I committed the ultimate pre-race running sin this morning…I went for a run the day before a big race!
I just had to get out and wiggle my legs though!
After my experience on the treadmill yesterday, I was itching to get outside to loosen up my legs.
The sun was shining and it was a gorgeous day outside. I was also really excited to test out my new playlist (it rocks by the way!!).
I had this as pre-run fuel:

To my delight, my legs felt pretty darn good on this run and I felt back in the swing of things. It was really hard to just do 2 miles (I wanted to go on and on). But I had to pull back and keep a slower pace today so I wouldn’t tire them out.
The run:
- Distance: 2.12 miles
- Duration: 19:30
- Avg Pace: 9:39 min/mile
I felt like a new woman when I got back. All of the pre-race jitters left me (ok most of them!).
Just 15 hours until I run 21.0975 km or 13.1 miles!!!
I immediately made this awesome green monster upon my return:

- 1 cup hemp milk
- 1 t Raw Maca Powder
- 1 T chia seeds
- 1 squirt kyolic garlic extract
- 5 cubes ice
- 2 organic kale leaves + 5 sprigs dandelion, cooked
- 1 pear
- 1 T Chunky Barney Butter (so amazing!!)

Yesterday, this made me the happiest girl in the world:

Bree from Baby Enchanted sent me 6 bottles of Barney Butter!!! Can you believe that!? I screamed with delight. I have been drooling over this stuff on the US food blogs for 2 years now. As you may know, it is not available in Canada!!
Oh. Dear. God. was this ever good. It is seriously addicting! Between yesterday and today I have already eaten 1/4 of the jar!!!!!!!!! It may be the best thing I have ever tasted. I kept thinking how amazing this would be in a Glo bar.
I had lots of it with these for a late morning snack:
The star of the show for lunch: mung beans!

I bought these at my last Whole Foods visit. I bought them because I heard that they are much easier to digest than regular beans. I have a really hard time digesting common beans like black beans. They give me tons of stomach pains. I figured I would give these a shot.
To my delight, they rocked. The taste was very subtle, sweet, and they had a very slight crispness to them. I L-O-V-E-D these beans. And guess what? No troubles digesting AT ALL.
I mixed them with spaghetti sauce, pepper, and hummus. It was a heavenly combination in this high protein, high fibre pita.
Mung Beans, known as a ‘Superfood’, are low in saturated fat, Sodium, and cholesterol. It is high in dietary fibers, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Riboflavin, Folate, Copper, Manganese, Protein, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium.
With a huge potassium kick!

It was bigger than my travel mug!

I had a change of plans for my outfit tomorrow.
It is 90% supposed to rain so no white for me! ;) I will likely be wearing a black tank along with my white mesh Nike running hat. I also have this old long sleeved ‘breathable’ long john shirt that I might wear over-top and then just toss it after a couple miles tomorrow. It is really raggedy, so I won’t be too upset if I can’t get it back.
Off to go prep my gear and get everything ready for tomorrow. I can’t believe how fast the day is flying by! Thank you all for your words of encouragement this morning. :) I will be thinking of all of you tomorrow that is for sure!

when i was a kid we loved going to canada (my mommy is canadian) for all the treats we couldn’t get in the us! you’re the oposite! :-)
Good luck tomorrow! I cannot wait to read the full race report. I have my first half in December so I am learning from you!
Oh My – you just reminded me I bought those crackers last time I was at Whole Foods because you always talk about loving them, but have not opened the box yet. What the heck am I waiting for!
I’ve always gone for a short run the day before a half. Keeps my legs limber and ready to go! Sometimes I think it’s easy to over think and over plan for running especially with so many tips and plans floating around. I find just tuning into my body and doing what I feel (within reason!! I always do my long runs!) is the best way to go – and keeps running a joy rather then a chore!
I’ll be watching for your race report!! :) Go get ’em girl! Maybe you should put “Will run for Barney” on your bib, too?! lol
I don’t think it was a sin! Nothin’ wrong with getting those legs going… giving them a little preview for tomorrow!!!
Barney Butter sounds FAB! Wish we had it here.
GOOD LUCK tomorrow!! I’ll be rooting you on from here!
Good luck with your race tomorrow!!!
I love your green monster in that pretty glass!!!
That’s great that your legs are feeling so great for your race tomorrow. What a confidence boost!
Bahahaha – when you wrote mung beans all I could think of was this episode from The Office involving Creed:
Michael: Okay, Ryan, you told Toby that Creed has a distinct old man smell?
Creed: I know exactly what he’s talking about. I sprout mung beans on a damp paper towel in my desk drawer. Very nutritious, but they smell like death.
Oh, how I love The Office. Hopefully you don’t smell like death!
I always go for a short run the day before a race. Run strong tomorrow and enjoy every minute!!
I’ll have to try mung beans. Even though I LOVE black beans, I always have digestive issues, too. So glad to hear that your legs are feeling fresh and ready to go tomorrow! Good luck!
Mmmm….that barney butter looks soooooo good! I also live in Canada and I wish we had more yummy looking products like that here :(
I’m waiting to finish up some almond butter I have now because I really want to try Barney Butter!! Do you like the crunchy or smooth best?
Good luck on your run tomorrow.You’ll do great!
i think the run was exactly what your legs needed!! tomorrow is going to be wonderful
Anything in a pita has to be good!
Two miles before race day sounds perfect to me! I find I get way too stiff if I don’t move my body before a race. Everyone’s different, just gotta do what your body likes best :) Hummus AND spaghetti sauce sounds like an a-mazing combo!!