As I sit here at my computer screen anticipating my Project Food Blog video post, I can’t help but wonder, “What do I write? Do I just show the video? Do I hide under my desk with a basket full of Christmas Blondies listening to Bing Crosby?”
[Trust me, I have to hide these from my husband…]
I ponder these deep thoughts as I stare at the screen before me. I sip some celebratory Merlot because 8 long nights of video editing sucked the life out of me and I need to feel blood pumping through my veins again. Before I know it, my cheeks have a lovely red glow to them perfect for the holiday season.
And then, like a bolt of lightning from the Baking Gods above, it hits me plain and simple.
I love this.
I love the recipe creation, the baking, the photography, and the taste-testing (wink, wink). Even baking disasters have their value. For example, this morning, I learned that one should never pour boiling water into Arrowroot powder (try it, I dare you…).
The only thing I love doing more than these things, is having the privilege to share my passion with you. I feel extremely lucky to be able to do what I do everyday. This blog right here is the part that leaves me running from my kitchen to my desk, typing away furiously with excitement and a dorky grin.
I don’t take myself or my food too seriously and my hope is that you will walk away from this video excited to create magic in your own kitchen. All of the recipes are a cinch to whip up and even the most fearful baker can have recipe success.
Laugh at yourself, forgive your baking flops, and most of all, take some time for yourself this holiday season.

My goal was to create unique and easy Blondie recipes that would also be easy on the budget during an otherwise expensive time of the year. The Blondie In A Jar gifts cost under $3 to make!

All you have to do is print out the recipe cards, attach them to your filled jars, and then ship them to my address to your friends and family or give them as a hostess gift.
[Please note that butter can be substituted for vegan butter spread (this is also indicated on the recipe card).]
Now go and get your holiday bake on!
Just be sure to save us some.
Voting is now open for Challenge #7. I appreciate your support in advancing me to round 8!
Too adorable! I loved the video and can’t wait to make up some jars with my sons for their teachers’ Christmas gifts. Thanks for another fabulous idea!
You got my vote girl (as usual). Super cute video, hysterical outtakes, and the recipes look declicious. I’d love to see you get a cooking show and finally fill the void for a vegan chef, seeing as there’s not even a vegetarian chef outside of PBS in the States! You are so likeable and creative and your passion and positivety always make my day. Thanks! (PS- Go Flyers!)
hehe thank you!
This. is. adorable! Love it.
I loved this! It was really fun to watch. I thought it might be fun to just attach at candy cane to the jar then the recipient can crush it and put it on top of the blondies. I can’t wait to try this recipe! Great stuff Angela!
ohhh LOVE your idea!!!
So, so cute and charming! You have my vote. :)
Hi Angela, I was just wondering… what is the name of the song playing in the background during the mixing/slicing of the blondies? It reminds me of my favorite yoga classes in college!!! I am pretty sure the instructor played the exact song. :)
P.S. You are definitely going to win this contest!!! I know it. ;)
OMG! This is BRILLIANT Angela! I’m so voting for this right now! You and Eric are too cute!
ps. You make me want to actually bake! :P
OH MY GOSH. You are so cute!
I was sold as soon as you said “Oh She Glows” and said “Oh” all cute and Canadian-like!
These look so stinking Good!!! i want to eat my computer screen!!!!
The video came out so good. It was so professional and cute. It looks like you had a lot of fun making it. And the blondies looks delicious.
Awesome post! I don’t know what I expected your voices (I know Eric barely said anything but still) to sound like, but this wasn’t it – but not in a bad way! lol. It’s kinda strange to read someone’s writing for months on end and then get a glimpse of them as a real, 3D person ;) Great job with the editing, also, it was fun to watch and the outtakes were hilarious!
I’m 3D??? Awesome! ahhaha ;) I know what you mean though! Thank you :)
LOL whoops that didn’t quite make sense, thanks for understanding :P
haha no it did, I was just playing with you!
Is it weird Eric brought home 3D glasses the other night?
Love the bloopers! Look forward to trying the blondies, as well!
I LOVE this!!! I also love that Eric was in it too :) What a supportive husband!
Love the recipe but the bloopers were the best. Hilarious. ;)
Wow, Thanks so much Angela! This is perfect!! I will be posting this on my blog too!!!
thank you!
Oh my word, Angela! That was great!!! Loved getting to see even more of your personality through the video! You and Eric are just too cute! Definitely have my vote! And thanks for the great idea for Christmas gifts…now I know what I’m getting my daughter’s daycare teachers! :)
SO CUTE, Angela!! Great job!
Had to emerge from lurkage to tell you how hard I laughed at your bloopers! You have been put on this earth to do exactly what you’re doing – this was awesome. I’m SO, so impressed by your PFB entries!
aww thank you!!
Hi Angela!
I loved your video. What a wonderful gift idea–and those blondies look delish! I’m excited to try yet another one of your fantastic recipes. I hope you advance to the next round of this contest b/c it’s so cool to see what you come up with each time~you are so creative. Thanks for making vegan food fun! :)
I just loved this vid! I love all of your recipes–baking is one of my favorite things in life and you have the best healthy yummy amazing recipes. I tell everyone I can about your site. You seem like you had so much fun making this vid–and a ton of hard work too–amazing job!! I joined foodbuzz just to vote for you, I know you will make it through to the end!!