be doing the same this weekend!
I love having my treadmill at home! I can hop on whenever I feel like it…for free, no less! :) I am lucky to have access to a (small) gym at work and our cleaning staff does a great job making sure it’s not icky! This way, I can workout over my lunch hour!
Ewww. That gym sounds gross!
I did speedwork to get my heart pumping!!!
I can’t wait to hear about the new treadmill!
A new tread, how exciting! It totally sounds like you made the right call. I sooo wish I had a tread and a good place to put it. My next home will have a whole separate workout room just for one! :)
Awesome! I will definitely buy a treadmill (when I get room) – I do like running outside but it’s too bad for my knees.
Too bad about that gym!! You should come to my gym – it’s faaaabulous, HUGE, high-tech, and clean!! :-)
But hooray for the treadmill!!