Many years ago, I was reading a blog post by a blogger I’d been following for a while. She wrote about a recent struggle with depression and her honest words made such an impact on me. I remember thinking how brave it was for her to tell her story. While I hated that she was going through it, I also recall feeling comfort in her words because it was another reminder that even those we admire and put on a pedestal are human. I was just like…Wow, it must’ve taken so much for her to share that. At the time, I was early on in my blogging journey, and I told myself that I would always try to share my struggles, just like she did.
Last week, I gave a speech at the University of Guelph at their Awards of Excellence Gala (you can see some photos in my saved story on Instagram!). In my speech, I shared how I’ve struggled with my mental health, like anxiety, since I was very young and how it’s felt debilitating at certain points in my life. I spoke about how various personal challenges have coincided with a career that’s made me face them head on. The day before the event, I almost decided to scrap my speech and write something that was easier to talk about, but I said screw it and decided to share it. It was my story! Allowing myself to feel shame surrounding my story only gives it power.
After my speech, a man with a warm smile came up to me, crouched down next to my chair, and thanked me for my speech. He talked about a time in his life when he struggled with his mental health, and we both had tears in our eyes by the end of our conversation. Another man came up later to tell me about his young relative’s struggles. This night was yet another reminder of the power of vulnerability and it left such an impact on me!
It’s been a bit of a strange year for me (one that I can’t believe we’re already half-way through!). I went through an emotional time for the first few months of the year and found myself in a mild depression. I lost joy and passion for so many things. At certain points, I couldn’t even bring myself to get back to messages from friends and family. It makes me emotional just writing about it now because the difficult emotions of that time come back so easily. After suffering in silence for 2 to 3 months, I finally opened up to my friends and family about it and got help. I’ve been in a much better place since the spring. I wanted to be honest about it and to let you know what was going on at the time, but I didn’t feel strong enough to talk about it when I was in the thick of it.
There’s also been another reason for my absence and this is something that’s much easier to tell you about! I have a third cookbook in the works and I’ve been working on it for about a year and a half now! Okay, okay, I did let this news “slip” in the blog comments a couple times and also in my Instagram DM’s, too, so you may already know. ;) I’ve held off announcing it here because during certain periods, well, I wasn’t even sure if it was going to come to life. When I fell into my depression at the beginning of the year, I lost passion for almost everything. Creativity and motivation aren’t things that can be forced so I just went with the flow and tried to trust that I’d feel myself again.
After working through some things and starting to feel better, it was as if a lightbulb flicked on in my head. I came to life. I was suddenly thrilled at the prospect of creating again. I could not get to work fast enough. And since late winter, I picked up where I left off before January and dove into the work that I love so much. Shortly after, Eric, Nicole, and I started working with our recipe testing group (about 40 incredible testers strong!), and things have been going better than I could’ve imagined. The recipes are so delicious…my testers are telling me it’s my best collection of recipes to date. I’m so proud of it and I’m nearly finished, only about 1 month away from handing in my manuscript. Once my manuscript is in, I’m going to be diving into the food photography, which I’ll be shooting for this 3rd book. I’m a bit nervous at the prospect of shooting 100 photos in 2 months time, but I’ll get there, one day at a time! It will be fun to shift from recipe creation and writing to something so artistic like photography.
The cookbook is going to focus on something you all have been asking for more and more of over the years, and that’s more dinner and lunch recipes! It’s mostly going to focus on savory recipes, with a dessert chapter, of course (how could I not include a dessert chapter?). It’s going to feature food you’ll want to make for weeknight dinners, weekend meals, portable work/school lunches, and special holidays and occasions. Gah. There are so many gems. It’s slated to be out fall 2020, so not too long to wait (at least in the publishing world, this feels SO soon)!! If there’s anything you’d love to see in the book, please leave a comment below and let me know!!
Thanks for listening and for your support through the ups and downs of life. I’m so grateful you’re here as I’ve felt like a big ‘ol failure on the blogging front this year. It’s time to shake the guilt and move onward and upward. And if you’re reading this and struggling too, I’m sending you all the love in the world and hope you can find a support system!
This is my first ever vegan ice cream recipe on the blog (can you believe it?!), and oh dear me, it’s one we can’t stop eating. I’ve been in a bit of a vegan ice cream bender since I bought this Cuisinart ice cream machine in the spring. It’s so much easier to use than I thought! Almost too easy.
Happy Canada Day long weekend to my Canadian Friends! And an early happy 4th of July to my American friends! Have a safe, happy, and delicious weekend, everyone.

Obsession-Worthy Peanut Butter Cookie Ice Cream

8 (1/2-cup) servings
Prep time
Cook time
Chill time
overnight (ice cream bowl) + 30 minutes
Total time
This is my favourite kind of summer indulgence! My reader-favourite Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies meet my dreamy homemade peanut butter and coconut milk ice cream in this cooling summer treat. Chewy coconut, snappy chocolate chips, and tender bites of soft peanut butter cookies blend perfectly with a creamy vanilla and peanut butter vegan ice cream. If I’d known how simple it was to make my own vegan ice cream (only 5 ingredients!), I would’ve invested in an ice cream machine long ago. Well, I’m making up for lost time now! The peanut butter ice cream is inspired by Cookie + Kate.
- 1 batch Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies, divided
- 2 (14-ounce/398 mL) cans full-fat coconut milk*
- 1/2 cup (105 g) natural cane sugar
- 3 tablespoons (45 mL) smooth natural peanut butter
- 2 teaspoons (10 mL) pure vanilla extract
- 1/4 + 1/8 teaspoon fine sea salt, or to taste
- Chill the ice cream bowl in the freezer overnight, or for at least 12 hours. This step is very important to ensure the ice cream thickens properly.
- Prepare the Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies. After baking, cool the cookies for 10 to 15 minutes, then transfer each one to a plate. Place in the freezer on a flat surface for a minimum of 25 minutes. As soon as you transfer the cookies to the freezer, get started on the ice cream.
- Add the ice cream ingredients (entire cans of coconut milk, sugar, peanut butter, vanilla, and salt) to a blender and blend for about 8 to 10 seconds, until smooth (be sure not to blend longer than 10 seconds, as it may effect the final texture of your ice cream).
- Place the frozen ice cream bowl into the ice cream maker, insert the churning arm, cover with the lid, and turn on the machine (if the instructions for your ice cream maker are different, please follow the directions that came with your machine). Slowly pour the mixture into the bowl as it churns. Churn for about 22 minutes, until the mixture has thickened into a very thin, soft-serve texture.
- Once the cookies have been in the freezer for 25 minutes, chop 6 of the cookies into small, almond-sized chunks. Reserve the remaining 7 cookies, at room temperature, for later.
- After 22 minutes of churning, slowly add the chopped cookies, a handful at a time, to the mixture while the machine is still churning. I like to use a fork to gently push the chopped cookies into the ice cream and help it along. Churn another 5 to 8 minutes, until the ice cream has thickened a bit more. It will have a thick, soft-serve texture when ready. There will be some hardened ice cream along the inside of the bowl...I like to think of this as the chef’s extra helping (wink, wink)! Serve immediately, or for a firmer texture, transfer the ice cream to a loaf pan or airtight container and spread out smooth. At this stage, I like to crumble an extra cookie all over the top (and gently push it into the ice cream) to make it look extra-enticing, but this is optional. Cover and freeze for 2 hours for a more traditional ice cream firmness.
- To serve, scoop into bowls or ice cream cones. Or, if you're feeling wild, make ice cream sandwiches with the leftover cookies...oh yea!!
- Storage tip: Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the freezer for 3 to 4 weeks. Be sure to cover the ice cream with a piece of wrap to prevent freezer burn. To soften, let the container rest on the counter for 20 to 30 minutes before scooping.
* The cans of coconut milk do not need to be chilled beforehand.
Always follow the directions that come with your ice cream maker as there may be slight variations. My churning time is an estimate only; you may find you need more or less time with your machine! Watch closely during the last few minutes of churning. It it still looks too soft, feel free to let it churn a bit longer than the range I provide.
This is the ice cream maker that I use and love. Pro tip: This machine is a bit noisy once the mixture starts to thicken, so I like to keep the machine in a nearby room with the door closed while it churns (don't worry, my machine doesn't seem too offended and still makes great ice cream!).
No ice cream maker? No problem! The blended liquid can be poured into popsicle molds for creamy frozen popsicle treats. Simply add the blended liquid to each popsicle mold, leaving at least an inch of room at the top. Now, carefully add some cookie chunks to each, pushing them down slowly into the liquid. If needed, add a bit more liquid to completely fill each mold. Secure the tops and freeze until solid. Run the popsicles under hot water to loosen them from the molds.
Nutrition Information
(click to expand)
Want to torture a person? Give them an ice cream cone on a hot day, and tell them they can’t eat it until you’ve snapped a good pic. bahaha.

Thank you for sharing these awesome recipes and thank you for sharing about your life. I have been worried about you since you haven’t been posting. Everyone has their own struggles, and no one is immune to lifes challenges, me included. I want to thank you for being real and know that the community you have created in your blog loves you and wants the best for you! Cheers to good food and enjoying life! I can’t wait until your next cookbook is published. I’m looking forward to buying it in fall of 2020 :)
Thank you, Melissa! I appreciate your support so much and also thank you for thinking of me while I was away. <3
Angela, Happy New Year to you and yours. I just got back to your site after a hiatus and I see that you haven’t posted for a while. No pressure, but just want to know if you are ok. I sure hope so! Thanks for your great recipes!
Hi Angela, I just wanted to echo Kathy’s comment. I’ve been away from the site for a while (but have both dog-eared cookbooks at home) and was surprised that it had been several months since you last posted. Your tone — funny and smart — has always struck a chord with me, and I hope you’re just sooooo busy with the cookbook that you haven’t had time for the blog? Please know you have an enormous following, and I think many of us think of you as a mentor and friend even if we’ve never exchanged so much as a hello. Hope you’re well. Please let us know even if you’re not — you are genuinely missed. Warmest…
So glad you are doing better, and thrilled to learn of your upcoming cookbook! If you need any more last minute help with testing I would love to help out – I have tested for six other vegan cookbooks including Robin Robertson and Richa Hingle, and would love to add your book to that list! This ice cream goes on my must-make list ?
I’m so glad to hear you’re excited for it…we sure are!! And thanks for your offer to help with testing too. I will definitely keep you in mind if we need more help! We have been so blessed with enthusiastic testers over the years! Thanks :)
Thanks so much for sharing this, Angela. Your honesty and vulnerability on your blog are really inspiring to me, like it sounds like another blogger was for you. Thanks for passing this openness and compassion forward – I know it’s not easy! My family and friends are consistently wowed by your recipes, and it’s obvious there is a kind and thoughtful person behind them. :)
Aww I appreciate that, Kate! Thanks so much for your kind words :) :)
Sorry to hear things have been tough lately but I am glad you were able to find the support you needed. Thank you for talking so openly about your mental health. As someone who suffers from anxiety, I often feel isolated so when people I admire share their story it reminds me that I am not alone. I love your blog and both your cookbooks I am THRILLED to hear you will be releasing a 3rd cookbook. Let the countdown to Fall 2020 begin! You truly are an inspiration. Thanks for inspiring me.
Thank you Erin…I agree, it really does make such a difference to hear from others who struggle with the same things. It’s so easy to feel isolated in it. I wish you all the best with making progress with your anxiety! Thanks so much for your support and excitement for my next book too!
Hi Angela,
Another cookbook is FANTASTIC news for my family. Seriously, after cooking almost exclusively from your two cookbooks for my family for about a year, my husband and I have started experimenting with other vegan cookbooks. Some are great, some not-so-great, but none of them are as good as your recipes.
I’ve struggled with depression and it runs in my family, so I am very familiar with how it saps your will and motivation. Congratulations to you for being on the other side. It’s amazing when you’re out to realize how bad it was, isn’t it? When I’m in it, I get so mad at myself for not being able to just pull out of it. Then, when it’s over, I realize that you really just can’t pull yourself out. It’s hard to know what will get you out, but you got through! (I will say that I have three teenagers and nothing challenged my mental health like babies and toddlers. Those days are special, but h-a-r-d.)
Keep on keepin’ on!
Wow, thank you for all the cookbook praise! I’m truly flattered Christine :)
I can relate a lot about what you wrote about depression. I found the guilt very hard too (from not getting back to people and getting behind with obligations). Thank you for sharing! I wish you many sunny days ahead :)
Angela!! Like I’ve commented before, it’s your raw honestly combined with killer recipes that make this my #1 favourite healthy food blog of all time :) so proud of you for sharing your story, and can’t wait to pre order cookbook #3. Happy Canada day!
Aww thank you Amanda! That’s so great to hear. Happy Canada Day to you too!!
Thank you for your bravery and candor Angela. So happy to hear you are feeling better and almost done another cookbook. Wow! I had never struggled with my mental health before this winter and it does help to hear from others working through and overcoming the same challenges. Big hugs!
Sorry to hear you struggled this winter Cassie…I agree it helps so much to know that you aren’t alone. Thanks for your excitement about my next book too :)
Dear Angela,
I’m a newcomer in the world of being obsessed with cookbooks and your recipes were special ones that brought me joy & serenity and lit up my heart as I too, was struggling through some depressed moments over the past year. Now I’m feeling stronger and more at ease, and continue to cook with your books. Can’t wait to see the third one <3 and sending lots of blessings your way. You deserve the best and the most beautiful and peaceful life, and I hope everyday brings magic into your heart, your family and your kitchen, just like how you brought magic into our lives.
<3 :)
Your have such a beautiful heart, thank you so much Rui! I’m so happy to hear that you’re in a better place these days and so touched that my recipes brought you some joy!
I’m so happy that you are taking good care of your health, Ange, and that you’re on the upswing. I’ve missed you. Re. your new impending collection of recipes , I think you are on the right track to focus on savory-ish meals – I’m always looking for new, easy and most of all practical lunches and dinner inspirations. Best to you and the family.
I’m so happy you are excited for the focus of the next’s been such a fun challenge. Thank you for your kind words of support too!!
I recently thought that I somehow deleted myself off your blog but after searching realized you just hadn’t posted in a while. You were greatly missed and appreciate your vulnerability in sharing why. I feel for you and all you went through. You have an entire community who love and support you no matter what and we are glad to see you are back inspiring us with your amazing talent :). I’m so thrilled to see that you are working on another cookbook. The other 2 are my saving grace. What I love about your recipes, that I can’t find in any other book, is that you eat “normal” (for lack of a better word) foods, and just veganize them. You don’t make a lot with ingredients that are “out there” for the average palette, if that makes sense :). For that reason, I have recommended and given your books as gifts so many times. If I had one request, it would be to ask for more sugar alternatives in your recipes. I know you don’t use white sugar which is great, but even cane sugar, I always try and sub for coconut sugar, sucanat, xylitol, stevia and recently monk fruit. Just trying to go that extra step towards more healthy, but it’s always a risk that the recipe won’t turn out as good. I love how you feed our bodies with such great nutrients, so that is only a personal request :). Thanks for all you do in providing us with the best vegan food recipes!!
Hey Cynthia, awww that breaks my heart you thought you had somehow deleted yourself from my blog post notifications! I’m truly sorry for the lack of updates. And thank you so much for sharing my book with others so much…that is really the best compliment. I share recipes that we actually make and love in our house and I have always preferred the down to earth ones (no pun intended! haha). I will absolutely keep your suggestion about sugar swaps in mind too. The next time I make this ice cream Im going to try coconut sugar and hope it works! If it does I will make a note in the recipe.
Well, dang girl, you just brought tears to my eyes (rolling down my face, actually). Don’t you know it’s hard for us to read your blog post when tears are clouding our vision? ha ha.
Even though I was there during your struggles this year, seeing it on paper so to speak, and hearing you share your story with such bare honesty and vulnerability really touched my heart. That you are willing to share yours in this way with your community shows the trust you place in them.
I am filled with joy that you are feeling so much better! And, I know that everyone will fall in love with your new cookbook (you have been on a recipe roll!!) and this ice cream recipe, which is completely irresistible!
I am honoured to be a part of it all, thank you.
Nicole, your support really means the world to me. It’s such an honour to get to work with you each day! I have no doubt that your friendship and support during this past winter really made all the difference. :) High fives for all the progress we’ve made since the start of the year….talk about on fire! lol.
Thanks Angela this looks awesome – can I make this ice cream with honey instead of cane sugar as my son is on a special diet and we can only sweeten with honey?
Hey Bev, Thank you! I’m not sure to be honest…I’m just starting out in my vegan ice cream journey so I have only been testing with cane sugar right now. I wonder if using all honey would thicken properly. The PB ice cream that inspired mine (I linked to Cookie + Kate’s version!) uses some honey, so you may want to look at that one to see how she makes hers. I’d love to hear how it goes!
I have been a vegan for a while now and your recipes are making my life easier and better! Thank you for what you do!
I’m so happy to hear that…congrats on your vegan journey!
Hi Angela, I’ve read your blog since 2009 and have both of your cookbooks perched on my kitchen counter. You’re the reason I adapted a plant based diet over 4 years ago, and you (along with Jenna @eatliverun – the OG food bloggers ;] ) are the reason I developed a healthy and happy relationship with food and nutrition. I can relate to your struggles with mental health and want you to know that you are an inspiration. You have made an impact on my life and the lives of many others because of your humble attitude, beautiful spirit, positive energy, gorgeous writing style, and, of course, your fantastic recipes. Thank you for all that you do to make this world a brighter place.
I’m feeling a little misty-eyed over here…!! Thank you Allie. That is so fun that you’ve been following so long…we’re going to need a 20 year reunion in 8-9 more years, lol. I can’t thank you enough for your support! I’m so happy to have been a part of your plant-based diet journey too. :) hugs!
You are so brave to put yourself out there, and I’m so happy to hear that you are doing better. As someone who is an extremely private person, even with my friends and family, I know how difficult it is to share exactly what’s going on in your head, but it takes incredible strength to do so, and I’m proud and grateful you shared it with us. You and your blog are such a huge inspiration to me. Not only are your recipes downright heaven (I can’t tell you how many of them are on constant rotation in my meal prepping!), but you, the person behind the blog, is so warm and welcoming I always enjoy reading this blog and your thoughts.
As for the recipe, GIRL this is everything I want in a dessert. I’m a dyed in the (vegan) wool peanut butter addict, and wow I cannot WAIT to try this!
And I can’t wait for the new cookbook! What lucky testers you must have! ;)
I’m so touched by your comment…thank you Anna! Your love really shines through the screen and I’m so grateful to have you here. I can relate to how hard it is to share too. I like to think of my vulnerability online and offline as a work in progress…some days/weeks/months are easier than others.
I recently reintroduced peanut butter (after having to eliminate many foods as part of allergy testing) and I have to tell you, I was (am) the happiest person in the world that it was reintroduced without issue. Now I just have to remember that I don’t need to eat PB with every meal right now…lol!! It’s honestly a top 5 food for me which made this ice cream an instant winner. ;)
You are a GEM. That is all.
Hi Angela! Welcome back! Thank you for your honesty and amazing recipes. I’ve followed you a long time and our kiddos are around the same age (Sep’14) and (July ‘16). My story is very similar to some of the personal challenges you’ve shared lately. The more moms I talk to the more common it is, very interesting ! I too am now on the on the other side of deep depression I believe it started in my first pregnancy and with back to back pregnancies, not enough self care and being in “survival” mode I lost myself. I’ve spent a fair amount of time living with the guilt of “what did I do wrong “ “how did this happen to me” I still don’t have the answers but every day I experience a bit more healing. Would love to hear anything that has helped you and how you are healing while still being “on”. Cheers to making it to the other side. Congrats on your new book ! Much much love to you:)
What I remind myself of and often share with others is that each time we are open/vulnerable with the hard parts of our lives, we give permission to another person to not hide or feel ashamed but to speak up about their story and find support. So thank you for doing that. The positive ripple effect of each person, particularly those with the platform like you have, has no end. I have suffered greatly from intense anxiety. It’s been a long time since then but I can recall it in an instant because it was so overwhelming. I have empathy for everyone who struggles. I’m so glad to hear that you’ve come through the worst of it, sought help and support and feel free to share. Best wishes to you!
Sending so much love your way, Angela. Can’t wait for the new book. <3
Thank you being vulnerable and sharing. I can relate on the feelings of depression and guilt on feeling behind on things. I’ve been following you since 2012 and just wanted to let u know that even though you haven’t shared much this year, you’ve made such an impact in my life throughout the years that whenever you post again, I just pick up with the next recipe :) Ill always follow your recipes regardless of how much content you put out – I imagine others are thinking the same thing! Youre just so talented and detail-orientated with your recipes! I hope that brings comfort to you when you have to shift priorities away from creating! Thank you for sharing and I look forward to the 3rd cookbook- congratulations!!