If you click it, it gets even more delicious looking.
We got the best fresh strawberries from the market last Saturday! Since Eric was ploughing through the quart at a good pace, so I knew I had to get in there and have some before they did a disappearing act.
I am so glad that I didn’t end up putting these in my Green Monster. They deserved to be eaten on their own, with no other masking or competing tastes! :)
We don’t buy berries often because they are so pricey, so it is a nice treat to have them around!
You can almost taste them off the screen, can’t you?
Of course, I had a Green Monster to go along with it…but the berries were the star of the show, that is for sure!
In the mix:
- 1/4 cup cantaloupe
- 1 T natural peanut butter
- 4 cups steamed spinach (does steaming it today with scalding hot water count? lol)
- 1.25 cup PC Low fat Soy Milk
- 1/2 banana
- Kyolic Garlic extract
The juicy cantaloupe added a nice refreshing taste to this Green Monster! I will definitely be adding it again. :)
Yesterday I made a ton of Gl’oreos!
I ‘veganized’ my recipe!
Dinner was a delicious veggie wrap and steamed baby carrots…
I didn’t over cook them this time! No Sir eee!
This tomato was so close to being ‘too ripe’…but we got it just in time.
I can’t say that much for the other tomato…I picked it off the windowsill and it exploded in my hand! I had to laugh…
It literally EXPLODED. Tomato guts everywhere. Wish I had a pic of that…
With ‘ketchup’ (tomato paste) and ‘relish’ (avocado) :D
It was SO hot in this house yesterday that I drank probably 4 Amazing Grass Berry Swamp Waters!!! They are so good with lots of ice and sooooo refreshing. I crave them all day long!
Dessert was this bad boy!
…ok, ok…
x2! :D
I have more pictures to show you or a couple other goodies but my camera battery died so I’ll have to wait!
Last night we started watching Confessions of a Shopaholic and it was SO CUTE!!! :) We didn’t finish it yet (I got too sleepy) but I absolutely loved it so far.
SGBC Casting Call:
Do you want to be featured in the SGBC? Do you know some fun and unique strength exercises that require no equipment? Well, here is your chance to shine!
What you need to do:
1. Pick one or two of your favourite unique toning exercises that require no equipment (although regular household items like chair, steps, soup cans are ok).
2. Have someone take 1-2 pictures of you (or another agreeing individual) doing the exercise.
3. Write up a brief description/instructions of the exercise.
4. Email me the pictures along with the name of the exercise and brief description to [email protected]
5. Casting call closes at 4pm EST on Saturday June 27th, 2009.
Today’s Clue:
Aren’t prizes truly Amazing???
1) Be sure to check out Eric’s blog if you haven’t already. He has a new post up on light switches and dimmers. Just when you thought there was no reason to think about these sorts of things! Eric says, ‘There’s more to life than Green Monsters, Ange!!’ lol. Ok, I made that up, but that’s something he’d say. Now go check it out…and embrace your inner tech goddess!
2) Glo Bakery website is being updated! Check it out. As a quick reminder I am taking Canadian orders, but I am still looking into the regulations for exporting goods to the US. Thanks for your patience!
3) Does your boyfriend or husband drink Green Monsters? Want to surprise him with a GM shirt? Well, now is your chance! I have added some ‘boyfriend’ tees to the collection. They are awesome organic tees too. If you’d like a women’s tee in the organic cotton let me know!
I LOVE this one below:
Now I just need to get Eric to start drinking them. I’m thinking he should do a blog post about it??? ;)
Back to the kitchen…3 more orders today!
WOW how is it Thursday already!!!!???
Those berries look so fresh and juicy! Love your green monster! I’m so jealous of everyone’s Amazing Grass Shaker Cup (??) because it’s the perfect way to drink a GM!
<3 jess
Mmmm, look at that cookie :D I’m grinning just thinking of the sweetness. Haha.
You bake so often. I have a question: Did you have to turn your kitchen into a commercial kitchen in order to bake goodies there? I know all states and countries are different sometimes. Thanks!
I LOVE your blog. It’s my favorite and I wish I would have found it before I did. I am really wanting to get on the green monster bandwagon but I have a slight problem…. I HATE GREENS! I despise salad and most raw vegetables. So what is a girl like me to do? Will I be able to detect the spianch? Also, what is a good starter green monster recipe? Thanks!
I tried my first GM! It was soo yummy! Of course I blogged about it! :) Thanks for being so wonderful! :)
Haha, my husband (AND his Greek parents, which is a shocker) are all GM converts!!!! I was so excited to get them on the bandwagon!!
I love the real men drink green monsters shirts haha. my boyfriend has had one, and now everytime i make one that makes an extra baby glass he goes “is that one for me??” lol. i just have to get him to start buying greens and fruits and he’ll prolly start making em! hehe.
Your gl’oreos look so tasty, i want some!
THOSE Gl’oreo cookies or GL’OREOUS looking!!!
What is that patty in your wrap? It looks good :D
yummie!! Yes what is that patty? gloreos looking amazing!!
Steve loves green monsters and my BIL Chris loves them too. Whenever he comes over he asks me to make him one! haha.
Those muffins look great, even the dense ones! :) Thank you for sharing your recipe, I will love to make them. Your other eats look great, especially the gloreos, I’d love to make those too!
Have you had the camera battle yet??
Hubby will drink them if I add ice cream :-)
Yummy!!! Strawberries are my favorite. Your pictures look amazing :-)
that’s what i miss so much about the midwest…the strawberries in Arizona SUCK lol
Those strawberries look GORGEOUS! Who wouldn’t want a big glass of fresh fruit after seeing that!!?
PLEASE share the recipe for Gl’oreos!! Great looking strawberries!
Those berries are gorgeous. Your pictures are always so pretty!
I agree that real men drink GM’s! Did you get my email with the photos of Matt? :) Great shirts!