and throw away the key!
I had the In A Jiffy Curry Chickpea burgers for both lunch and dinner. And let’s not forget breakfast either. Like Miley, I cannot be tamed.

and they are just so darn healthy it hurts!

Eric gave his seal of approval and he doesn’t like curry, but says they aren’t too spicy.

We got in a great In A Jiffy inspired Brick workout today, despite this blistering heat!
Leg 1 = Run:
- 2.10 miles in 19:20 mins
Leg 2 = Bike:
- 3.25 miles in 21 mins
The bike ride was so much fun…we went through the trail again and I finished really strong (once I got over the cobwebs, new rocks, and major over-growth!).
Dinner was also In A Jiffy…

That would be one of my ridiculous sized salads in a casserole dish. I cannot eat salads in salad bowls as they are much too small.
I am always asked, ‘Are you really going to eat all that salad?!’ and I grin and say ‘Yes, why yes I am.’

I remember a few weeks ago, I made a salad so big that I just couldn’t finish it all. I put it in the fridge and it got all mushy. That was a very sad day. I tried to pawn it off on Eric to eat and he looked at me like I had two heads.

This amazing salad contained: mixed greens (~5 cups), TJ’s lime salsa, sugar snap peas, shredded carrots (lol), 1 x-large In a Jiffy curry chickpea burger, 3 green onions, tomato, better than bottled balsamic vinaigrette.

It was bliss in a bowl casserole dish.
Now back to the pictures of pictures…
Firstly, Thank you for all of your wonderful suggestions and ideas!
Secondly, many of you were asking if I could put my prints in an Etsy store. I am definitely considering it. Does anyone know if it is possible to have an Etsy store automatically donate a percentage to charity? I would like to do that if possible.

We are pretty happy with this arrangement above, but perhaps it could be improved by re-arranging a couple pictures…any ideas?
It will be going on this wall:

This was my inspiration (from Young House Love) I printed off the photo and brought it with me to the kitchen table!

I would love if you could vote on your favourite arrangement below!



Note that this below is NOT included in the poll as it resembles a headless person! First, carrot showgirls and now headless picture people, what next!? :biggrin:

Arrangement A, B, C, D, or E (or perhaps another??) will be going on this wall:

If you think of something else, please tell me what you would do instead!
See you tomorrow AM for tons of fun market goodies! I need to get back to my market prep…
I like A and D… (I voted…)
I like things that are asymmetrical.
you and your trail runs… you are SO much braver than I… I CANNOT STAND cobwebs and I’m SO afraid of spiders!
I vote c. I love this idea of your food pics on the walls.
Agreed! C is best
I had a good laugh as I read about your casserole dish salad while I shoveled my own salad into my mouth from a 2 1/2 quart mixing bowl. The looks I get from people regarding the amount of food I eat always crack me up – heck, just because I eat very healthily doesn’t mean I can’t pack it away!
I voted for B b/c I like balance but not necessarily symmetry. I love love it that you eat salad out of casserole dishes. I usually don’t eat salads that large unless I’m at the Whole Foods or Earth Fare salad bar, but maybe I should do it at home as well. I always feel a little gluttonous when my dinner companion’s salad rings up $5 less than mine…but it is salad after all. :)
I really like C!
A lot of people are liking A! I voted D, I like the asymmetry of it.
I think B is a great layout that you could add more too later if you ever wanted to!
I cannot thank you enough for leaving advice on my running dilemma post! You are so awesome!
I voted for A, as the majority of other voters have so far. I think it looks great like that.
I LOVE your casserole dish salad! And HATE when salad gets all mushy in the fridge. I just had a very weird image pop into my head a coffee pot filled with salad. Please do this and let me know how it turns out. Thanks. (ha!)
Have a beautiful night!
I also eat giant salads out of casserole dishes, otherwise there’s not enough room to mix everything together! I also almost always put shredded carrot in salads, even quicky thrown-together side salads. I just love their texture and sweetness. I’m also going to eat the same things for dinner that I had for lunch!
I like C the best, but I’m a fan of symmetry.
Your chickpea burgers look so delicious. I will have to make them soon.
A or D! A or D!
F, most definitely. :)
..but I vote A.
this post literally inspired me to get up and make dinner…i was in the middle of reading it and remembered i have leftover bean burgers…and voila a salad is born. Have fun at the market/have great sales!!
i love ’em all! ah! i can’t decide…it’s all so adorable :)
i voted for D, but now that i look at it….how about a slight variation on A…same clusters set further apart and at a diagonal instead of all side by side?
voted A ;)
Oooh that’s hard, I LOVE “C” but “D” is really unique as well.
I love all of the photos. C is my favorite arrangement!
There’s nothing wrong with eating the same food when it looks so darn delicious!
If you put any of your prints on Etsy, I would for sure buy some!