Can you believe it is already Week 5 of the Farmer’s Market? It makes me sad because that means summer is flying by too quickly! I can not believe that it is July 17th. I just can’t! *sniff.
Last night, Eric and I were running a couple errands and we had the windows down in the car and the music cranked (Billionaire! bahaha). It was one of those ‘I love summer so unbelievably much’ moments. There was a gorgeous sunset and the air was crisp and fresh. I felt like sticking my head out of the window, but I restrained myself.
Today’s Glo Bar flaaavas:
Chocolate Peanut Butter macaroons!

Truly unbelievable…I wish I could give all of you one!
NEW this week…

Presenting Crunchy Peanut Butter Maple Macaroons…

The crunch = rice crisp cereal. Oh gosh they are so good. They also have maple butter in them! Mmmm.
I also modified my Cherry, Banana, and Coconut Butter Bread recipe and made Dark chocolate chip banana bread…

- Added 1/2 cup of dark chocolate chips
- Used maple butter in place of coconut butter
- No cherries (they didn’t have any organic at the market last week)
I sliced it up and wrapped them up for sale individually.
I woke up with the song ‘Stay’ by Lisa Loeb in my head. It’s still in my head as I type this. We heard it in a store last night and I sang every word to the song and Eric goes…’What song is this and why do you know all the words…?’ LOL, men….I tried explaining to him that the song was the anthem of my 90’s, but he didn’t get it.
This morning I had to pull out all of the ‘wake me up’ stops.
Wake me up 1)
Tea in a CAT mug.

It’s the little things.
Wake me up 2)
Breakfast this morning was Vegan Overnight Oats (1/2 cup oats, 1.25 cup almond milk, 2 tbsp chia seeds, 1/4 scoop Amazing Grass Chocolate Amazing Meal) along with a chopped banana I added in afterwards.
So thick and doughy!

Couple things to note:
- I doubled the chia seeds from 1 tbsp to 2 tbsp for more satiety today
- I whipped the VOO for about 3-4 minutes with a whisk before placing it in the fridge. I swear this made it thicker!
- If you are having problems with your VOO being too liquidy, you need more chia seeds! I had to add an extra 1/4 cup of milk this AM because mine got too thick!
Wake me up 3)
My favourite MAC Select concealer for the eyes
I resorted to cutting open the end to get it all out. Ladies, don’t try to act like you don’t do this! If you have tried this MAC cover-up you will know why I did that. :biggrin:
I also packed a couple In a Jiffy Curry Chickpea burgers for us to snack on around lunchtime! I love these so much I am thinking of turning them into a Savoury Protein Breakfast Bar.
Well, I better pack up the car and head to the Oakville Organic Market..see you later!
PS- Don’t forget to enter the picture poll– there is a tie right now…it’s going to be a close one!
Every week I wish I was in Toronto so I could come to the market….and I wish I could taste those macaroons!! And the banana bread…and the burgers…! ;)
The sacrificed makeup tube: Reason #546 why you are my single favorite blogger.
hahaha thanks!
I like mac products, haven’t tried that yet.
Have a great time at the market! The MAC photos totally cracked me up – I ALWAYS did that when I used Lancome under eye concealer as regular concealer for many years. I swear, it got another few weeks of usage!
hahah yup they last over 2-4 weeks when you cut them open!!! Not sure about the sanitary aspect of that though…lol
Haha, I forgot my MAC coverup this weekend!!!! I’m dying with out it already!
Oh gosh I LOVE that song!!!!
And I can’t believe it’s already July 17th.. crazy how time flies!
The PB maple macaroons sound like a taste explosion waiting to happen. Oh I wish I were a Canadian that lived nearby ;)
I loveee that song “Billionaire.” Except you need the uncensored version…so much better haha
If I were at your farmer’s market I would be all over your stand!
I have the uncensored version on my ipod and I agree it is so much better! lool
Hi Angela!
Just thought I would stop to say hello. Your blog was recommended to me by a friend yesterday while hiking up Grouse Mountain (the Grouse Grind in Vancouver BC Canada). I’ve recently made the decision to begin running regularly and eating healthier. It looks like your blog is going to be really helpful!!
Thanks and good luck with everything!
Hi jessica! Glad you stopped by:) Thanks for your kind words!
How I would love to come to that farmer’s market and buy some of your goodies. :)
I love MAC! I have 2 Trunk Fulls of it. The crazy part is as a mom, I don’t wear makeup hardly ever, except on photo shoots or a special night out :) But I love my MAC!
Farmer’s Market, love it but it’s year round here (I am totally spoiled in San Diego)…and yes, summer TOTALLY is flying by!
Have a beautiful day, Angela!
Those crunchy peanut butter maple macaroons make me wish I had a car. I’d eat my weight in those… if only I could get to Oakville. Have a great day at the market!
Everything looks so good in this post!
i am so sad that summer is going by far too quickly, I dont want the saskatchewan winter to come that quickly.
I made my first batch of VOO yesterday and while I liked them (but didn’t LOVE them), I’m actually craving them this morning after seeing your photos. I think I’m going to turn into of of those crazy VOO girls…totally a good thing!
Crazy VOO (doo??) ladies haha
Question- what size (in cups) food processor do you usually use? I am thinking mine is too small for a lot of your recipes so I want to look into a larger one. Mine is only about 2 cups now.
Mine is a 12 cup Kitchen Aid
Holy Toledo Batman….Crunchy Peanut Butter Maple Macaroons and Chocolate Chip Banana Bread all in one blog! YUM YUM is all I gots to say to that! I wish we had an Angela Glo Bakery at our Farmers Market….I’d so visit every Sat. Oh well, I’m out of Run Glo Bars, except I saved one for part of my pre-race meal tomorrow…woohoo, so it’s time to put in another order. I love MAC makeup, but haven’t tried any of their concealers or powders. I use their shadows and liners is about it. I’m so darned dedicated to Clinique for all my other stuff, have been since high school. I do like their recycle program, I think that’s awesome!
Good luck on week 5!!!
How did your race go??? :)
Hi Angela,
I was just going back and reading some of your past posts – I’m an avid reader but I don’t comment much. I just wanted to really encourage you to try to sell some of your photos! They are soooo beautiful – I know I would definitely buy some to put in my kitchen – it would probably encourage me to eat healthier if I saw those gorgeous pictures of strawberries and peas on my wall!
Good luck today at the Farmer’s market!
Thanks so much for your encouragement!
I totally do that with my MAC tubes… :)
which color # do you use…? I used to sell MAC and have a bunch of stock – maybe I have your color I could give you :)
Hmmm I will have to check as I am not sure…its one of the lighest shades…I think!
My mouth seriously waters every time I look at your site. Your husband is one lucky guy! :)
p.s. random question: what’s your favorite green monster recipe of all time?
Hmmm probably 2 cups spinach, 1 cup almond milk, 1 frozen banana, 1 tsp maca, 1 tbsp carob powder, 1 tbsp…wait who am I kidding I cant pick!!!