Back in our University days, we would often line up at Irish Pubs to drink green beer on St. Patty’s Day, all decked out in green St. Patty’s Day paraphernalia and faces decorated with four leaf clovers. There would be line-ups at the pubs by 10am on St. Patty’s Day; all the students were eager to get their fix of Green Beer and a day of skipped classes!
Yesterday, I thought I would remake the green beer, Green Monster style, all without a hangover by 3pm! And if you are going out to celebrate on Thursday you can start your day on the right foot, giving you some green power that would make even the Irish green with envy.

Did you just hear that?
It was the sound of my Irish relatives laughing at me while they drink their Guinness. They’re just jealous.
Peppermint Patty Green Monster
Spin-off of Peppermint Carob Green Monster.
Yield: 1 serving
- 1-1.5 large frozen banana (peel before freezing) (I used 1.5 bananas)
- 1-1.25 cup non-dairy milk (almond, soy, hemp, rice, etc)
- Handful of fresh mint leaves, stems removed
- 1-2 handfuls spinach
- 1/8-1/4 tsp peppermint extract (optional)
- 1-2 tbsp chopped dark chocolate, for garnish
1. Add in all of the ingredients except the chocolate into a blender and blend until smooth. Adjust to taste and serve with a garnish of chopped dark chocolate and mint leaves. Enjoy with a spoon. Serves 1.

I loved this GM…very minty and fresh!

In other news, this morning marked my very first Vegan Overnight Oat Parfait of 2011.

If you are new to the blog, you may not know about these VOO Parfaits that I started making last Spring. You can see a bunch of them on my recipes page here. Today I made Strawberry Banana Soft Serve and layered it with carob Vegan Overnight Oats.


But COLD. Very, very cold. I froze while eating this (it was –6C when I got up this morning) and I needed a lot of green tea afterwards. I can’t wait until I am enjoying these on the deck this summer!
– My apologies for the blog down time yesterday. Dreamhost had a site-wide outage yesterday morning and my blog was down for about 3 hours.
– I’m also thinking about doing a Japan Relief Fundraiser, auctioning off a bunch of Glo Bars in a raffle. Would you guys be interested in that? I have been looking and looking for a website in Canada where I can create a donation page, but so far no such luck. If anyone knows of how I can do it, I would love your tips!
Now that is my kind of green monster!
PERFECT for St. Patty’s day!!! And I bet it tastes so refreshing too!
Love the idea of a st pattys day green monster, such a healthy alternative to typical green beer haha :) If only I was drinking it on the beach..
I’m drinking a regular ‘ol GM right now, and was just thinking what a pretty St. Patrick’s Day color it was!
Holding a raffle is such a great idea! I would definitely participate.
The parfait looks delicious- it hasn’t been warm enough for me to brave one this spring, but I can’t wait for the summer!
Thanks for the “peel before freezing” comment. I made my first green monster last week, but had to do without the banana because I froze it with the peel on! Duh!
haha ive so been there
Frozen banana with a peel on?? Have no fear! I freeze all my nanners with the peel on and then when come time for some green monster or soft serve I just throw it in my sink with a smidgeon of hot water…thaws just enough to get the peel off and have a still frozen banana :)
Been there done that! :P
Really? Good tip. I freeze rotten bananas a lot for baking…I have a love affair with banana breads…or muffins. Or cookies. Well, you get the idea.
I usually freeze my bananas with the peel on too and I just cut it off with a knife lenthwise, which usually results in it peeling like a normal banana.
Love that idea for green monsters! I also can’t wait until it warms up a bit to have a VOO parfait every day!
nice green monster idea! should be MORE green though. :P
i love overnight oats, seems like such a common thing in the blog world.
Oooh man I haven’t had a greeen monster in WAY too long…like a whole WEEK?! How have I let this happen?! :P I seriously need to make that as soon as poss!!
And your parfaits look SO pretty!! Another thing I have to try soon! :D
Mmmm that GM looks deelish! Still cold here, but now that there is no snow on the ground, I refuse to wear socks any longer! Open toed shoe season begins today.
A healthy version of McDonald’s incredibly unhealthy Shamrock Shake (not sure if they have those in the Great White North though.) I love it! Can’t wait to make this at home!!
That green monster looks delicious and very festive! I will be trying it in the spirit of the holiday. A fundraiser for Japan is a GREAT idea, I think you should definitely do it!
LOVE the peppermint patty GM!!!! So cute! I’m not a beer drinker AT ALL, so I’d rather drink these any day. Great photos Ange!
What about instead of a bit of peppermint extract you added a small bit of peppermint schnapps? would that work? or would it be gross? Regardless, it looks super good!
Line ups at Molly Blooms? :)
Oh St Patty’s Day! Good times, good times. That parfait looks yummy and delicious. And I love the smoothie colours.
Yum!! Those both look so beautiful, and so festive :D
Is today St. Patty’s Day?? I’m so out of the loop! This monster is genius and perfect for the holiday!
It’s Thursday :)
Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream is one of my favs so that Peppermint Patty Green Monster sounds delicious! :)
Your breakfast looked de-LISH! So beautiful!
I practically swooned when you talked about enjoying the strawberry/carob VOO outisde in the summer. Not only does that parfait look incredible, but I’m so ready for the warm weather now. Can’t wait to do the exact same thing!