and throw away the key!
I had the In A Jiffy Curry Chickpea burgers for both lunch and dinner. And let’s not forget breakfast either. Like Miley, I cannot be tamed.

and they are just so darn healthy it hurts!

Eric gave his seal of approval and he doesn’t like curry, but says they aren’t too spicy.

We got in a great In A Jiffy inspired Brick workout today, despite this blistering heat!
Leg 1 = Run:
- 2.10 miles in 19:20 mins
Leg 2 = Bike:
- 3.25 miles in 21 mins
The bike ride was so much fun…we went through the trail again and I finished really strong (once I got over the cobwebs, new rocks, and major over-growth!).
Dinner was also In A Jiffy…

That would be one of my ridiculous sized salads in a casserole dish. I cannot eat salads in salad bowls as they are much too small.
I am always asked, ‘Are you really going to eat all that salad?!’ and I grin and say ‘Yes, why yes I am.’

I remember a few weeks ago, I made a salad so big that I just couldn’t finish it all. I put it in the fridge and it got all mushy. That was a very sad day. I tried to pawn it off on Eric to eat and he looked at me like I had two heads.

This amazing salad contained: mixed greens (~5 cups), TJ’s lime salsa, sugar snap peas, shredded carrots (lol), 1 x-large In a Jiffy curry chickpea burger, 3 green onions, tomato, better than bottled balsamic vinaigrette.

It was bliss in a bowl casserole dish.
Now back to the pictures of pictures…
Firstly, Thank you for all of your wonderful suggestions and ideas!
Secondly, many of you were asking if I could put my prints in an Etsy store. I am definitely considering it. Does anyone know if it is possible to have an Etsy store automatically donate a percentage to charity? I would like to do that if possible.

We are pretty happy with this arrangement above, but perhaps it could be improved by re-arranging a couple pictures…any ideas?
It will be going on this wall:

This was my inspiration (from Young House Love) I printed off the photo and brought it with me to the kitchen table!

I would love if you could vote on your favourite arrangement below!



Note that this below is NOT included in the poll as it resembles a headless person! First, carrot showgirls and now headless picture people, what next!? :biggrin:

Arrangement A, B, C, D, or E (or perhaps another??) will be going on this wall:

If you think of something else, please tell me what you would do instead!
See you tomorrow AM for tons of fun market goodies! I need to get back to my market prep…
Ahh! That salad is redonc! My vote is for A. :)
I really like C!
Another picture idea- you could put up long thing shelving to put the pictures on (kind of like when you guys put them on the molding of your wall temporarily). Then you could re-arrange whenever you feel like it without making tons of holes in the wall and you could also change the pictures with the seasons no problem! orrr… In a JIFFY!
Example from Google:
My mom does this in her kitchen with pictures of all the kids in our family, they change with the season too so she is always swapping pictures. If you do hang them then I like C the best!
Allright Miley, you are OUT OF CONTROL!!!! You better not start acting like Lindsay Lohan next…
I think it’s perfectly acceptable to eat 3 chickpea burgers in one day. Enough said.
I also think it’s perfectly acceptable to eat a salad that weighs 5 pounds :) – looove big salads!
Hey Angela! I love your photography, and I LOVE those kinds of framed photo arrangements! I think a little asymmetry is more interesting visually, and I would balance the colors. C or D are the options I’d go for. Beautiful!
I agree that most salad bowls are too small! I use a huge tupperware bowl when I eat mine. I love your pictures and like arrangement B the best!
I really like E. I tend to be OCD and like things in order :)
Your sense of humor cracks me up! Voted for A…..however, E would be great too as long as you guys included the hand drawing of the face-it would complete the wall….ha ha ha! Love your in a jiffy spelt veggie burgers, which only means….in a jiffy curry chickpeas here I come!
Hope you guys are having a good day at the market :)
I LOVE that you eat your salad out of a casserole dish… I eat mine out of a mixing bowl! :D
I LOVE the idea of using a casserole dish for salad! When we do salad dinners we’re always complaining that our bowls aren’t big enough and we have to break it up into two. Huge salads are SO GOOD :)
I love seeing the different ways to eat your chickpea burgers!
I love your sized salads, they look so refreshing and delish!
The picture idea on the wall is awesome! I love all arrangements and for that wall will be great!!!
My vote is for A, hands down!
My favorite layout is definitely A. My partner says he also likes A best. Gorgeous photos!!
love your pictures and love the “bowl” of salad idea… yummy and also going to make that banana cherry load this week and give it a try.
regarding your photo layout options E is the most visually pleasing to my eyes with A being a close second. The arrangement on the table is great, I would only change one photo size. on the right hand side under the framed picture is an orange frameless picture (carrots??) I would like to see that frame deeper (higher). the width is good but it looks like if you could add a couple inches in depth it would fill in that bigger gap under it… however.. if not easily achieved I say it is fabulous as is!
loved voting on it.
I liked C the best. Great photos and a wonderful idea! Can’t wait to see the pic once you’ve don it!
I love how organized you are! I created a picture collage this weekend and literally laid the frames on the floor (without having pictures in them) and arranged them. Then, I attempted to pick up a frame and eye ball the location on the wall. By the time I got them all up, it looked nothing like it did originally. However, I like it ten times better. I think I must be a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl when it comes to decorating. ha!