Good afternoon beautiful readers!
I hope you are enjoying your day, hopefully with minimal stress, and maximum happiness!
Only 15 days until Christmas!!!! OMG!! Which means only 11 days until I get to visit my family in the great Canadian West! :D Who hoo!

Is it any wonder why I love going there to visit so much??? I miss my family!!
Just a quick word about my vacation out West- while it is only a short time away (5 days)- I will be posting MANY exciting things with my mom and sister.
We already have a Blog Tutorial day planned:
- My sister wants to start a blog about how a busy mom with 3 jobs and 2 young boys stays fit and healthy
- My mom is interested in blogging about a healthy lifestyle as women transition through mid-life.
How exciting! Now I just have to convince my other sisters to do one! :D
We also have some fun baking days planned, such as my famous Pumpkin Pie, among other things! A fun trip to the Mountains, a night on the town (yes, mom we volunteered you to babysit the boys!), and much much more!
I will also be featuring my mom’s baking in a future post!
Stay tuned for a huge serving of Christmas excitement! hehehe. :D
Want a peek inside my cookbook collection? (Click to make the images them larger)
I have received all but one of these books as gifts in the past year!
The sad thing is- since this year has been such a whirlwind (See: Finishing Master’s degree/thesis, starting a new career, wedding/honeymoon, moving, etc!!), I haven’t had the time to pursue many recipes in these books yet!
It is definitely on my to-do list!
The one book I did buy myself is the ‘How To Be A Domestic Goddess’Book by Nigella Lawson. I love, love, love this book!
My kind of book!
It is complete and utter elegance from the cover, to the photos, to the design, to the recipes. You can purchase this book in my Amazon Store under the ‘Shop’ page. It comes highly recommended by many reviews. There is a whole Christmas section that I am just itching to get my hands on!
I still am missing a few more cookbooks that I suspect aren’t unpacked yet!
What are your favourite cookbooks?
And now for an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G contest giveaway I heard about on Eating Bender’s website!
Ever wanted a Vita-Mix Super 5200?
I sure have.
For those of you who don’t know, Vita-Mixes are basically the Lamborghini of all mixers. They are top of the line and VERY expensive (which is why it has only been a dream in my mind!).
Jenn at Eating Bender is having a super fun contest to give away one of these sweet machines! Go to her website now and read all about the contest details! (Just don’t forget to come back!)
Bonus points if you leave a comment and mention that referred you there! :D
See you tonight for a fun-filled baking post as well as the ‘big race’ I registered for!
I am baking a dessert for the work potlunch tomorrow….!
We are like tea bags – we don’t know our own strength until we’re in hot water.
– Sister Busche
Thanks for the tag back! Awesome blog! I am going to have to read through some of your past posts right now :)
My absolutely favorite cookbook of all time is “How to Cook Everything” by Mark Bittman. It really teaches us how to cook EVERYTHING!!!
How many sisters do you have?! :-P
I love the Podlesksi sisters….Looneyspoons, Crazy Plates and Eat, Shrink, Be Merry. They’re so jam packed with great tidbits, advice and fun….and great recipes to boot!
I second Mara’s response… my two fav cookbooks are Mark Bittman’s “How to Cook Everything” and “How to Cook Everything Vegetarian”… ok, and the “King Arthur Flour’s Cookie Book”. Seriously the most amazing abundance of yummy cookie recipes ever. It’s my Christmas go-to book. (Surprisingly I don’t have a sweet tooth though).
Hooray for Christmas coming up, amazing photos, lots of cookbooks… SO MUCH GREAT STUFF!!
I have sooooo many favorite cookbooks; but to name a few, I really like Veganomicon, My Sweet Vegan, Eat Drink & Be Vegan, Raw Food Real World, and the The Eat-Clean Diet cookbook.
ellie krieger’s cookbook, but i just got bittman’s how to cook everything vegetarian, nad i’ve barely gotten to delve into that one!!