Today is a bittersweet day…we’re moving into a new home!
Just over a year ago, Eric and I decided that we wanted to move because his commute just got to be too much for him. He spent 3.5 hours every day commuting to and from Toronto and it was making him miserable. He looked for other jobs nearby, but wasn’t able to find anything close. As much as we loved that house, a house isn’t a home if you are never home to enjoy it. We leave this house with so many amazing memories and a bit of sadness, but I know that this change will make a positive difference for us both. You know what they say, life’s a daring adventure or nothing! Bring it on!
Our house was on the market since last fall and it was a long, loooong wait to sell. I won’t even get into how many times I had to drop everything in the kitchen and leave with 15 minutes notice for a house showing. It was a tough 6 months and it was even more difficult not talking about it on the blog! When we finally sold, it was one of the happiest days because it meant that we could finally proceed with our life.
We decided to rent for a while until we decide where we want to eventually settle down..it’s still very much up in the air. We looked at rentals in Toronto and Oakville and eventually found a place that is perfect for us in Oakville. Remember when we worked the Oakville Organic Farmer’s Market a couple summers ago? We always said we’d love to live here someday, we just didn’t know how soon that would turn out to be. Life works in mysterious ways!
I have lots of unpacking and cleaning to do, but not a crazy amount because we donated more than half of our possessions to fit in the new place. Don’t be fooled by the huge moving truck; we’ve been storing about half a truck’s worth of Steve and Joanne’s furniture in our basement for the past couple years. Guess where that is going? To brother Dave’s! haha. It’s the circle of life. Thankfully, we’ve had about 10 friends/family helping us move…so it’s going super fast!! What would we do without our family and friends?
Much more to come about all of this, but I better get back to work! Thanks for putting up with my rather sporadic blogging schedule for the past while. :)

Sketchie is either super excited or super ticked off…the jury is still out…

Yes, he loves his front claws. ;)
However you are spending your St Patrick’s Day, have a great one! We hope to end our day at the pub with a different kind of jig…although the beer is calling my name from the fridge already. Lots to celebrate!
Oh wow! That is amazing and sad at the same time. I know you and I have spoken about this before since I am in Burlington and work in Toronto too! CONGRATS and I hope this is the beginning of a wonderful new chapter for you two! The downtown Oakville strip is my favourite- it’s so cute! Hope to see you in the neighbourhood!
Any chance you’ll choose Stratford, ONTARIO? you know who is from there…
How exciting! Congratulations to you, I’m sure you’re so relieved to finally be moving. Best wishes for new wonderful things to come!
What a great attitude to have, and way to support your husband. Your old house was so beautiful, I’m sure you can make the next one your own as well!
LOL at first I thought you were starting your own cookbook team or something with all of the computers!
Try and have the LEAST stressful move possible k? We still need you making amazing recipes!
Congratulations! Moving can be both exciting and stressful, here’s hoping it goes quick and easy for you. :)
Congratulations on the move! Moving is always bitter sweet, but I am sure in the end you will be happy with your decision.
Oakville is lovely, congratulations on your move and here’s to new adventures! :)
Congrats on the move and best of luck with all the big changes coming your way. I grew up in Oakville, so I hope you enjoy your time in my home-town! :)
Ahhh! We just moved too. TOTAL moving bomb! We lived 30 minutes from work and it was too much always a 45 mintute drive with traffic. Now we live in town above resturants and shops. It is great and the famers market is across the street in the park!
Happy unpacking!
Congrats on the move! I’m from Oakville (although I currently live abroad) and its a very nice place to live. The Whole Foods is amazing and I practically run there everytime I come home! x
Wow, big move! I know moving can be a really stressful and hair-pulling experience, but I hope you’re enjoying the excitement that comes along with it as well. At least you have lots of helping hands – that always makes things easier. :)
Congratulations! Six months is a very quick sell!! Plus, you & Eric had done so much work, who wouldn’t want to snatch it up!?! We have our home for sale, too, but with the ecomony and the slow housing market in the States, things are slow going. We intend to move to Colorado, where we will rent. Your rental looks fabulous! Way to score!!!
3.5 hr commute! OUCH!
Even if he did audio books, I can see where that would still get old, fast.
I applaud you guys* for taking the leap. I’m sure it was a hard decision to give up home for new location, but it sounds like you two (and Sketchie) work together well in making those important decisions.
In the next six months, I’m going to do my best to get my solar cooking website back up, but right now I need to find another place to live for me, my 17 yo son, and the cat, since the ex is giving us the boot.
*guys – okay, I don’t know how to address a man and a woman.
congrats on the move – the new place looks amazing, LOVE the kitchen! I know how hard it can be to sell a house (in Germany “used” houses don’t sell well), I’ve been through this process myself. It took us 18 months to sell the joy and some showings really sucked! We’re renting as well but always have the option to buy – this really is a good way to check out if you feel comfortable there in the long haul.
I’d gone crazy if my cat had disappeared – how could your neighbors just drop him off outside??? Ah well, some things you just cannot grab with your mind…thank God you got Sketchie back!
Enjoy the new place and the additional time you get to spend with Eric!