So, it’s Tuesday after another long day of work and I am naturally thinking of the weekend ahead. :)
and…The Future looks sweet!
Let me explain.
1) I told Eric’s coworker if he purchased one or more items from a fund raising campaign at work, that I would bake him any cookies of his choice. Ohhh the bribery. The verdict? I am to bake Reece’s Pieces cookies. lol. People still make these? I don’t think I have had Reece’s Pieces since the early 1990’s. Again, you must appreciate the simplicity of the modern man.
2) My BIL‘s (Brotha-in-law) birthday is today and since I am the family baker I will be baking him a cake for the family dinner on Saturday night. I would like to bake a cake other than the traditional birthday cake though. I will have to put my thinking cap on and camp out at Smitten Kitchen for a few nights. He is a big caramel fan….so….
Caramel Walnut Upside down Banana Cake, anyone?
3) On my BIL‘s birthday I always bake him a box of goodies. He loves my baking and being the selfish person I am, I must hear those compliments each year! He even mentioned my baking in his wedding speech at our wedding. LOL. Smart man. I am indebted to him for life. I think I will either make him cookies or squares of some kind. Hmm. It is so hard to pick a recipe.
4) We are going out to a bar for BIL’s birthday. I have been known to do the occasional tequila shots whenever the opportunity arises. However, over the past year or so I have basically stopped drinking except for the occasional outing (my stagette weekend in July rings a bell this past summer!), so I am a total lightweight when I do have a drink now. I will have to be careful on Friday not to overdo it and ruin my weekend. My mom is flying in on Sunday and we will be picking her up from the airport and then spending the day and night with her at our place. It should be a busy and fun weekend!
So yes, dear sweet readers, the future looks sweet. It is a good thing I am pounding the pavement this week and torching calories because it looks like this weekend will bring some indulgences my way!
It is all about balance. I don’t deprive myself when it comes to food because I know that 90% of the time I lead a healthy lifestyle. Life is too short to worry about a cookie here or a piece of cake there. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too!
Stay tuned for tonight’s fashion and baking post :D
I am curious if you will make your BIL the Caramel Walnut Upside Down Banana Cake even though it is not vegan.
Hey Debi, The post is from 2008 and I was not a vegan at that time. I only bake vegan food now.
I did not even notice the date, so sorry! Not that I ever realized that any of the blog had ever been not vegan. I have only been reading for a couple years and had looked at any of the older posts. Thanks for the response. I guess my curiosity is how other women who are the main cook in the home handle their own eating choices if their husband is not interested in following the same choices, as in my case.
Great Recipe, Lets Bake and SEE our sweet future.
Hi Angela, I love your blog. I have tried several of the recipes, just last night I made the Thai inspired Veggie Burger. What a treat. I decided to read from the beginning of your blog. Thanks again for the great posts! Katie