Good night!
So I’ve created some funky theme titles for the blog! I am going to try this for a bit and see how it goes. At the top of each post you will see a theme describing what the post will focus on.
Right now I have the following:
- Facts (research, news)
- Faq’s
- Favs (favourite things)
- Fashion
- Food
- Fitness
- Fun
- Free For All (Anything and everything!)
- Flirty (Beauty/girly stuff)
- Fix-ups (home renos, decorating)
- Feel Good (self esteem, positive writing, encouragement)
Can you guys think of any other F words? lol…keep it clean! ;)
Progress on the work front:
What a change today was from yesterday! Today I felt inspired, positive, and back on track. Everything was right in the universe today. Don’t you just love days like that?
I felt like I was finally making progress with Glo Bakery, as well as with OSG. I don’t know why, but the past week I felt like I was stalled and in limbo, not making any progress, and that days were passing me by. I was in a work-related funk.
I think part of my problem is that I really need to get organized. I started with the blog last night. With all of your help I sort of have a plan or a vision about how to organize my thoughts and ideas. I loved the suggestion of a vision board by Julie! A vision board really appeals to my creative side. Has anyone else ever made a vision board? If you have some pics, I’d LOVE to see them!
I think lately I feel like I have a million things going on at once and the disorganization was sort of spinning out of control. I have been taking some small steps to get in order, such as printing 2 month’s worth of calendars and placing it on the wall in front of my desk:

Although, I think I took 3 steps back with the clutter that has been building on my desk!
It is time to simplify my life!
I have so many recipes and notes and lists on my desk. It is getting out of hand. I tidy it up once a week or so, but this is clearly not working for me!
I think I may be finally ready to make the switch to E-Notes. Paper notes be GONE! Do you think I can really do it? The thing I like about notes on paper is that I can see it right in front of me, where as when it is online I have concerns I won’t see it enough.
Does anyone out there use Todoist.com? I admit I have never given it a chance, but I need to look into it and try it out. What all can it do??
I’ve had some interesting inquires and offers about Glo Bakery today. A couple of them I am really excited for and can’t wait to tell you about it!
Want to see Toronto’s smallest house?
You won’t believe the price!!
I need to finish prepping my bar order for tomorrow as well as keep plugging away on the nutritional information. You will see that I started to add some nutritional info for some products on Glo Bakery. I am using Nutrition Data.com but I am quite frustrated with it. There are so many products that are not in their system! Like cane sugar for example. I bought it bulk so I don’t even have a nutrition label to manually enter it in. Surely there has to be an easier way than this?
Tonight’s Challenge: Can you think of any more ‘F’ themes for OSGs?
Tonight’s Questions: What are your favourite get organized tips? Has anyone used todoist.com? If so, what fun things can it do for me?
Have a super night everyone! :)

i havent made a vision board but my roommate makes them all the time. i am always bringing her magazines to clip! i think they sound really fun and it’s always good to put energy into something creative and positive (like these blogs!!)