Last night we kicked off the May ‘two four’ long weekend with some good friends and good beer.

My current favourite beer is Mill Street Organic. It is made locally in the distillery district!

My brother-in-law Steve introduced me to it last year by saying that he never gets hangovers when he drinks this beer. I haven’t had one to date after drinking it myself (but I’m sure I could!), but I just really love the taste of it. It is so smooooooth.
To balance out the brews last night, I woke up and had an energizing juice composed of grapefruit, carrots, and lime. I was much too heavy on the lime and it tasted pretty tart. In my defense I was trying to use the limes up because I bought them discount and they were on their last legs! :biggrin:
Then I had a Banana Soft Serve vegan Overnight Oats parfait! Mmmmmmm. I recently shot a video of how to make the VOO parfait so I hope to post it soon!

Now for some awesome health links hand-picked by yours truly.
Health News Round Up:
- Should health care workers have a healthy BMI? – Daily Spark
- 10 ways to increase your happiness right now – Oprah
- How to deal with unwanted body commentary – Choosing Raw
- How world class performers unplug – Huffington Post
- Can we learn to appreciate photos (and ourselves) as we are right NOW? – Runner’s World
- 4 yoga poses to beat PMS –
- How to build a natural foods pantry – 101 Cookbooks
- Can chocolate prevent or fight wrinkles? – National Post
- 5 ways to annoy your personal trainer – Globe and Mail
- Why short-term stress may be a good thing –
- 24 Recipes using fresh spring produce – Fitness
- Why mineral powder make-up may be harming your health – Dr. Oz
- Abbi Libers tests out 7 summer beauty tricks – Self
- Give kids more veggies and they will eat more. Is it that easy? – Daily Spark
Have you guys seen this movie preview yet???
What do you think of the preview? Would you go see the movie?
Have a great day!
Wow, that looks interesting. I haven’t heard anything about that movie yet but I think it might be one I’d like to see. It sort of sounds a little black and white, and I’m know the issue probably isn’t as clear cut as the trailer makes it out to be, but I think it’s definitely worth watching. Great post!
That beer sounds DELICIOUS!
I’ve actually not heard of this movie before. I agree that it makes it seem a little too black and white, but I think the attention its getting is good!
Thanks for the shoutout, hun ;)
I didn’t know about that movie!! Thank you for the trailer! Looks like one of those that I just want to stand on the street corner handing out.
I hadn’t heard of that movie, but it looks like something I would definitely enjoy.
I thought the trailer was a little, um… intense? Haha, I’d probably watch it on Netflix if I happen to run across it.
I will definitely watch this movie. I hadnt heard of it until now, but it looks really interesting.
Forks Over Knives is one of the best documentaries on health I’ve ever seen – if not the best. It comes out later this year and everyone should put it on their must-see list!
If it’s going to be shown here in the philippines then I’m definitely gonna watch this=)
I cannot wait to see this movie!!! it appeals to me both as a vegan, and a health care professional!
How neat you posted about seeing Conan. We just went to see Conan in Chicago last Wednesday! I agree – it was beyond funny :)
Yaay Coco!!!!
I would like to see this movie for the simple fact that I am interested in it. It took me seeing what my family history dictated for me to decide it was time to change that lifestyle 10 years ago and I think people should do the same.
As for organic beers, I’d like to look into that beer here in the states, but don’t know if it’d come this far south to Texas. It seems like a lighter organic beer than the one I like which is a hefeweisen organic called Pinkus.
I cannot wait to see that movie!!! Thanks for posting the trailer!!!!
I would most definitely go see this movie! I’m excited just thinking about it! From just watching the trailer, I feel it could be a lot like Food, Inc., another great, informative movie! I only wish more movies, books, articles, websites, etc. could be more readily available to the public to teach this great way of living and that others would realize the old days of eating meat and dairy should be long gone!