Good night!
So I’ve created some funky theme titles for the blog! I am going to try this for a bit and see how it goes. At the top of each post you will see a theme describing what the post will focus on.
Right now I have the following:
- Facts (research, news)
- Faq’s
- Favs (favourite things)
- Fashion
- Food
- Fitness
- Fun
- Free For All (Anything and everything!)
- Flirty (Beauty/girly stuff)
- Fix-ups (home renos, decorating)
- Feel Good (self esteem, positive writing, encouragement)
Can you guys think of any other F words? lol…keep it clean! ;)
Progress on the work front:
What a change today was from yesterday! Today I felt inspired, positive, and back on track. Everything was right in the universe today. Don’t you just love days like that?
I felt like I was finally making progress with Glo Bakery, as well as with OSG. I don’t know why, but the past week I felt like I was stalled and in limbo, not making any progress, and that days were passing me by. I was in a work-related funk.
I think part of my problem is that I really need to get organized. I started with the blog last night. With all of your help I sort of have a plan or a vision about how to organize my thoughts and ideas. I loved the suggestion of a vision board by Julie! A vision board really appeals to my creative side. Has anyone else ever made a vision board? If you have some pics, I’d LOVE to see them!
I think lately I feel like I have a million things going on at once and the disorganization was sort of spinning out of control. I have been taking some small steps to get in order, such as printing 2 month’s worth of calendars and placing it on the wall in front of my desk:
Although, I think I took 3 steps back with the clutter that has been building on my desk!
It is time to simplify my life!
I have so many recipes and notes and lists on my desk. It is getting out of hand. I tidy it up once a week or so, but this is clearly not working for me!
I think I may be finally ready to make the switch to E-Notes. Paper notes be GONE! Do you think I can really do it? The thing I like about notes on paper is that I can see it right in front of me, where as when it is online I have concerns I won’t see it enough.
Does anyone out there use I admit I have never given it a chance, but I need to look into it and try it out. What all can it do??
I’ve had some interesting inquires and offers about Glo Bakery today. A couple of them I am really excited for and can’t wait to tell you about it!
Want to see Toronto’s smallest house?
You won’t believe the price!!
I need to finish prepping my bar order for tomorrow as well as keep plugging away on the nutritional information. You will see that I started to add some nutritional info for some products on Glo Bakery. I am using Nutrition but I am quite frustrated with it. There are so many products that are not in their system! Like cane sugar for example. I bought it bulk so I don’t even have a nutrition label to manually enter it in. Surely there has to be an easier way than this?
Tonight’s Challenge: Can you think of any more ‘F’ themes for OSGs?
Tonight’s Questions: What are your favourite get organized tips? Has anyone used If so, what fun things can it do for me?
Have a super night everyone! :)
awesome that you’re feeling more organized and stuff :-D
family, future…that’s all i can think of :-P
How about:
Fantasy (dream house, dream vacation, anything you “dream” of)
Flicks (movie reviews!)
Fails (Maybe you mess up a recipe or bake something that doesn’t turn out good…and you blog about it for a laugh at yourself. A way to make failure fun! I know I try to laugh at myself when I screw up. Which is a lot. Hehe.)
Great work, Angela!
WOW! That house is very small. Yes I know. I love stating the obvious :) Oh feelings like that are the best! All is right with the world! I really like all your new ideas. I think it’s going to make your blog even better! And it was amazing to begin with!
<3 jess :)
maybe instead of “fails”, “flops” ? sounds more playful! maybe that’s just me though!
i stay organized with a planner and i get the long post its. i put one long post it on each week and fill it w that weeks to do list or things to remember. i also add a couple other smaller post its if i need!! i love my planner!
Maybe Finances? considering a lot of college age students or bloggers may be tight on money so maybe recipies and meals on a budget :)
I also use a planner – I tried online notes and still add them sometimes, but I never see them enough. Also, the teacher in me knows that it “sticks” better if you actually write something, rather than type. :) Just a thought!
Kaneil, balanceisbest
Fantabulous for something excitingly good!
Just rewinding on your previous post, I am feel so sorry that you had the funk. But the good things is that you are out of it.
You rock girl, just keep your spirits high!!
I’m a believer in stick-it notes of various colors, shapes, sizes. When I’m planning a big project with multiple components for work (or home), I tape larges pieces of paper to the wall, and write headings on each one. Then, as things come up, I scribble on a stick-it note and put it on the paper. Then, as I rearrange my thoughts, I just move the stick-it note to a different piece of paper (that is, under a different header). Helps capture thoughts as they come along.
A colleague wrote a book this way (all arranged on stick-it notes by headings, chapters, footnotes, etc.)
And yes, there is always one large piece of paper with the word “To Do” or “Deadlines” at the top taped to the wall!!!!
Is that a bengal calendar? Where did you find it?
I miss my kitty :(
I could not give up my paper notes. I just can’t! :-)
Features, furniture, friends, fabulousness…. haha do those help?? :-D
ahahaha that Ellen video is hilarious, I can’t believe that house!!!
I totally saw that clip on Ellen!!!
HUGS to you!
Calories per hour site has TONNES of nutritional info including sugar cane. Includes, Calories, Protein, fat, Carbs, Fiber and Sodium
Hey girl! I’m also trying to get myself organized …. it just seems like there is more and more that is crowding my timetable!! ah!!!
i also could never let go of paper notes — love the physical act of writing and crossing off lists so much, and i like having my lists on the go (without needing computer access!).
another subtitle could be ‘frugal’. also i’m trying to think of an ‘f’ related to organizing/planning but i have come up dry so far :)
I use the Gmail Task Lists – it’s great because I have my email open all the time anyway (as most people do), so the list is always there. That way, when I’m at work and I think of something I need to do, I can just jot it down quickly. Give it a try!
good job printing off those calendars! just having one around helps me.
I think todoist is good once you get the hang of it (the quick codes).
I use Todoist and love it! You can make a separate “project” list for each category, and can sort your list by either the whole project or by deadline for different tasks. That way, if you just have “today” up on your list, it shows everything from all the different categories that you need to get done today. I don’t know if you use Firefox, but Todoist has a Firefox sidebar (once installed, Todoist pops up by hitting Alt+Q), so you can have the list up all the time, no matter what website you’re on. This is perfect for me, as I always have the internet up on my computer, so my to-do list is always staring me in the face!