Hello there :)
I hope you had a great start to your week. I am truckin’ along getting ready for the big launch of the variety packs and coupons tomorrow morning at 10am EST! It has been rush, rush, rush all day! Luckily my green monster gave me a huge boost of energy this morning (I don’t just say that it really does!).
Lunch was deelish…

I had two In A Jiffy Spelt Veggie Burgers as the ‘bun’ with tomato paste and red roasted pepper hummus smooshed in between.
Basically the best tasting thing imaginable.
Round two:

It’s totally normal to eat 4 veggie burger patties for lunch, right? ;) Thought so…
Dinner was also in a jiffy!


Golden Sweet Potato Soup
- 1 extra large Yukon gold potato, chopped
- 1 extra large sweet potato, chopped
- 1.5-2 cups non-dairy milk
- 1/2 tsp fine grain sea salt
- 1/2 tsp basil
- 1/2 tsp parsley
- 1/2 clove minced garlic
- 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
- 1 tbsp cashew butter (optional)
Directions: Boil potatoes until soft, about 10 minutes. I didn’t even bother peeling the potatoes, but you can if you wish. Throw all ingredients, including boiled potatoes, into the blender and puree. Serve immediately and heat if necessary. Garnish with sunflower seeds. Serves 2-3.
Inspired by FFVK’s Easy Potato Soup (which I have made before and loved!).

It was quite delicious in a very simple sort of way. You might want to add more seasonings to spice it up a bit.

Eric tried his best to pretend to like it. He really, really did give his best performance.
I was secretly smirking out of the corner of my eye because he thought he was fooling me, but I can read him like a book.
Just for fun, I said ever-so-innocently, ‘So what do you think?’
‘It’s good.’
I knew instantly he didn’t like it. I saw his lip quiver and the fear in his eyes with each tiny spoonful.
After about 10 minutes, he finally spoke the truth…

He hated the texture!!!!!!!!!!!!! bahahah. I knew it all along.
He said, ‘As far as textures go, this has to be one of the worst…’ lol.
What a guy, what a guy…and I love him anyways.
We had toast with Earth Balance margarine to go with it. Mmmm.
After dinner we were rushing to beat the clock! We decided to go on a bike ride tonight in lieu of our swim. We had to get out there before sunset!
Meet my mountain bike…a 3 year old Fuji Boulevard:

What a beast!
My helmet might have belonged to a 7 year old girl in its’ previous life.

Embarrassing, isn’t it?
I believe I will be investing in a new one ASAP!
Eric’s bike is a Norco Wolverine:

We had a great ride!
- A hilly 4.66 miles
- Avg pace: 9.8 m/hr
- Time: 28:34 mins.
And saw a nice sunset:
It was COLD though. The weather is still not warm enough for nighttime bike rides. I think it was a windy 7C when we went out! Brrrr. I was freezing.
My post-run treat = dark chocolate chips x 2.
- New reader Green monster recipes are up
- Check out this fun Magic Bullet giveaway
- Nut Butter Parsnip Fries spotting
Tonight’s question: Are you good at detecting when your significant other (or friend/family member) is lying to you?
I had training in my criminal psychology course. We learned all the signs that liars give via their body language. It was fun. I am quite good at detecting a lie in the act! I can read Eric like a book. ;)
I need to get back to 24!!!
I love potato-y texture soups–so thick and hearty! Silly Eric! Sweet bike :)
mmm that soup looks good! I made your dish- “You’re So Cheezy” Savoury Oats today for lunch-changed a few of the spices but I LOVED IT! Thanks you for sharing it! :)
ohh tell us the lying secrets.
love the tiny helmet!
The two biggest ones are
– averting the eyes to the right or left when you ask them the question
– touching the face (esp the nose/moth area)
ohh, good to know!
Aww – I think I’m pretty good at detecting lying.I dunno – I think many of the people around me are not very skilled liars rather than my skills at detecting lies being stellar. haha
I love that he finally told the truth! It bothers me so much when I know someone is lying to me and won’t tell me the truth!
honey your helmet has to fit if it’s going to protect you! you at least need to adjust the straps… i’ve done a lot of helmet fittings (we’re talking hundreds)-email me if you want the basics on helmet fit!
(i don’t wanna give you a long lecture on your blog :-) but i want people to be safe on their bikes!)
I think that soup looks great!
But yes – I can read Mr BBB like a book when it comes to whether he likes my creations or not. He HATED my parsnip soup last week :(
Strangely, while my husband is good at telling elaborate stories and having me believe me, he’s terrible and run of the mill lies. :)
i love anything sweet potato.. your soup looks absolutely delish..
hahah this post made me laugh so much. u have the energy of a teenager. such a beautiful spirit. and ur rockin that little girl helmet ha! mm i’d agree.. 4 veggie patties is perfectly fine YUM:P xo
That soup looks like texture heaven to me!! hehe I can tell when Chris doesn’t like something…but he does tell me the truth. He’ll usually say “it’s just okay.” And then I ask, “would you want me to make it again?” And that is the real answer ;) I freaking love those spelt burgers..thank you SO much for the recipe AND for making me ADDicted to putting tomato paste on everything. I must go thru a jar per week now. When I used to open a jar to thicken sauces and whatnot I would never ever use the whole thing. Loooooove it!
Your lunch was like a healthy version of the KFC Double Down. Hehe. I can always tell when my husband is lying. He’s a horrible liar and always breaks into a smile. But just in case, I had been watching the show Lie to Me. You know, to pick up extra clues. :)
That’s exactly what I was thinking!! MUCH healthier :)
I love the look of that soup- thanks for posting the recipe and linking back to those burgs- only a tiny bit jealous of your day today!
I can always tell when family is lying- and I’m the worst liar so I know they can tell when I’m lying as well!
Have a great Tuesday girl!
I love that you ate 4 of those burgers for lunch…they look delicious. I could easily eat that many X 2!
I can always tell when my hubby is lying to me. He is the worst liar in the world, which is a good thing I guess! :)
wITH your busy body and brain, you can mosst definitely have 4 jiffy burgers + a few more at lunch :)
Lol I was going to say the same thing, your sandwich looks EXACTLY like the ‘Double Down’ from KFC! In the states there are commercials on for those all the time. they are these awful bun-less sandwiches that are two fried chicken pieces with bacon, cheese and a mayo sauce inbetween (yuck). When I saw the photo I thought you were joking about KFC! LOL again!
Oh, but your hummus and tomato combo sounds divine.
When my boyfriend is bluffing I can usually tell by a mischevous twinkle in his eyes. And sometimes he’ll do a nervous smile. He’d be awful at poker!
Oh yeah – I can read my hubby like a book as well!
Did you mean to make your sandwich like the Double Down? haha
I’m pretty good at reading people and can usually tell if someone is lying! Plus I’m the WORST liar ever!
I can almost always tell if someone is lying to me.
That soup looks tasty. :-)